person writing in notebook and working on laptop

The quickest way to find employers that are hiring now

April 22, 2020

Even during these uncertain times, there are still companies and employers who are hiring. Here are a few tips for getting started on Handshake and making the most of your search.

person checks social media on tablet

Boost your job or internship search with your online presence

April 15, 2020

Looking for a summer internship or job? Not only can a robust online presence help you get noticed by employers, but it can also help you expand your professional network while we practice social distancing. Get tips.

person on laptop

Next steps for internships, job offers and graduate school applications

April 8, 2020

Employers and graduate programs are continuously adapting to changes and impacts as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve. Whether you have questions about your internship, job offer or graduate school application, get tips.

person places sticky notes on wall in a conference room

3 things to do over spring break to land a summer internship or job

March 10, 2020

Spring break is a great time to make progress on your job search. Here are three things to do this month to help you land an internship or job.

Young professional reading on tablet

Tips for negotiating your salary and benefits

March 3, 2020

Salary negotiation may be uncomfortable, but remember it’s a normal part of the job search and most employers expect it. Here are some tips to help you prepare for negotiating.

Empty desk with laptop computer and coffee mug

How I got my first internship

March 3, 2020

Computer science major Nasurudin Furi knew that internships would give him a better chance of securing a full-time job after graduation, so he made it his goal to land his first internship while in college.

people in an interview

Top 5 interview questions to prepare for

March 2, 2020

Whether you practice with a career development advisor or at home with a friend, here are five crucial interview questions you should be ready to answer.

stethoscope next to laptop computer

Interested in the health care industry? Attend the Health Professions Expo

Feb. 25, 2020

Whether you’re exploring careers, applying to programs or looking to gain experience, you'll find helpful resources among the 50-plus admissions representatives at the March 3 expo.

Person at computer with headphones on

LinkedIn Learning can help you land a job or internship this summer

Feb. 19, 2020

Did you know CU students have free access to LinkedIn Learning courses? Explore how you can polish your résumé, prepare for job interviews and more.

photo of person working on a laptop at a desk

How to use your strengths as you’re searching for internships or jobs

Feb. 18, 2020

It can be hard to know how to leverage your natural talent in an application, résumé or interview. Here are some tips for using your strengths as you navigate the internship or job search.
