
December 2023 Star Award: Claudia Acosta – nominated by Lupe Castaneda

Claudia is a valuable team member who is always ready to lend a helping hand when assistance is needed, particularly with answering my questions. She provides support with tasks like timecards, AIM-related inquiries, and guides me toward other resources, especially when my supervisor is unavailable and I need help. So,...

annual award

November 2023 Star Award: Patrick Giblin – nominated by Julie Kraft

Patrick Giblin went above and beyond his duties after the CU vs. Arizona football game on 11/11/2023. We at the Office of the Chancellor host VIPs to a pregame reception then transfer them to Folsom Field via golf cart. One of our rental golf carts broke down and had to...

annual award

November 2023 Star Award: Steve Burke – nominated by Josh Morse

Steve is a team player. Every day he goes above and beyond to set his team up for success. Steve steps up without fail, and is consistently one of the hardest working people on the team. He has also done an amazing job stepping up and taking over the cooling...


October 2023 Star Award: John Kline (Fire Systems Shop) – nominated by Noah Huber

John Kline has a full time job. He is the planner/scheduler for the Fire Systems and Conveyance shop. A colleague of ours had to be away for two weeks, but his role on campus couldn't be left unattended. John has the qualifications to perform our colleague's role, and graciously accepted...


October 2023 Star Award: Danny Gallegos (Access Services) – nominated by Tom Miller

On Monday, 10/23/2023, staffing at Access Services was shorthanded. Danny started his regular shift at 4 a.m. with his intended shift over at 2:30. In the morning, another technician called in sick, plus the student scheduled to work at the front counter became unavailable. Danny handled the Access Services office...

annual award

September 2023 Star Award: Kerry Howard (nominated by Barry Sparks)

Kerry works tirelessly behind the scenes to make CU a highly welcoming and functional space. On two occasions this month she assisted with functions far outside any normally expected job duties. She assisted eagerly and with complete professional composure. Her impromptu assistance and spontaneous inputs made the outcomes far more...

annual award

September 2023 Star Award: Jenny O'Neill (nominated by Keane Ray)

I am nominating Jenny for a Star Award from my own experience and on behalf of multiple managers in PD&C. Jenny has delivered outstanding performance over the past year. I have received numerous complements on her work from coworkers, clients and PD&C managers. Jenny has shown the ability to navigate...

annual award

September 2023 Constellation Award: Tom Calvo and Sam Parks (nominated by Barry Sparks)

Tom and Sam never hesitated to take time out of their already busy schedules to keep our two golf carts running during move-in. We had issues with depleted batteries, flat tires, a bent axle, and replacing worn-out front tires--all within a few days during the very hectic move-in. Without their...


August 2023 Constellation Award: Tomas Terrazas and Dillon Senger of the Structural Trades shops (nominated by Daren Brown)

These 2 co-workers show the epitome of inter departmental cooperation. They have showed up to emergency P1 call outs and with their in depth knowledge of the buildings on campus and the structural trades helped elevate major damage from occurring during floods and water incursion issues. This is both main...


July 2023 Constellation Award: Brian Richardson and the OCC Team (nominated by Erik Jesinski)

This team is always here with 24 hour coverage, and we may take that for granted sometimes. And with the implication of AssetWorks they haven't missed a beat.
