

  1. J.J. Hernandez, G.R. Sama, Y. Hu, S. Soars, C.E. Niemet, C.M. Sanchez, and C.N. Bowman, “Radical-Mediated Scission of Thioaminals for On-Demand Construction-Then)Destruction of Cross-Linked Polymer Networks,”Advanced Functional Materials, 34(4),2306462 (2024).DOI:
  2. A.L. Dobson, and C.N. Bowman, “A Comprehensive, Multidimensional First-Principles Model for Free-Radical Photopolymerizations in Bulk and Thin Films,”Advanced Functional Materials, 2312607 (2024).DOI:
  3. A.L. Dobson, S. Huang, and C.N. Bowman, "Modeling Phase Separation of Free-Radical Polymerizations in Crosslinked Networks,"Macromolecules, 57(3),894-902 (2024).DOI:
  4. D.L. McNally, L.J. Macdougall, B.E. Kirkpatrick, C.V. Maduka, T.E. Hoffman, B.D. Fairbanks, C.N. Bowman, S.L. Spencer, and K.S. Anseth, “Reversible intracellular gelation of MCF10A cells enables programmable control over 3D spheroid growth,”Advanced Healthcare Materials.DOI:Online ahead of print.


  1. Y. Hu, S.M. Soars, B.E. Kirkpatric, M. Podgorski, N. Bongiardina, B.D. Fairbanks, K.S. Anseth, and C.N. Bowman. “Adaptable Networks with Semiorthogonal Two-Stage Polymerizations Enabled by Sequential Photoinitated Tiol-Ene and Disulfide-Ene Reactions,”Macromolecules,56(23)9778-9786 (2023).DOI:
  2. Y. Hu, M. Podgorski, S. Mavila, J. Sinha, B.D. Fairbanks, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman, “Dynamic Polymer Binder with Light-Regulated Molecular Weight via Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer for Holographic Recording,”Macromolecules,56(6),2536-2541 (2023).DOI:
  3. T.S. Hebner, R.G.A. Bowman, D. Duffy, C. Mostajeran, I. Griniasty, I. Cohen, M. Warner, C.N. Bowman, and T.J. White, “Discontinuous Metric Programming in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(8),11092-11098 (2023).DOI:
  4. A.S. Kuenstler, J.J. Hernandez, M. Trujillo-Lemon, A. Osterbaan, and C.N. Bowman, “Vat Photopolymerization Additive Manufacturing of Tough, Fully Recyclable Thermosets,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(8), 11111-11121 (2023).DOI:
  5. T.S. Hebner, J.M. McCracken, C.N. Bowman, and T.J. White, “The Contribution of Oligomerization Reaction Chemistry to the Thermomechanical Properties of Surface-Aligned Liquid Crystalline Elastomers,”Macromolecules, 56(3),974-979 (2023).DOI:
  6. B.R. Nelson, B.E. Kirkpatrick, C.E. Miksch, M.D. Davidson, N.P. Skillin, G.K. Hach, A. Khang, S.N. Hummel, B.D. Fairbanks, J.A. Burdick, C.N. Bowman and K.S. Anseth, “Photoinduced dithiolane crosslinking for multiresponsive dynamic hydrogels,”Advanced Materials, 2211209 (2023).DOI:
  7. T.S. Hebner, K. Korner, C.N. Bowman, K. Bhattacharya, and T.J. White, “Leaping liquid crystal elastomers,”Science Advances, 9(3)(2023).DOI:
  8. A. S. Kuenstler, and C.N. Bowman, “Catalytic Control of Crystallization in Dynamic Networks,”ACS Macro Letters, 12, 133-139 (2023).DOI:


  1. N.J Bongiardina, S.M. Soars, M. Podgorski, and C.N. Bowman, “Radical-disulfide exchange in thil-ene-disulfidation polymerizations,”Polym. Chem.13, 3991-4003 (2022).DOI:
