A square peg in a round hole? No problem. New material developed by CU Boulder engineers can transform into complex, pre-programmed shapes via light and temperature stimuli, and back again.
Flooding caused by rain falling on snowpack could more than double by the end of this century in some areas of the western U.S. and Canada due to climate change.
Infection from the globally prevalent parasite Toxoplasma gondii may increase a person’s likelihood of pursuing entrepreneurial and business-related activities.
Wildfires can pollute streams and watersheds through the mobilization of sediments and other matter, straining the capabilities of downstream municipal treatment facilities.
A new study sheds light on the genetic mechanisms that allowed sunflowers to undergo a relatively rapid evolutionary transition from wild to domesticated in just over 5,000 years.
A new study of post-glacial environments upends previous ecological assumptions and could expand scientists’ understanding of the limits to life on Earth.