CU Researcher: Fire Suppression And El Niño Are A Catastrophic Combo

June 28, 2000

Now that the smoke has cleared from two forest fires that ravaged the foothills of Jefferson and Larimer counties in June, the effectiveness of wildfire management practices is being questioned. Since early last century, fire suppression has been the staple of wildfire management. But many experts believe suppression has created conditions that are ripe for catastrophic wildfires.

CU-Boulder's Mountain Research Station To Dedicate Observatory Dome July 7

June 28, 2000

Editors: This event is closed to the public, but is open to reporters and photographers. A domed astronomical observatory at the University of Colorado at BoulderÂ’s 9,500-foot-high Mountain Research Station 35 miles west of Boulder will officially be dedicated on July 7 at 11 a.m. The new observatory, named the University of Colorado Alpine Observatory, houses an optical telescope with a 12.5-inch mirror purchased with NASA funds in 1998 by CU-Boulder Senior Research Associate Alan Kiplinger for solar studies.

CU's Natural Hazards Workshop Celebrates 25th Anniversary

June 27, 2000

Editors: The workshop is not open to the public but reporters are welcome to attend. For a complete schedule of events call (303) 492-4007. Nearly 400 people will meet in Boulder July 9-12 as the CU Natural Hazards Center presents its 25th annual workshop dealing with earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters.

Noted Addictive Behaviors Professor Addresses High Risk Drinking

June 26, 2000

Editor: Photos of Professor Alan Marlatt are available by calling (303) 492-1874. Professor G. Alan Marlatt, professor of psychology and director of the University of Washington's Addictive Behaviors Research Center, addressed CU-Boulder's Standing Committee on Substance Abuse (SCOSA) today at Regent Hall.

12-Day Executive Education Program Starts July 23 At CU-Boulder

June 25, 2000

Executives looking to fine-tune their management skills can immerse themselves in cutting-edge business courses during a 12-day program at CU-Boulder. The Colorado Executive Development in Residence program takes place July 23 through Aug. 4 at the College of Business. "This program is for the businessperson and technical professional who wants to hone his or her business skills but doesn't have the time for an entire MBA curriculum," said CU-Boulder Professor Richard Wobbekind. The program is conducted two weeks each summer for three consecutive years.

CU-Boulder And University Of Denver Receive $1.18 Million To Help K-12 Teachers Learn To Use Technology

June 21, 2000

The University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Denver will receive $1.18 million to help future teachers use technology effectively in K-12 classrooms. The U.S. Department of Education grant will be combined with an additional $1 million from CU-Boulder, $170,000 from DU and $12,000 from the Boulder Valley, Denver, Adams 12 Five Star and St. Vrain school districts. A major focus of the program will be on future teachers who are interested in working with low-income, high-need children.

CU-Boulder Monthly Program For Seniors Explores Philosophical Issues

June 21, 2000

The University of Colorado at Boulder's Philosophy Elder Program of Colorado will host its next meeting on Wednesday, June 28, at 7:30 p.m., continuing the monthly series that explores a variety of enduring philosophical questions and problems. The meeting will be at The Academy, 970 Aurora Ave., in Boulder. This monthÂ’s topic, "The Rationality of Religious Beliefs" will be led by philosophy Professor George Bealer. Local seniors and friends are invited to participate in the free program.

CU Student Wins National Lagrant Foundation Scholarship

June 20, 2000

Keith Wilson, a junior at the University of Colorado at Boulder, was recently awarded a $5,000 scholarship from The Lagrant Foundation of Los Angeles. Wilson is a graduate of Rangeview High School in Aurora. He was one of only 10 students from around the country to receive the prestigious award, presented at a June 14 reception hosted by the Times Mirror Foundation and held at the headquarters of the Los Angeles Times.

School Of Journalism And Mass Communication Moves To Armory Building In July

June 20, 2000

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Colorado at Boulder will move its offices from Macky Auditorium and Norlin Library to the Armory Building at 1511 University Ave. in July. School offices will be closed July 7, 10 and 11. Beginning July 12 the deanÂ’s office will be located in Armory 119 and the main reception area in Armory 116. The student services area will be in 1B111, the public computer labs will be in 206A, 209 and 211, and the Campus Press will be located in 206B.

CU-Boulder Women In Engineering Program Offers Energy Education Workshops For Girls

June 19, 2000

Middle school girls who are entering the seventh or eighth grade this fall are invited to explore how engineering, math and science affect their lives by attending a free Energy Education Workshop offered by the Women in Engineering Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
