M.A. in Art & Archaeology
M.A. in Classics, with Concentration in Classical Art and Archaeology
This track affords comprehensive and rigorous training in the art, architecture, and archaeology of the ancient and classical worlds. Emphasis is placed both on learning the material culture of Egypt, the Near East, Greece, and Rome, and on becoming familiar with modern historiographic, methodological, and theoretical approaches to the ancient world.
We are committed to interdisciplinary approaches and encourage work in related departments such as Art History, History, Anthropology, Museum Studies, and Comparative Literature. Courses in the ancient languages are required as a major component of working as an archaeologist in these historical eras. This track prepares students for further work in many fields, including Museum Studies and doctoral work in Classical Art & Archaeology.
Plan I
- A minimum of 30 hours of 5000-level credit or above (including thesis), to be distributed as follows:
- 6 hours of Greek and/or Latin
- 15 credit hours of ancient, classical, and/or medieval art and archaeology.
- 3-6 hours of student's choice
- 4-6 hours of thesis credit
- Thesis (to be completed during 4th semester of graduate study)
- Slide Identification Exam: A one-hour slide identification exam, which must be passed in advance of the Comprehensive Examination.
- Comprehensive Examination (upon submission of thesis): Candidates must pass written and oral examinations in the fields of Greek art and archaeology and Roman art and archaeology. The three-hour written exam will be based on candidates' course work and the reading lists. The oral exam will explore further aspects of candidates' understanding of theories, methods, and material culture, based primarily on the thesis.
Plan II
- For many students Plan II will be more in line with their educational goals. They are encouraged to discuss this option with the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies. The requirements differ from Plan I in substituting 3-6 additional hours of ancient, classical, and/or medieval art and archaeology or graduate-level language for the 4-6 thesis hours of Plan I. The Slide Identification Exam and the Comprehensive Examinations are the same as in Plan I (as above), except that the oral examination focuses on understanding of theories, methods, and material culture gained through coursework and the reading lists rather than a thesis.
The faculty strongly recommend that students planning to apply for Ph.D. programs in Classical Archaeology attain graduate-level proficiency in both Greek and Latin. Language courses may, with the approval of the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies, be substituted for other courses in fulfilling the requirements for this degree.