Welcome and Introductions

Beth Myers and Megan Harris were introduced as new directors, Liz Jessup and Charles Musgrave were introduced as chairs of CS and ChBE, respectively, and Bobby Braun was introduced as incoming dean.

Quiz Bowl with Rob

Penny Axelrad gave a presentation on some of the accomplishments of Rob Davis during his time as dean, including hiring 2/3rds of the current 300 faculty members, and quizzed him on identifying certain faculty members and the year each was hired.

TAM Program Update

Mark GrossÌýnoted that there are already 119 students in the new BS in TAM major, plus 125 in the minor (7 courses) and 1012 in the certificate (4 courses), and provided further updates.

Coursera and Online Education Update

Bob McLeod summarized the evolution of Coursera, and how MOOCs can be integrated into Professional Master’s Programs and can be a source of revenue as now no longer always free. He also noted that MOOCs typically include short vignettes that can be useful for other courses and for refresher education.

Professional Master’s Program Update

Keith Molenaar gave an update on our rapid growth of Professional Master’s Programs, now with about 200 students versus 100 last year. The campus is moving to all graduate programs having linear tuition (fixed amount charged per credit hour), but with choice for the appropriate rates for different programs.

Other Updates

The following attendees provided brief program updates:

  • Chris Koehler reported that a new satellite launched is planned with joint US/Norwegian sponsorship, and that the space minor now has 190 students
  • Jackie Sullivan stated that e+ now has 125 students in the major, will have its first CU Teach Engineering graduate this semester, and co-sponsored a workshop for 10 engineering colleges interested in teach engineeringÌý programs (and they agreed the e+ model is best)
  • Leland Giovanelli announced that the Herbst Program will put on a summer bridge programs for incoming international graduate students
  • James Murray said that about 500 students have applied for intra-university transfer next semester to our college from other campus programs, of which about one third are expected to be admitted – these numbers have grown due to the pre-engineering program
  • Chris Bowman reported that Materials Science and Engineering now has about 30 PhD and 10 – 12 MS students enrolled and is offering an Augmester prep course
  • Jackie Sullivan noted that ITL hosted its largest-ever design expo earlier this month, with about 700 students participating, and has also seen a huge interest in workshops

Rob’s ReflectionsÌý

Rob observed that our college has fantastic faculty and staff, who work hard and provide considerable innovation, as evidenced by four new undergraduate degrees, five new graduate degree programs, several minors and special programs, etc. During the past 14 years, undergraduate enrollments have grown 73%, graduate enrollments have grown 77%, and grants have more than doubled. At the same time, there has been strong foci on quality and diversity, including an increase in publications and awards per faculty member. He warned of a risk of burnout as staff and faculty growth lag student growth, and expressed the hope that our college would help lift the rest of campus.


The meeting was an expanded administrative council and included deans, chairs, and program directors.