  2. L.J Macdougall,T.E Hoffman,B.E.Kirkpatrick, B.D. Fairbanks, C.N. Bowman, S.L. Spencer, and K.S. Anseth, “Intracellular Crowding by Bio-Orthogonal Hydrogel Formation Induces Reversible Molecular Stasis,”Adv. Mater.34, 2202882 (2022).DOI:
  3. A.M Martinez, L.M. Cox, A. Darabi, N.J. Bongiardina, and C.N. Bowman, “Tunable Surfaces and Films from Thioester Containing Microparticles,”ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,14(23), 27177-27186 (2022).DOI:
  4. S.M. Soars, B.E. Kirkpatrick, B.D. Fairbanks, J.T. Kamps, K.S. Anseth, and C.N. Bowman, “Synthesis, Selective Decoration and Photocrosslinking of Self-Immolative Poly(thiester)-PEG Hydrogels,”Polymer International,ePub,(2022).DOI:
  5. B.J. Carberry, J.J. Hernandez, A.L. Dobson, C.N. Bowman, and K.S. Anseth, “Kinetic Analysis of Degradation in Thioester Cross-linked Hydrogels as a Function of Thiol Concentration, pKa, and Presentation,”Macromolecules, 55(6), 2123-2129 (2022).DOI:
  6. Y. Hu, S. Mavila, M. Podgorski, J.E. Kowalski, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman, “Manipulating the Relative Rates of Reaction and Diffusion in a Holographic Photopolymer Based on Thiol-Ene Chemistry,”Macromolecules, 55(5), 1822-1833, (2022).DOI:
  7. S.M. Soars, N.J. Bongiardina, B.D. Fairbanks, M. Podgorski, and C.N. Bowman, “Spatial and Temporal Control of Photomediated Disulfied-Ene and Thiol-Ene Chemistries for Two-Stage Polymerizations,”Macromolecules, 55(5), 1811-1821 (2022).DOI:
  8. T.S. Hebner, M. Podgorski, S. Mavila, T.J. White, and C.N. Bowman, “Shape Permanence in Diarylethene-Functionalized Liquid-Crystal Elastomers Facilitated by Thiol-Anhydride Dynamic Chemistry,”Angewandte Chemie, 61,e202116522 (2022).DOI:
  9. J.J. Hernandez, A.L. Dobson, B.J. Carberry, A.S. Kuenstler, P.K. Shah, K.S. Anseth, T.J. White, and C.N. Bowman, “Controlled Degradation of Cast and 3-D Printed Photocurable Tioester Networks via Thiol-Thiester Exchange,”Macromolecules,55(4), 1376-1385 (2022).DOI:


  1. S. Mavila, H.R. Culver, A.J. Anderson, T.R. Prieto, and C.N. Bowman, “Athermal Chemically Triggered Relase of RNA from Tioester Nucleic Acids,”Angewandte Chemie,61, e202110741 (2021).DOI:
  2. S. Huang, K. Kim, G.M. Musgrave, M. Sharp, J. Sinha, J.W. Stansbury, C.B. Musgrave, C.N. Bowman, “Determining Michael Acceptor Reactivity from Kinetic, Mechanistic, and Computational Analysis for the Base-Catalyzed thiol-Michael Reaction,”Polymer Chemistry,12, 3619-3628 (2021).DOI:
  3. A.M. Martinez, L.M. Cox, J.P. Killgore, N.J. Bongiardina, R.D. Riley, and C.N. Bowman, “Permanent and Reversibly Programmable Shapes in Liquid Crystal Elastomer Microparticles Capable of Shape Switching,”Soft Matter,17, 467-474 (2021).DOI:
  4. T.S. Hebner, C.N. Bowman, and T.J. White, “The Contribution of Intermolecular Forces to Phototropic Actuation of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers,”Polym. Chem.,12, 1581-1587 (2021).DOI:
  5. N.J. Bongiardina, J. Sinha, and C.N. Bowman, “Flory-Huggins Parameters for Thiol-ene Networks Using Hansen Solubility Parameters,”Macromolecules, 54(24), 11439-11448 (2021).DOI:
