
an informational statement required by the IRS to assist students and the IRS in determining if the student qualifies for the American Opportunity credit, the Hope credit and the Lifetime Learning credit. CU is required to indicate whether the student was enrolled at least half time for one semester during the calendar year and whether the student was enrolled exclusively in graduate level courses.More about1098T

an entity not related to a student who pays educational expenses on behalf of a student when billed by CU. Sponsor payments are called 3rd party sponsorships, and they are subject to the same federal reporting requirements as other financial aid. Fellowships or sponsored research are notconsidered 3rd party sponsors.More about 3rd party

a tax-advantaged savings plan designed to encourage saving for future college costs. 529 plans, legally known as “qualified tuition plans,” are sponsored by states, state agencies, or educational institutions and are authorized by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. Examples are Army/Navy ROTC, U.S. Coast Guard, VA Vocations Rehabilitation, Colorado Vocational Rehab, Texas Guaranteed Tuition, etc.There are two types of 529 plans: pre-paid tuition plans and college savings plans. Colorado's state sponsored savings plan is. For more information, 529 Savings Plan.

in the Bursar's Office, this can mean either the 9-digit student identification number (student ID) or personal U.S. bank account number.

a parent or another person authorized by the student to have access toCUBill&Pay to view and pay tuition and fee bills online. 鶹Ժ can authorize up to five people total. Authorized payers can access billing information only in CUBill&Pay (no grades or schedules).Step-by-step instructions.To accessother informationonline such as the 1098T tax form, chosen health insurance option, schedule and grades,students can give othersCU Guest Access.

the amount due to the university.

a statement of how much money is owed for tuition,mandatory fees, on-campus housing, and other university-billed costs. CU Boulder tuition bills are online only.More about billing

a Latin term meaning "purse." The bursar is the "keeper of the purse" and manages tuition,fees, billing, paymentsand refunds for theuniversity.

items on the tuition and fee bill that are due and payable to CU Boulder.

a United States bank or credit union account that enables you to make withdrawals or payments to other people using checks or a debit card.

the College Opportunity Fund (COF), created by the Colorado Legislature, provides a stipend to eligible undergraduate students paying in-state tuition. The stipend pays a portion of total in-state tuition for eligible undergraduate students who are Colorado residents andattend a Colorado public institution or a participating private institution. Eligible students must be admitted and enrolled at a participating institution to use the stipend for eligible undergraduate classes. The stipend is paid to the institution on a per-credit-hour basis, and the credit-hour amount is set annually by the General Assembly. Please checkfor the current amount.More about COF

a nonrefundable $200 fee paid to CU Boulder to enroll or re-enroll after an absence which reserves space for the student. Upon graduation or separation, the confirmation deposit (less any outstanding charges) is returned to the student. It is returned even if the student takes a leave of absence (within established deadlines) for one or two semesters. In those cases, students must repay the confirmation deposit in order to re-enroll. 鶹Ժ also have the option to donate their deposit to CU after they graduate and it will go toward scholarships for other CU students.

The University of Colorado system has a total of four campuses: Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus. Boulder is referred to as Main Campus or Boulder campus. Thecollaborates with departments on Boulder campus to offer evening and online courses for university credit, graduate certificates and degree programs. It facilitates nondegree enrollment in Main Campus classes for visiting students, high school students and auditors. (Nondegree refers to students who have not been formally admitted to a CU Boulder Main Campus degree program.) Continuing Education is also involved in the administration of CU Boulder's Summer Session. Only university-approved faculty teach in Continuing Education programs. The missionof the Division of Continuing Education is to "provide quality, innovative lifelong learning opportunities to a diverse student population by extending the educational resources of the University of Colorado Boulder" Main Campus. Also referred to as CE or UCBCE. Tuition and fees for Continuing Education classes are billed separately from Main Campus.

transactions on the tuition and fee bill (denoted by a minus sign)resulting from dropped classes, financial aid, withdrawal or other reversal of charges. If the balance is a credit, a refund is typically due to the student and is deposited into their bank account.

