
Articles, Chapters, Review Essays, and Notes


  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference. Amsterdam, June 2007.
  • "" (with Robert Hariman), Etudes Internationales 35, 4 (December, 2004) (special issue on "La théorie internationale face au 11 septembre et ses conséquences. Perspectives libérales et critiques,"edited by Dario Battistella): 689-719.
  • *Ìý"Dynamic Decisions: Experimental Reactions to War, Peace, and Terrorism" (with Alice F. Healy, and Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.) in Margaret G. Hermann, Ed.,  (Oxford UK: Elsevier, 2004): 139-167.
  • *Ìý"" (with G. R. Boynton), The American Communication Journal 7 (2004).
  • "Terrorist Rhetorics, Rhetorics of Democracy, and Worlds of Meaning" in Gerard Hauser and Amy Grim, Eds. . Lawrence Erlbaum (Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003): 73-74.
  • "" with Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. and Alice F. Healy. Review of General Psychology 7, 2 (June 2003): 189-202.
  • *Ìý"" (with G. R. Boynton) POROI Journal 2, 1 (2003). Reprinted in "Globalizing Terror," (with G. R. Boynton) in Rolf Norgaard, ed., Composing Knowledge: Readings for College Writers (Boston MA: Bedford/St. Martin's: 2007): 774-782.
  • *Ìý"" (with Alice F. Healy, Joshua M. Hoffman, and Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.). Political Psychology 23, 3 (September 2002): 439-467.

Public Media

  • "Meanings of 9/11", Shared Governance: Pleas and Provocations 6 (October, 2002). 
  • "Toward the Terrorist Anti-World,"  (October 30, 2001) and  (November, 2001).

Book Reviews

  • Glass, James M., "," American Political Science Review (September, 1990).
  • Alexander, Yonah, and Seymour Maxwell Finger, eds., "," The Western Political Quarterly, 33, 1 (March) 1980: 121-122.
  • Bell, J. Bowyer, "," The Western Political Quarterly, 33, 1 (March) 1980: 121-122.
  • Burton, Anthony, ""," Western Political Quarterly, 33, 1 (March) 1980: 121-122.
  • Carlton, David, and Carlo Schaerf, eds., "," Western Political Quarterly, 33, 1 (March) 1980: 121-122.

Conference Papers

  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), International Society for Political Psychology, Lund, Sweden, July 15-18, 2004.
  • ""
    [Version 1] (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, 2003.
  • ""
    [Version 2] (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, 2003.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association. Boston MA, 2002.