International Political Psychology

Articles, Chapters, Review Essays, and Notes


  • *Ìý"Dynamic Decisions: Experimental Reactions to War, Peace, and Terrorism" (with Alice F. Healy, and Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.) in Margaret G. Hermann, Ed.,  (Oxford UK: Elsevier, 2004): 139-167.
  • "" with Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. and Alice F. Healy. Review of General Psychology 7, 2 (June 2003): 189-202.
  • *Ìý"" (with Alice F. Healy, Joshua M. Hoffman, and Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.). Political Psychology 23, 3 (September 2002): 439-467.
  • *Ìý"" (with L. Bourne, G. P. Sinclair, A. F. Healy) Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 2 (2) (1996): 143-149.
  • *Ìý"" (with A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, L. E. Bourne, Jr.) International Studies Quarterly 39 (1995): 297-312.
  • *Ìý"" (with Barry J. Balleck) Peace Psychology Review 1, 1 (Spring, 1994) 38-44.
  • *Ìý"," (with J. F. Ringer, A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, L. E. Bourne, Jr.) International Interactions 17, 4 (1992): 321-348.
  • *Ìý"" (with A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, and L. E. Bourne, Jr.), American Political Science Review, 81, 3 (September, 1987): pp. 701-716.
  • *Ìý"Global Evolution and Bonding," Politics and the Life Sciences 4,2 (February) 1986: 141-142.
  • "Multiple Loyalties and Alienation," in M. D. Ward, ed.,  (Boulder: Westview Press, 1985): 345-368.
  • "The Structure of World Consciousness," in L. Beres and H. Targ, eds.,  (New York: Praeger, 1975): 276-291.

Teaching Materials

  • "International Violence and Political Psychology," Foreign Policy Analysis Notes 17, 1&2 (Spring & Summer 1991): 15-18.

Book Reviews

  • Keith J. Holyoak and Paul Thagard, "," American Political Science Review 89, 3 (September, 1995): 745-746.
  • William P. Kreml, "Psychology, Relativism, and Politics," Political Psychology 16, 3 (September, 1995): 635-637.
  • Glass, James M., "," American Political Science Review (September, 1990).
  • Kull, Steven, "," American Political Science Review (December) 1989.

Conference Papers

  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). International Society for Political Psychology, Barcelona, Spain, July 12-18, 2006.