  6. G. Gao, X. Wang, M. Chen, C.N. Bowman, and J.W. Stansbury, “Functional Nanogels as a Route to Interpenetrating Polymer Networks with Improved Mechanical Properties,”Macromolecules, 54(23), 10657-10666 (2021).DOI:
  7. T. S. Hebner, H.E. Fowler, K.M. Herbert, N.P. Skillin, C.N. Bowman, and T.J. White, “Polymer Network Structure, Properties, and Formation of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers Prepared via Thiol-Acrylate Chain Transfer Reactions,”Macromolecules,54(23), 11074-11082 (2021).DOI:
  8. N.J. Bongiardina, K.F. Long, M. Podgorski, C.N. Bowman, “Substituted Thiols in Dynamic Thil-Thioester Reactions,”Macromolecules, 54(18), 8341-8351 (2021).DOI:
  9. L.J. Macdougall, M.E. Wechsler, H.R. Culver, E.H. Benke, A. Broerman, C.N. Bowman, and K.S. Anseth, “Charged Poly(N-isopropylarclamide) Nanogels for the Stabilization of High Isoelectric Point Proteins,”ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering,7(9), 4282-4292 (2021).DOI:
  10. S. Soars, J. Kamps, B. Fairbanks, and C.N. Bowman, “C. Stimuli-Responsive Depolymerization of Poly(Phthalaldehyde) Copolymers and Networks,”Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics222, (2021).DOI:
  11. X. Wang, J.J. Hernandez, G. Gao, J.W. Stansbury, and C.N. Bowman, “Poly(triazole) Glassy Networks via Thiol-Norbornene Photopolymerization: Structure–Property Relationships and Implementation in 3D Printing,”Macromolecules, 54(9) 4042-4049 (2021).DOI:
  12. T.S. Hebner, C.N. Bowman, and T.J. White, “Influence of Orientational Genesis on the Actuation of Monodomain Liquid Crystalline Elastomers,”Macromolecules,54(9), 4023-4029 (2021).DOI:
  13. K.F. Long, H. Wang, T.T. Dimos, and C.N. Bowman, “Effects of Thiol Substitution on the Kinetics and Efficiency of Thiol-Michael Reactions and Polymerizations,”Macromolecules, 54(7) 3093-3100 (2021).DOI:
  14. B.D. Fairbanks, L.J. Macdougall, S. Mavila, J. Sinha, B.E. Kirkpatrick, K.S. Anseth, and C.N. Bowman, “Photoclick Chemistry: A Bright Idea,”Chemical Reviews, 121(12), 6915-6990 (2021).DOI:
  15. S. Mavila, J. Sinha, Y. Hu, M. Podgórski, P.K. Shah, and C.N. Bowman, “High Refractive Index Photopolymers by Thol-Yne “Click” Polymerization,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(13), 15647-15658 (2021).DOI:
  16. M. Podgórski, S. Huang, and C.N. Bowman, “Additive Manufacture of Dynamic Thiol–ene Networks Incorporating Anhydride-Derived Reversible Thioester Links,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(11), 12789-12796 (2021).DOI:
  17. A.J. Anderson, E.Grey, N.J. Bongiardina, C.N. Bowman, and S.J. Bryant, "Synthesis and Characterization of Click Nucleic Acid Conjugated Polymeric Microparticles for DNA Delivery Applications,"Biomacromolecules, In Press (2021).DOI:
  18. L.J. Macdougall, M.E. Wechsler, H.R. Culver, E.H. Benke, A. Broerman, C.N. Bowman, and K.S. Anseth, "Charged Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Nanogels for the Stabilization of High Isoelectric Point Proteins,"ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, In Press (2021).DOI:
