CU-Boulder To Host Digital Art Exhibition By Mexican Artist Beginning April 11

March 30, 2003

Luz del Carmen Vilchis Esquivel, one of the few artists who specialize in creating digital art in Mexico, will display her work at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries starting on Friday, April 11, and continuing through June. An artist's talk and reception will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the fifth floor British Studies Room of Norlin Library on April 11. The event is free and open to the public. The exhibition, titled "Destinies: A Portfolio of Digital Art Pieces," will be on display in the Norlin Library third floor northwest gallery.

CU-Boulder Teaching Assistant Wins National Research Award

March 30, 2003

Robert L. Hernandez III, a 2002 graduate and visiting teaching assistant in the ethnic studies program at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has been named recipient of the Frederick A. Cervantes National Premio.

Africa In The Rockies Conference To Be Held At CU-Boulder April 5-6

March 26, 2003

"Africa in the Rockies," a conference for K-12 teachers aimed at enhancing their teaching of Africa, will be held at the University of Colorado at Boulder April 5-6. The conference will include workshops on Saturday and a celebration on Sunday. All events are free and open to the public. The conference workshops will be held in rooms 245 and 247 of the University Memorial Center from noon to 5 p.m. and advance registration is encouraged. No registration is required on Sunday.

Supernovae And Their History Is Topic Of Fiske Planetarium Show

March 25, 2003

Supernovae, one of the most violent phenomena in astronomy, will be explored at CU-Boulder's Fiske Planetarium on Friday, April 4, and Tuesday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m. University of Colorado at Boulder astronomy Professor Richard McCray will delve into the subject of supernovae, looking at everything from ancient Chinese inscriptions to current observations of these rare stars and how these observations are used to measure the expansion of the universe.

Premature Democracy In Iraq Could Lead To Trouble, Says CU-Boulder Expert

March 25, 2003

Attempting to install democracy too quickly in post-war Iraq could result in disaster, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder expert on nation-building in war-torn states. Roland Paris, CU-Boulder assistant professor of political science and international affairs, has written and researched extensively on the political aftermath of war.

Richard Wobbekind Wins Boulder Chamber Of Commerce Award

March 24, 2003

Richard Wobbekind, associate dean of external relations at the CU-Boulder Leeds School of Business, has won the Boulder Chamber of Commerce "Member of Distinction" award for his numerous contributions to the organization. Wobbekind is an economics professor and director of the Business Research Division. He was recognized for his contributions to the chamber and the Boulder Economic Council.

High School Juniors Invited To Apply To CU-Boulder Business Leadership Program

March 24, 2003

The University of Colorado at Boulder is accepting applications from qualifying high school juniors throughout Colorado to participate in a free business leadership program from June 15 to June 21. Sponsored by the Leeds School of Business, the program offers 30 outstanding students an opportunity to get a head start on their college careers.

Global Positioning Systems Topic Of CU-Boulder Lecture

March 24, 2003

The University of Colorado at Boulder physics department will complete its new monthly Saturday Physics Series with a presentation on "Global Positioning Systems" on Saturday, April 12. Physics Professor Neil Ashby will explain the physics behind GPS technology and some of its extraordinary uses during his talk at 2 p.m. in Duane Physics room G1B20.

CU Nobel Laureate Thomas Cech To Give Gamow Lecture April 2

March 24, 2003

Nobel laureate Thomas Cech, president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or HHMI, and a University of Colorado distinguished professor, will give the 2003 Gamow Memorial Lecture on campus on April 2.

Colorado Court Of Appeals Hearing At CU-Boulder Rescheduled On April 3

March 23, 2003

The Colorado Court of Appeals hearing originally slated for March 18 on the CU-Boulder campus has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 3, due to the March 18 snowstorm. Lawyers will present their arguments in the Lindsley Memorial Courtroom at the University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law from 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Lawyers and students are encouraged to attend the event because the presiding judges will take questions from the audience after oral arguments.
