International Political Communication

Current Research

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Articles, Chapters, Review Essays, and Notes



  • "Globalizing North-South: Multiple News Media in the Emerging Global Communication Space," (with G. R. Boynton) in Rafael Reuveny and William R. Thompson, North and South in the World Political Economy (London UK: Blackwell, est. 2007).


  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference. Amsterdam, June 2007.
  • *Ìý"Globalizing Sympathy" (with G. R. Boynton), in Charles Arthur Willard, ed., Critical Problems in Argumentation: Selected Papers from the 13th Biennial Conference on Argumentation Sponsored by the American Forensic Association and National Communication Association, August 2003 (Washington DC: National Communication Association, 2005).
  • "Paths through the Minefields of Foreign Policy Space: Practical Reasoning in U.S. Senate Discourse about Cambodia," (with G. Robert Boynton) in (Francis A. Beer and Christ'l de Landtsheer, Eds.) (East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press, 2004).
  • *Ìý"" (with G. R. Boynton), The American Communication Journal 7 (2004).
  • "Terrorist Rhetorics, Rhetorics of Democracy, and Worlds of Meaning" in Gerard Hauser and Amy Grim, Eds. . Lawrence Erlbaum (Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003): 73-74.
  • *Ìý"" (with G. R. Boynton) POROI Journal 2, 1 (2003). Reprinted in "Globalizing Terror," (with G. R. Boynton) in Rolf Norgaard, ed., Composing Knowledge: Readings for College Writers (Boston MA: Bedford/St. Martin's: 2007): 774-782.
  • "The World View of WorldView" (with G. R. Boynton) in Proceedings of the Speech Communication Association/American Forensic Association, Alta, Utah (1999).
  • *Ìý"," (with G. R. Boynton) in G. R Boynton and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Eds. MultiMedia Politics, Electronic Issue of Political Communication, 1998.
  • "Realistic Rhetoric but not Realism: A Senatorial Conversation on Cambodia" (with G. R. Boynton) in , Francis A. Beer and Robert Hariman, Eds. (East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press: 1996): 369-383.
  • "Speaking about Dying," (with G. R. Boynton) in Sally Jackson, ed., (Annandale VA, Speech Communication Association, 1995: 493-497): 550-556.

Teaching Materials

  • Politics and the Language of International Development (Video) (Boulder CO: University of Colorado).

Book Reviews

  • Siobhan McEvoy-Levy, "," American Political Science Review 96, 3 (September, 2002): 693-694.

Conference Papers

  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). International Studies Association, Chicago, March, 2007.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). International Society for Political Psychology, Barcelona, Spain, July 12-18, 2006.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). International Society for Political Psychology, Barcelona, Spain, July 12-18, 2006.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, San Diego, March, 2006.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), Peace Science Society (International), Iowa City IA October, 2005.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), APSA Political Communication Pre-Conference, August, 2005.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2005.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2005.
  • "Leading with Blood in the Streets: Global Broadcasters, Protesters, and Democratic Leaders" (with G. R. Boynton), October, 2004
  • "Global Communication, Democracy, and the Language of Protest," (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, September, 2004.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), International Society for Political Psychology, Lund, Sweden, July 15-18, 2004.
  • "" [Version 1] (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, April, 2004.
  • "" [Version 2] (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, April, 2004.
  • "Globalizing Leadership" (with G. R. Boynton), Rhetoric Society of America, Austin TX, May, 2004.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton)
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton),
  • "The Globalization of Sympathy and Action" (with G. R. Boynton), American Forensic Association/National Communication Association, Summer Conference on Argumentation, Alta UT, 2003.
  • ""
    [Version 1] (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, 2003.
  • ""
    [Version 2] (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, 2003.
  • "Globalizing Geography" (with G. R. Boynton), Western Political Science Association, Denver CO, 2003.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton).
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Portland OR, 2003.
  • "From Behind the Lines" (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, Boston MA, 2002.
  • "Globalizing Terror" (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association. Boston MA, 2002.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), Rhetoric Society of America, Las Vegas NV, 2002.
  • "Visual Communication of War and Peace" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, New Orleans LA, 2002.
  • "Learning War," (with G. R. Boynton), International Society of Political Psychology, Cuernevaca, Mexico, 2001.
  • "Thinking and Talking about Dying" (with G. R. Boynton), International Society of Political Psychology, Cuernevaca, Mexico, 2001.
  • "History Becomes US" (with G.R. Boynton)
  • "Dictators and the International Free Press" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Los Angeles CA, 2000.
  • "" (G. R. Boynton).
  • "In Search of Excitement" (with G. R. Boynton), Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago IL, 1999; Washington DC, 1999.
  • "Paths through a Conversation," (with G. R. Boynton), International Society of Political Psychology, Amsterdam, 1999.
  • "International Communication and Global Community: the World View of CNN WorldView" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Minneapolis, 1998; American Political Science Association, Boston MA, 1998.
  • "Traveling Together Down the Information Superhighway: Conversations about Politics, Language, and Distance Learning" (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, Washington DC, 1997.
  • "Speaking about Dying" (with G.R. Boynton), Speech Communication Association/American Forensic Association, Alta, Utah 1995; American Political Science Association, 1994.
  • "Realistic Foreign Policy Communication: A U.S. Senatorial Conversation on Cambodia" (with G. R. Boynton), International Peace Research Association, Kyoto, Japan, 1992.
  • "Realistic Rhetoric but not Realism: A Senatorial Conversation on Cambodia" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Atlanta, 1992; International Society of Political Psychology, Cambridge MA, July 1993.
  • "What Would Happen If...? Exploring the Minefields of U. S. Cambodian Policy" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Vancouver B.C., 1991.