
FY'25ÌýCAL Rates for User Operation Per Hour (Effective date: 7/1/2024)

InstrumentsCU SystemFederalNon-profitCorporate
Thermo ISQÌýGC-MS$110$110$120$210
Synapt G2 HDMS$75$75$110$160
Orbitrap nanoLC/MS$240$240$270$350

FY'25ÌýCAL Rates for Mass Analysis (Effective date: 7/1/2024)

service NameUnitCU systemFederalNon-profitCorporate
Sample Preparation (protein samples)/sample$75$75$95$130
Thermo ISQ GC-MS/sample$80$80$130$270
Synapt G2 ESI-MS (High res)/sample$38$38$50$70
Synapt G2 intact protein analysis*/sample$48$48$50$100
Synapt G2 LC-MS/sample$80$80$105$160
Additional setup fee for GCMS/batch$55$55$85$160
Prefractionation for orbitrap analysis/sample$75$75$170$220
Orbitrap nanoLC-MS/MS (1 hour analysis)/sample$150$150$170$205
Orbitrap nanoLC-MS/MS (2 hour analysis)/sample$175$175$190$300
Orbitrap nanoLC-MS/MS (3 hour analysis)/sample$240$240$250$350

* intact protein analysis uses < 9 min gradient to desalt a sample on a C4 column and elute protein with high organic solvent. If a sample requires longer than 10 min LC-gradient, it will be considered as Synapt G2 LC-MS analysis.