CU Boulder’s online billing and payment system which allows students and parents to view, email, print, and pay official tuition statements.

the process by which CU Boulder gives students refunds; money is deposited directly into the student's personal account. Tuition and fee refunds are refunded to students.Step-by-step instructions

a payment made by someone to the universitythat is refused for reasons like insufficient funds, no bank account, closed account, stop payment, etc.

the date payment is due for tuition and fees.

a payment made online using a traditional U.S. checking or savings account.

payments sent via express delivery (e.g. FedEx, USPS, UPS, etc.)

a monthly fee in addition to a late charge for paying tuition and fees after the due date; 1 percentof the amount due per month is charged each month until the bill is paid in full.

a hold on a student’s records due to an unpaid balance which may preventthe student from registering for future termsor receiving a refund.

CU's partner for international wire payments. Wire Transfers.

a tuition rate that is guaranteed not to change for four years for undergraduate students.More about guaranteed tuition

CU Boulder student's login name and password. (This is not the 9-digit student ID number.)

permanent resident in Colorado; the Office of the Registrar is responsible fortuition classification.

payment made online from your checking or savings account, or by credit/debit card (a nonrefundable 2.85%service fee applies to all debit or credit transactions).

a fee for paying after the due date; assessed once per semester according to the following schedule:

Balance DueLate Charge
$900 and over
$ 5

The University of Colorado system has a total of four campuses: Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus. Boulder is referred to as Main Campus or Boulder campus. The Division of Continuing Education (CE) class offerings are separate and distinct from Main Campus even though it is located in Boulder and complements Boulder campus classes and programs with evening and online courses. Tuition and fees for Continuing Education arefrom Main Campus. If you are enrolled in both Main Campus and CE, you will receive separate bills online.

same asout-of-state: student whose permanent residence is outside of Colorado but within the United States; the Office of the Registrar managestuition classification.

same asnonresident: student whose permanent residenceis outside of Colorado but within the United States; the Office of the Registrar managestuition classification.

balance of money owed to the university that has not been paid and is past due.

optional no-interest payment plan that allows students and authorize payers to pay the tuition and fee bill in monthly installments over the course of one semester for a fee of $30. 鶹Ժ/authorized payers must sign up every semester in order to continue using the payment plan.Payment Plans.

the person who enrolls in a payment plan; the student and the owner can make changes to the payment plan.

direct PLUS Loans are federal loans that parents of dependent undergraduate students can use to help pay for college or career school; offered to parents of dependent students; only parents or stepparents are eligible to apply for the PLUS loan. Grandparents and other relatives are not eligible. Parent Loans.

research assistant; RA/TA tuition benefit

money owed back to the student usually because of overpayment, financial aid, schedule adjustment and/or withdrawal; refunds are deposited directly into students' bank accounts if the student has signed up for direct deposit.

same asin-state:student whose permanent residence is in Colorado; the Office of the Registrar managestuition classification.

payment made to CU Boulder and returned from the signer's bank due to insufficient funds, no bank account, closed account, stop payment, etc.

typically intended as on-campus housing and meals, unless specific as off-campus.

a nine-digit bank code found on U.S. bank and credit unions' website that helpsidentify your account for making eCheck payments or receiving direct deposit refunds.

9-digit student identification number (example: 8100001234) for students attending CU Boulder. The SID is notthe student's Identikey (example: rabu1234) and it is notthe 16-digit number on the Buff OneCard. 鶹Ժ can see their 9-digit SID in to the student portal under Profile and Settings.

in-state tuition less the. 鶹Ժ who have applied and authorized the COF stipend pay the student share of tuition which is less that total tuition. All in-state undergraduate students are eligible for the stipend. Total tuition minus COF equals student share.

Title IV financial aid is federally funded financial aid. It includesUnsubsidized Federal Direct Loan,Subsidized Federal Direct Loan, Federal Perkins Loan,Federal Parent or Graduate PLUS Loan,Federal Pell Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant,National Smart Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG),Other Federal Aid.

faculty and staff of CU Boulder qualify for 12 credit hours per year tuition-free (most mandatory fees still apply). Dependents qualify for a 40 percent discount on the student share of tuition.

if a student withdraws under extenuating circumstances, he or she may appeal tuition charges within a certain time periodbased on those circumstances by providing substantiating documentation to be reviewed by a committee.Learn more about tuition appeals.

. Also referred to as CE.

health insurance coverage is requiredfor all CU students. Undergraduates enrolled in 6 or more credit hours and graduate students enrolled in one or more credit hours mustmake the health insurance selectionby August 1 for the academic year.If students have their own health insurance, they can decline CU health insurance. This process is called "waiving health insurance."

method of transferring money from one entity to another. For wiring information, please contact the Student Billing Office at 303-492-5381