  19. H.B. Song, N. Sowan, A. Baranek, J. Sinha, W.D. Cook, and C.N. Bowman, “Effects of Network Structures on the Tensile Toughness of Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition (CuAAC)-Based Photopolymers,”Macromolecules,54(2), 747-756 (2021).DOI:
  20. K.K. Childress, M.D. Alim, S. Mavila, V. Martinez, Y. Ding, C.N. Bowman, and J.W. Stansbury, “Systematic Modulation and Structure-Property Relationships in Photopolymerizable Thermoplastics,”ACS Appl. Plym. Mater.,3(2), 1171-1181(2021).DOI:
  21. X. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Chatani, and C.N. Bowman, “Phosphonium Tetraphenylborate: A Photocatalyst for Visible-Light-Induced, Nucleophile-Initiated Thiol-Michael Addition Photopolymerization,”ACS Macro Letters,10(1),84-89(2021).DOI:
  22. A.K. Blevins, L.M. Cox, L. Hu, J.A. Drisko, H. Lin, C.N. Bowman, J.P. Killgore, and Y. Ding, "Spatially Controlled Permeability and Stiffness in Photopatterned Two-Stage Reactive Polymer Films for Enhanced CO2 Barrier and Mechanical Toughness,"Macromolecules, 54(1), 44-52 (2021).DOI:
  23. A.M. Martinez, L.M. Cox, J.P. Killgore, N.J. Bongiardina, R.D. Riley, and C.N. Bowman, "Permanent and reversibly programmable shapes in liquid crystal elastomer microparticles capable of shape switching,"Soft Matter, 17, 467-474 (2021).DOI:


  1. C. Taplan, M. Guerre, C.N. Bowman, and F.E. DuPrez,"Surface Modification of (Non)‐Fluorinated Vitrimers through Dynamic Transamination,"Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2000644 (2020). DOI:
  2. M. Podgorski, S. Huang, and C.N. Bowman, "Additive Manufacture of Dynamic Thiol-ene Networks Incorporating Anhydride-Derived Reversible Thioester Links,"ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Article ASAP (2020).DOI:
  3. N. Sowan, H.B. Song, L.M. Cox, J.R. Patton, B.D. Fairbanks, Y. Ding, and C.N. Bowman, "Light-Activated Stress Relaxation, Toughness Improvement, and Photoinduced Reversal of Physical Aging in Glassy Polymer Networks," Advanced Materials, 33, 2007221(2020).DOI:
  4. M.Wang, S.K. Ghosh, C.M. Stafford, A.K. Blevins, S. Huang, J. Martinez, R. Long, C.N. Bowman, J.P. Killgore, M.Zou, and Y. Ding, "Snakeskin-Inspired Elastomers with Extremely Low Coefficient of Friction under Dry Conditions," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,12(51), 57450-57460 (2020). DOI:
  5. H.R. Culver, J. Sinha, T.R. Prieto, C.J. Calo, B.D. Fairbanks, and C.N. Bowman, “Click Nucleic Acid-DNA Binding Behavior: Dependence on Length, Sequence, and Ionic Strength,”Biomacromolecules, 21(10),4205-4211(2020).DOI:
  6. Y. Hu, B.A. Kowalski, S. Mavila, M. Podgorski, J. Sinha, A.C. Sullivan, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman. “Holographic Photopolymer Material with High Dynamic Range (Δn) via Thiol–Ene Click Chemistry,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(2020).DOI:
  7. L. MacDougall, H. Culver, C.C. Lin, C.N. Bowman and K.S. Anseth, “Degradable and Resorbable Polymer,”In Press, Chapter inBiomaterials Science,4thEdition, 2020.
