John Kline has a full time job. He is the planner/scheduler for the Fire Systems and Conveyance shop. A colleague of ours had to be away for two weeks, but his role on campus couldn't be left unattended. John has the qualifications to perform our colleague's role, and graciously accepted the additional work when asked if he could fill in while our teammate was away. John managed his own work and the additional workload of our colleague, and did it well — for two weeks!  

When one of the more unique tasks the role he was filling-in came up, he reached out to the Electric Shop staff for some specialized support; together they took on this more unusual testing without missing a beat. It was great to see such effortless teamwork and how much can be done by motivated and determined staff. John offered himself up to do someone else's work, without a word to seek praise or to declare any hardship. When I checked in with him on how things were going, he unwaveringly responded, "GOOD!" My thanks to John for his example of leadership and for demonstrating “cover and move” in practice when his extended team needed it.