Person scrolling on tablet

How to be seen by recruiters on LinkedIn

Sept. 29, 2020

Did you know about 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn as part of their candidate search? Read tips for optimizing your profile to increase your chances of being noticed by recruiters and fellow alums.

Person completing a virtual interview

Your interview prep checklist

Sept. 14, 2020

An interview is your chance to highlight your experiences, personality and potential. Whether your interview is in-person or happening virtually, use this checklist to help you prepare and feel confident.

person using phone

Looking for an internship or job? This tool can help

Sept. 1, 2020

Even during these uncertain times, there are companies that are hiring. And the best place for CU students to find internships and jobs is Handshake. Get tips for making the most of your search.

Person writing in notebook at computer

How to build professional skills

July 20, 2020

Many of the most in-demand skills right now are not technical skills. Employers are looking for candidates with interpersonal skills such creativity, adaptability, communication and problem solving. Here's how to start developing these skills.

person typing on laptop

Doctoral students: Set yourself up for career success and start early

July 14, 2020

One of the most important things you can do as a graduate student is to start thinking about your career goals early in your program. Here are a few concrete actions you can take early on.

person slumped over computer

How to deal with rejection in your job search

July 13, 2020

Not hearing from anyone after applying for jobs? Had an interview but didn’t get an offer? While this is all part of the process, it’s not always easy to deal with. Get tips to deal with rejection and stay motivated in the job search.

person writing on paper

How to navigate graduate and professional school applications this summer

July 6, 2020

Graduate and professional programs are continuously adapting to changes and impacts in these uncertain times. If you’re in the process of applying, here are some tips and steps you can take this summer.

person writing in notebook and working on computer

Looking for a job or internship? Try out these search strategies

June 10, 2020

Even though it may seem like no one is hiring in these uncertain times, there are still companies looking to fill open internships and jobs right now. Get tips to help you in your search.

person working on laptop and wearing orange headphones

How to use your strengths during uncertain times

April 29, 2020

Even amidst these changes in our lives from COVID-19, your strengths can help you cope with these uncertain times. Learn more about the CliftonStrengths assessment.

laptop, coffee and notepad at a desk

Career resources for Forever Buffs

April 27, 2020

While there have been changes in the workforce recently, many companies and industries are continuing to hire. Whether you have plans or you’re still figuring things out, take advantage of these career resources for Forever Buffs.