  8. X. Han, B.D. Fairbanks, J. Sinha, and C.N. Bowman, “Sequence-Controlled Synthesis of Advanced Clickable Synthetic Oligonucleotides,”Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 41,2000327 (2020).DOI:
  9. A.M. Martinez, M.K. McBride, T.J. White, and C.N. Bowman, “Reconfigurable and Spatially Programmable Chameleon Skin‐Like Material Utilizing Light Responsive Covalent Adaptable Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomers,”Advanced Functional Materials,30,2003150 (2020).DOI:
  10. J. Sinha, M. Podgorski, A. Tomaschke, V.L. Ferguson, and C.N. Bowman, “Phototriggered Base Amplification for Thiol-Michael Addition Reactions in Cross-linked Photopolymerizations with Efficient Dark Cure,”Macromolecules, 53,6331-6340 (2020).DOI:
  11. K.F. Long, N.J. Bongiardina, P. Mayordomo, M.J. Olin, A.D. Ortega, and C.N. Bowman, “Effects of 1°, 2°, and 3° Thiols on Thiol–Ene Reactions: Polymerization Kinetics and Mechanical Behavior,”Macromolecules, 53, 5805-5815 (2020).DOI:
  12. D.M. Love, B.D. Fairbanks, and C.N. Bowman, “Evaluation of Aromatic Thiols as Photoinitiators,”Macromolecules, 53, 5237-5247 (2020).DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00757
  13. Z. Wen, X. Han, B.D. Fairbanks, K. Yang and C.N. Bowman, “Development of Thiourethanes as Robust, Reprocessable Networks,”Polymer, 202,122715 (2020).DOI:
  14. N. Sowan, Y. Lu, K.J. Kolb, L.M. Cox, R. Long, and C.N. Bowman, “Enhancing the Toughness of Composites via Dynamic Thiol-Thioester Exchange (TTE) at the Resin-Filler Interface,”Polymer Chemistry, 11, 4760-4767 (2020).DOI:
  15. Podgórski, M., Mavila, S., Huang, S., Spurgin, N., Sinha, J. and Bowman, C.N. “Thiol–Anhydride Dynamic Reversible Networks,”Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59, 9345 - 9349 (2020).DOI:
  16. G. Gao, X. Han, N. Sowan, X. Zhang, P. Shah, M. Chen, C.N. Bowman and J.W. Stansbury, “Stress Relaxation via Covalent Dynamic Bonds in Nanogel-Containing Thiol-Ene Resins,”ACS Macro Letters, 9,713-719 (2020).DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.0c00275
  17. A.J. Anderson, H.R. Culver, S.J. Bryant, and C.N. Bowman, “Viscoelastic and Thermoreversible Gel Networks Crosslinked by Non-covalent Interactions Between CAN and DNA,”Polymer Chemistry, 11, 2959-2968 (2020).DOI:10.1039/D0PY00165A
  18. M. Podgorski, N. Spurgin, S. Mavila, and C.N. Bowman, “Mixed Mechanisms of Bond Exchange in Covalent Adaptable Networks: Monitoring the Contribution of Reversible Exchange and Reversible Addition in Thiol-Succinic Anhydride Dynamic Networks,”Polymer Chemistry, 11,5365-5376 (2020).DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00091D
  19. A. Harguindey, H. Culver, J. Sinha, C.N. Bowman and J. Cha, “Efficient Cellular Uptake of Click NucleicAcid Modified Proteins,”Chemical Communications,56,4820-4823 (2020).DOI:10.1039/C9CC09410F
  20. M. Podgorski, B.D. Fairbanks, B.E. Kirkpatrick, M.K. McBride, A. Martinez, A. Dobson, N.J. Bongiardina, and C.N. Bowman, “Towards Stimuli Responsive Dynamic Thermosets Through Continuous Development and Improvements in Covalent Adaptable Networks,”Advanced Materials, 32,1906876 (2020).DOI:10.1002/adma.201906876(Cover Illustration Taken from this Article)
