CU-Boulder Libraries Presents "Youth Around The World," A Photo Exhibit By Marilyn Wertheimer

Feb. 13, 2005

The University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries presents "Youth Around the World," a photo exhibit by Marilyn Wertheimer, in the Norlin Library third floor northwest gallery through March 31. Wertheimer, a retired CU-Boulder librarian, has taken thousands of pictures since 1960 during extensive world travel. The exhibit, featuring 50 pictures of young people taken in 29 different countries, also was displayed at the Boulder Public Library last fall.

Sources on Tenure and Academic Freedom

Feb. 10, 2005

NEWS TIP SHEET Following are faculty sources at the University of Colorado at Boulder and elsewhere who can comment on tenure and academic freedom in connection with the current debate over writings and statements by CU-Boulder Professor Ward Churchill. * Barbara Bintliff, professor of law and chair of the Boulder Faculty Assembly, can address the issues of tenure and academic freedom. She can be reached at (303) 492-1233.

Properties Of Quantum Mechanics To Be Examined At CU Talk Feb. 19

Feb. 10, 2005

The University of Colorado at Boulder's physics department will continue its Saturday Physics Series with a presentation on the properties of light on Feb. 19 at 2 p.m. in Duane Physics room G1B30. Physics Associate Professor Daniel Dessau will present his talk on "The Hundredth Anniversary of Einstein's Quantum of Light: Particles, Waves and Uncertainty." The presentation is free and open to the public.

Energy And Environment Focus Of CU Law Lecture

Feb. 9, 2005

CU-Boulder School of Law Professor Lakshman Guruswamy will address energy and the environment in the 31st annual Austin W. Scott Jr. Lecture Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. in the Fleming Law Building. The lecture, titled "Energy and Environmental Security: A New Framework," is free and open to the public. A reception in the Moorhead Rutledge lounge will follow the lecture.

Black Student Alliance Hosts Big 12 Conference At CU-Boulder Feb. 17-19

Feb. 9, 2005

Editors: More information on the BSA Big 12 Conference and a schedule of events is available at . The Black Student Alliance at the University of Colorado at Boulder will host the 28th annual Big 12 Conference on Black Student Government Feb. 17-19. More than 1,000 students, faculty and staff from around the nation are expected to attend.

CU-Boulder's Wardenburg Health Center Receives National Accreditation

Feb. 9, 2005

In recognition of its high standards of care, Wardenburg Health Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder has been re-accredited by the nation's predominant standards-setting healthcare organization. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations accredited Wardenburg Health Center in January after review and examination of medical care and outcomes at the clinic. CU-Boulder's campus health center is one of only two Big 12 Conference health centers to receive the prestigious accreditation from JCAHO.

Tsunami Could Benefit Fish And Large Fishing Companies, According To CU-Boulder Expert

Feb. 9, 2005

Marine ecosystems may thrive and larger fishing operations might profit from less independent competition after the December tsunami in the Indian Ocean, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder expert on global fishing communities. "If you were a fish, you might have loved the tsunami," said James McGoodwin, professor and associate chair of CU-Boulder's department of anthropology. "The wave churned up buried nutrients in the sea, the same way plowing a field renews the soil for crops."

Ward Churchill Talk To Be Held Feb. 8

Feb. 7, 2005

Statement By Ron Stump, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs We have been very concerned about the safety and security of everyone involved in the address by Professor Churchill. Indeed, student planners and Professor Churchill himself reported death threats against them. As announced yesterday, we sought additional time by postponing the event in order to come to agreement on how to address these concerns through more thorough and thoughtful planning.

Holocaust Awareness Week Events At CU-Boulder Feb. 21-25

Feb. 7, 2005

The 21st annual Holocaust Awareness Week will be held Feb. 21-25 on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus and will include survivor presentations, faculty lectures, panel discussions, film screenings and a readers' theater. All Holocaust Awareness Week events are free and open to the public. All events will take place in room 235 of the University Memorial Center unless otherwise noted. While the week's main focus is on the Holocaust of World War II, related issues such as modern genocide also will be examined.

Black Awareness Month Activities Announced At CU-Boulder

Feb. 7, 2005

Note to Editors: A complete calendar of events is available in a pdf file on the Web at . The University of Colorado at Boulder will offer a variety of activities on campus and in the Boulder and Denver communities in February in honor of Black Awareness Month.
