Girl looking out over mountains

Thinking of quitting? How to nix the nicotine

Choosing to quit using tobacco is beneficial to your physical and mental health. It takes time and energy, so being prepared and learning what works and what doesn’t can help ensure your success.

Man clutching stomach

Let it rip

Bloating and gas happen to everyone. Registered dietician nutritionists at Medical Services let us know why we get gassy and bloated and what we can do to minimize it.

Phone screen with instagram

How to stop the social media spiral

Social media: a great way to stay connected or a bombardment of news and information? Here are some tips for navigating social media in a healthy way.

Feet in grass

Let's talk about recovery and support

There are many reasons someone may enter recovery or identify as being in recovery. Let's dive into what recovery is and how we can be supportive of those living a life in recovery.

Person skipping while hiking

How to feel better on a budget

Have a tight budget? Taking care of yourself and feeling good shouldn’t have to cost you. Here are some ways to feel better without spending much money.

Person holding head with papers scattered around

How to move past stress

As we approach mid-semester, you may begin to feel the stresses of an increased workload and added responsibilities outside of school. Here are some tips to help you move past the stress.

Two people talking

3 healthy relationship hacks

Our lives are built around relationships: significant others, roommates, family, friends. Consider these tips for building better, healthier relationships.

Prescription drug capsules

Let's talk about Rx use: Recognizing and reversing an overdose

The misuse of and addiction to opioids is a national crisis. Knowing how to prevent and recognize an overdose, and how to respond to it, may save a life. Here's what you need to know.

person under a blanket

Should you work out when you're sick?

You just worked out all of the kinks in your workout routine and now…you’re sick. What do you do? Do you sweat through it or forsake the gym for a much-needed nap? Follow these tips.

Student jogging

5 ways to fend off the flu

Viruses like the flu can last 7 to 10 days, meaning symptoms like a stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue and a sore throat stick around, it's all about staying as healthy as possible.
