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Nick A. Stites, Director of the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program

Nick A. Stites is the Director of the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program. Nick is also an instructor in the Engineering Plus Program. His research interests include the development of novel pedagogical methods to teach core engineering courses and leveraging technology to enhance learning experiences. Nick has a PhD in engineering education, MS and BS degrees in mechanical engineering, eight years of engineering experience, and multiple years of experience as an instructor at the research-university and community-college levels. 

What has been your favorite work or personal project so far?

Nick and his family play cards in their camping trailer

My favorite professional project since returning to CU has been designing and teaching a new course on data analysis and measurement. I really enjoy the subjects of data acquisition and statistics, and getting back into the classroom last fall reminded me of how much I love teaching.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I really enjoy Broadway musicals. I saw quite a few of them when I lived in Indiana because Purdue University would bring multiple shows to campus every year. My favorite musical is Hamilton, which I got to see in Chicago.  

What is your guilty pleasure?

Jalapeño kettle chips. I have been known to purchase a large bag of them at the store and eat half of the bag before I even get home!

Who was the most famous person you met and where?

Probably Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I met him at a reception for the Monfort Lecture Series, and our picture is quite funny because I am pretty tall and Archbishop Tutu … well … is not. 

What do you most like to do to unwind?

I love spending time with my family because they help me keep my perspective. Our family likes to play games together, and the included picture shows us playing card games in our tent trailer (a camping trailer). What you can’t tell from the photo is that the trailer was parked in our driveway because we had to cancel our camping trip over spring break because of COVID-19. The pandemic cannot keep us from having fun!