  21. L.M. Cox, A.M. Martinez, A.K. Blevins, N. Sowan, Y. Ding, and C.N. Bowman, “Nanoimprint Lithography: Emergent Materials and Methods of Actuation,”Nano Today, 31, 10038 (2020).DOI:10.1016.j.nantod.2019.100838
  22. M.D. Alim, K.K. Childress, N.J. Baugh, A.M. Martinez, A. Davenport, B.D. Fairbanks, M.K. McBride, B.T. Worrell, J.W. Stansbury, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman, “ A Photopolymerizable Thermoplastic with Tunable Mechanical Performance,”Materials Horizons, 7, 835-842 (2020).DOI:10.1039/C9MH01336A
  23. K.L. Morrissey, B.D. Fairbanks, D.S. Bull, M.P. Stoykovich, and C.N. Bowman, “Flocculation Behavior and Mechanisms of Block Copolymer Architectures on Silica Microparticle nad Chlorella Vulgaris Systems,”Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 567,316-322 (2020).DOI:10.1016/j/jcis.2020.02.001
  24. A.L. Dobson, N.J. Bongiardina, and C.N. Bowman, “Combined Dynamic Network and Filler Interface Approach for Improved Adhesion and Toughness in Pressure Sensitive Adhesives,”ACS Applied Polymer Materials,2,1053-1060 (2020).DOI:10.1021/acsapm.9b00992
  25. D. Love, B. Fairbanks, and C.N. Bowman, “Reaction Environment Effect on the Kinetics of Radical Thiol-EnePolymerizations in the Presence of Amines and Thiolate Anions,”ACS Macro Lettters, 9,174-179 (2020).DOI:10.1021/acsmacrolett.9b00960
  26. K.K. Childress, M.D. Alim, J.J. Hernandez, J.W. Stansbury, and C.N. Bowman, "Additive manufacture of lightly crosslinked semicrystalline thiol-enes for enhanced mechanical performance,"Polymer Chemistry,11,39-46 (2020).DOI:10.1039/c9py01452g
  27. B.D. Fairbanks, H.R. Culver, S. Mavila, and C.N. Bowman, “Towards High-Efficiency Synthesis of Xenonucleic Acids,”Trends in Chemistry, 2,43-56 (2020).DOI:10.1016/j.trechm.2019.06.004
  28. J. Sinha, A. Dobson, O. Bankhar, M. Podgorski, P.K. Shah, S.L.W. Zajdowicz, A. Alotaibi, J.W. Stansbury, and C.N. Bowman, "Vinyl sulfonamide based thermosetting composites via thiol-Michael polymerization,"Dental Materials, 36,249-256 (2020).DOI:10.1016/
  29. N. Sowan, A. Dobson, M. Podgorski, and C.N. Bowman, "Dynamic covalent chemistry (DCC) in dental restorative materials: Implementation of a DCC-based adaptive interface (AI) at the resin-filler interface for improved performance,"Dental Materials, 36,53-59 (2020).DOI:10.1016/


  1. K.K. Childress, K. Kim, DJ Glugla, CB Musgrave, C.N. Bowman, and JW Stansbury “Independent Control of Singlet Oxygen and Radical Generation via Irradiation of a Two-Color Photosensitve Molecule,”Macromolecules, 13,4968-4978 (2019).DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.9b00424
  2. D. Love, K. Kim, D.W. Domaille, O. Williams, J.W. Stansbury, C.B. Musgrave, and C.N. Bowman, “Catalyst-free, aza_Michael Polymerization of Hydrazides: Polymerizability, Kinetics, and Mechanistic Origin of alpha Effect,”Polymer Chemistry, 10,5790 – 5804 (2019).DOI:10.1039/C9PY01199D
  3. A. Harguindey, R. Shambojit, AW Harris, B. Fairbanks, AP Goodwin, C.N. Bowman, and JN Cha “Click Nucleic Acid Mediated Loading of Prodrug Activating Enzymes in PEG-PLGA Nanoparticles for Combination Chemotherapy,”Biomacromolecules, 4,1683-1690 (2019).DOI:10.1021/acs.biomac.9b00040
  4. J. Sinha, B.D.Fairbanks, HB Song, and C.N. Bowman, “Phosphate-Based Cross-Linked Polymers from lodo-ene Photopolymerization: Tuning Surface Wettability through Thiolene Chemistry,”ACS Macro Letters, 8,213-217 (2019).DOI:10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00934
