Below, you will find a comprehensive list of courses taught by Dr. Ruben, but only a selection have a course website available and the links to those courses can be found in the menu.
University of Colorado
Mechanical Engineering
Statics (MCEN2023)
Dynamics (MCEN2043)
Component Design (MCEN3025)
Computational Methods (MCEN3030)
System Dynamics (MCEN4043)
Feedback Control (MCEN4138/MCEN5138)
Optimal Design (MCEN4125/MCEN5125)
Industrial Automation (MCEN4228/MCEN5228)
Intro to Computer Vision (MCEN4228/MCEN5228)
Senior Design Director (MCEN 4045/4085)
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Linear Systems (ECEN3300)
Control Systems Lab (ECEN4638)
Colorado School of Mines
Introduction to Feedback Control (EGGN307)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Digital Control of Physical Systems (MAE171B)
Teaching Assistant Training Seminar (MAE495)
Programming and Numerical Methods with Matlab (MAE20)