Scientists have developed a possible answer to a longstanding mystery about the chemistry of streamflow, which may have broad implications for watersheds and water quality around the world.
Glacial retreat in the Canadian Arctic has uncovered landscapes that haven’t been ice-free in more than 40,000 years, and the region may be experiencing its warmest century in 115,000 years.
Chemistry researchers have developed a novel way to synthesize and optimize a naturally-occurring antibiotic compound that could one day be used to fight lethal drug-resistant infections.
Ozone layer depletion has increased snowfall over Antarctica in recent decades, partially mitigating the ongoing loss of the continent’s ice sheet mass.
Deforestation and habitat fragmentation can decrease transmission of a parasitic nematode in a particular species of Australian lizard, new research shows.
New research highlights a previously underexplored consequence: a wake effect from upwind wind farms that can reduce the energy production of their downwind neighbors.
CU Boulder engineers have successfully scaled up an innovative water-cooling system capable of providing continuous day-and-night radiative cooling for structures.
A new 3D printing technique allows for localized control of an object's firmness, opening up new biomedical avenues that could one day include artificial arteries and organ tissue.