Published: Feb. 7, 2005

Statement By Ron Stump, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

We have been very concerned about the safety and security of everyone involved in the address by Professor Churchill. Indeed, student planners and Professor Churchill himself reported death threats against them. As announced yesterday, we sought additional time by postponing the event in order to come to agreement on how to address these concerns through more thorough and thoughtful planning.

Today, we met again with students who retracted their earlier reports of death threats and urged us to allow the event to go forward. In this meeting, the organizers provided additional information about the structure of the event. Therefore, based on this information, we have decided to allow the event to proceed as originally contemplated, at 7 p.m. in the UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom tonight.

We urge that all attendees and participants treat each other with respect and tolerance for diverse opinions and views. We will do everything possible to promote safety and to prevent disruptions, including the security measures announced earlier. Any disruptions will be handled promptly and appropriately.

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