Peace and War

Books and Monographs

  • . (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001).
  • . (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1981), 450 pp.
  • . (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1975), 40 pp.
  • , edited. (New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1970), 384 pp.

Articles, Chapters, Review Essays, and Notes


  • *Ìý"Dynamic Decisions: Experimental Reactions to War, Peace, and Terrorism" (with Alice F. Healy, and Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.) in Margaret G. Hermann, Ed.,  (Oxford UK: Elsevier, 2004): 139-167.
  • "The Reduction of War and the Creation of Peace" in Nicholas N. Kittrie, H. E. Rodrigo Carazo, and James R. Mancham, Eds.,  (Durham NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2003): 73-77.
  • "Realistic Rhetoric but not Realism: A Senatorial Conversation on Cambodia" (with G. R. Boynton) in , Francis A. Beer and Robert Hariman, Eds. (East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press: 1996): 369-383.
  • *Ìý"" (with L. Bourne, G. P. Sinclair, A. F. Healy) Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 2 (2) (1996): 143-149.
  • "Body, Mind, and Soul in the Gulf War Debate," (with Barry J. Balleck) in Mary Stuckey, ed.,  (SUNY Press, 1996): 159-176. Reprinted in Meanings of War and Peace. (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001), pp. 93-105.
  • "" (with Robert Hariman) in Sally Jackson, ed., Argumentation and Values: Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (Annandale VA, Speech Communication Association, 1995): 493-497. Reprinted in Ofer Feldman and Christ'l de Landtsheer, Eds., Politically Speaking: A Worldwide Examination of Language Use in the Public Sphere (Westport CT, Praeger, 1998), pp. 184-193; Meanings of War and Peace. (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001), pp. 83-92.
  • "Speaking about Dying," (with G. R. Boynton) in Sally Jackson, ed., (Annandale VA, Speech Communication Association, 1995: 493-497): 550-556.
  • *Ìý"" (with A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, L. E. Bourne, Jr.) International Studies Quarterly 39 (1995): 297-312.
  • *Ìý"," (with J. F. Ringer, A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, L. E. Bourne, Jr.) International Interactions 17, 4 (1992): 321-348.
  • *Ìý"Reflections on Collective Consciousness: The Persian Gulf Debate," Normal Science and Vedic Science 5, 2 (1992): 7-13.
  • "Peace, Violence, and Ideology," in Manuel J. Pelaez, ed. . (Malaga, Spain: Universidad de Malaga, 1990) pp. 4613-4625.
  • "Theories of Peace," in Paul Smoker, Ruth Davies, and Barbara Munske, Eds.  (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990) pp. 15-20.
  • "International Security and Insecurity: Beyond Deterrence and Arms Control," in Edward A. Kolodziej and Patrick M. Morgan, eds., National Security and Arms Control: A Reference Guide to Theory and Practice (Westport Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1989): pp. 279-295.
  • *Ìý"" (with A. F. Healy, G. P. Sinclair, and L. E. Bourne, Jr.), American Political Science Review, 81, 3 (September, 1987): pp. 701-716.
  • "Just War," in L. Pauling, E. Lasso, J. Y. Yaw,  (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1987): I, 508-511.
  • "Peace Against War," pp. 302-311 in L. P. Broomfield, ed.,  (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987).
  • *Ìý"Why Wars End: Some Hypotheses," (with Thomas F. Mayer), Review of International Studies (England) 12, 1986: 95-106.
  • *Ìý"Controlling Nuclear Weapons: The Evolution of Science, Morality, and Politics" Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 20, 4, 1984: 323-342.
  • "Nuclear Weapons and the Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement," in W. Feld, ed.,  (Boulder: Westview Press, 1984): 47-68.
  • *Ìý"The Peace Movement and Atlantic Leadership," Atlantic Quarterly (London), 1, 4 (Winter) 1984: 255-264.
  • *Ìý"American Major Peace, War, and Presidential Elections," Peace and Change, 10, 1 1984: 23-40.
  • *Ìý"Peace, War, and American Presidents," Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 11, 1 (Spring) 1983: 1-10.
  • *Ìý"," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 27, 4 (December) 1983: 661-686.
  • "Research as Action," Peace News 7 (January) 1983: 15-16. Reprinted in Fourth World News, 1 (March) 1983: 6.
  • *Ìý"War and Disease," Notes, Center for Biopolitical Research, Northern Illinois University, April/July, 1981.
  • *Ìý"," International Studies Quarterly, 23, 1 (March) 1979: 45-86.

Teaching Materials

  • "Conflict and Peace Studies as a Field," Peace and World Security Studies: A Curriculum Guide (Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner).
  • "International Violence and Political Psychology," Foreign Policy Analysis Notes 17, 1&2 (Spring & Summer 1991): 15-18.
  • "International Violence and Political Choice," in B. Weston et. al., eds., Peace and World Order Studies (New York: Institute of World Order, 1978): 134-137.

Book Reviews

  • Siobhan McEvoy-Levy, "," American Political Science Review 96, 3 (September, 2002): 693-694.
  • Charles Hables Gray, "," American Political Science Review 91, 4 (December, 1997): 1005-1006.
  • Rapoport, Anatol, "," American Political Science Review 87, 2 (June, 1993): 540.
  • MacKenzie, Donald, "," American Political Science Review (March, 1992).
  • Kull, Steven, "," American Political Science Review (December) 1989.
  • Young, Nigel, "," Journal of Politics, 41, 1979: 273-274.
  • Beaumont, R.A. and M. Edwards, eds., "," American Political Science Review, 72, 1977: 780.

Conference Papers

  • "" (with G. R. Boynton). International Studies Association, Chicago, March, 2007.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), Peace Science Society (International), Iowa City IA October, 2005.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), APSA Political Communication Pre-Conference, August, 2005.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2005.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton)
  • "From Behind the Lines" (with G. R. Boynton), American Political Science Association, Boston MA, 2002.
  • "" (with G. R. Boynton), Rhetoric Society of America, Las Vegas NV, 2002.
  • "Visual Communication of War and Peace" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, New Orleans LA, 2002.
  • "Learning War," (with G. R. Boynton), International Society of Political Psychology, Cuernevaca, Mexico, 2001.
  • "Thinking and Talking about Dying" (with G. R. Boynton), International Society of Political Psychology, Cuernevaca, Mexico, 2001.
  • "Speaking about Dying" (with G.R. Boynton), Speech Communication Association/American Forensic Association, Alta, Utah 1995; American Political Science Association, 1994.
  • "Realistic Foreign Policy Communication: A U.S. Senatorial Conversation on Cambodia" (with G. R. Boynton), International Peace Research Association, Kyoto, Japan, 1992.
  • "Realistic Rhetoric but not Realism: A Senatorial Conversation on Cambodia" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Atlanta, 1992; International Society of Political Psychology, Cambridge MA, July 1993.
  • "What Would Happen If...? Exploring the Minefields of U. S. Cambodian Policy" (with G. R. Boynton), International Studies Association, Vancouver B.C., 1991.