Published: Sept. 5, 2022

The Research & Innovation Office (RIO) has opened , which will be accepted through October 21. Selections will be announced in November.

RIO Faculty Fellows identifies and develops tenured and tenure-track assistant or associate professors who are poised to lead significant collaborative projects, develop vision and deliver novel and impactful scholarly work. The cohort-based program framework includes both retreats and periodic shorter meetings, as well as the development of a scholarly network that extends beyond the formal training itself.

“This program is making a positive impact on careers for our faculty,” said Acting Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation Massimo Ruzzene. “I’ve been deeply involved with the 2022 cohort and it’s wonderful to witness the entire journey of faculty through the program. The program and the faculty involved are truly special.”

The program aims to identify a network of campus research leaders who are already experts in their respective fields, and equip them with the skills and capacity to break down discipline-based silos on campus while strengthening the university’s reputation nationally and globally through collaborations beyond campus.

RIO Faculty Fellows engages fellows as individuals and as a cohort on research and creative work leadership; collaboration and systems thinking; along with team building and academic management; scholarly communication and values; and personal and professional coaching.

“Our program creates a community of scholars who are interested in sharpening their leadership and collaborative skills,” said Program Director Kirsten Rowell. “Being part of this cross-campus network and learning new tools to improve their capacity has already begun to pay off for these faculty.”

“RIO Faculty Fellows is a vital program for fostering leadership, communication and connection across campus,” reported one member of the 2020 program cohort. “It has not only inspired me to create a deeper and more expansive research plan, and to work further for structural change, but it has also given me the tools to know best how to do that.”

Complementing other prominent faculty leadership programs on campus, the RIO Faculty Fellows program is an investment in CU Boulder faculty and in the university as a global leader in research, innovation and impact.

Please visit the Faculty Fellows website to learn more or , or contact Kirsten Rowell with additional questions at