  5. M.D. Alim, S. Mavila, D.B. Miller, S. Huang, M. Podgorski, L.M. Cox, A.C. Sullivan, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman, “Realizing High Refractive Index Thiol-X Materials: A General and Scalable Synthetic Approach,”ACS Materials Letters, 1,582-588 (2019).DOI:10.1021/acsmaterialslett.9b00331
  6. L.M. Cox, A.K. Blevins, J.A. Drisko, Y. Qi, Y.F. Ding, C.I. Fiedler-Higgins, R. Long, C.N. Bowman, and J.P. Killgore, "Tunable Mechanical Anisotropy, Crack Guiding, and Toughness Enhancement in Two-Stage Reactive Polymer Networks,"Advanced Engineering Materials, 21,(2019).DOI:10.1002/adem.201900578
  7. M.K. McBride, B.T. Worrell, T. Brown, L.M. Cox, N. Sowan, C. Wang, M. Podgorski, A.M. Martinez, and C.N. Bowman,Enabling Applications of Covalent Adaptable Networks, inAnnual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 10, 175-198 (2019). J.M. Prausnitz, Editor.DOI:10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-060718-030217
  8. M. Podgorski, B.T. Worrell, J. Sinha, M.K. McBride, and C.N. Bowman, "Thermal Metamorphosis in (Meth)acrylate Photopolymers: Stress Relaxation, Reshaping, and Second-Stage Reaction,"Macromolecules, 52, 8114-8123 (2019).DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.9b01678
  9. D.W. Zhang, H.R. Culver, and C.N. Bowman, "Hybrid Cerasomes Composed of Phosphatidylcholines and Silica Networks for the Construction of Vesicular Materials with Functionalized Shells,"ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2, 7549-7558 (2019).DOI:10.1021/acsanm.9b01634
  10. D.W. Zhang, P.K. Shah, H.R. Culver, S.N. David, J.W. Stansbury, X.B. Yin, and C.N. Bowman, "Photo-responsive liposomes composed of spiropyran-containing triazole-phosphatidylcholine: investigation of merocyanine-stacking effects on liposome-fiber assembly-transition,"Soft Matter, 15, 3740-3750 (2019).DOI:10.1039/c8sm02181c
  11. M.D. Alim, D.J. Glugla, S. Mavila, C. Wang, P.D. Nystrom, A.C. Sullivan, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman,Two-stage holographic photopolymers with high dynamic range, inHolography: Advances and Modern Trends Vi, A. Fimia, M. Hrabovsky, and J.T. Sheridan, Editors.2019.DOI:10.1117/12.2522148


  1. D. Konetski, D.W. Zhang, D.K. Schwartz, and C.N. Bowman, “Photoinduced Pinicytosis for Artificial Cell and Protocell Systems,”Chemistry of Materials, 30,8757-8763 (2018).DOI.10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b02608
  2. C. Wang, S. Mavila, BT. Worrell, WX. Xi, T. Goldman, C.N. Bowman, "Productive Exchange of Thiols and Thioesters to Form Dynamic Polythioester-Based Polymers"ACS Macro Letters, 11,1312-1316 (2018).DOI:10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00611
  3. C. Wang, T. Goldman, BT. Worrell, MK. McBride, MD. Alim, C.N. Bowman, "Recyclable and Repolymerizable Thiol-X Photopolymers"Materials Horizons, 5, 1042-1046 (2018).DOI:10.1039/c8mh00724a
  4. S. Mavila, B. Worrell, H. Culver, T. Goldman, C. Wang, CH. Lim, D. Domaille, S. Pattanayak, MK. McBride, CB. Musgrave, C.N. Bowman, "Dynamic and Responsive DNA-like Polymers"Journal of the American Chemical Society,140,13594-13598 (2018).DOI:10.1021/jacs.8b09105
  5. D. S. Konetski, A. Baranek, S. Mavila, XP. Zhang, C.N. Bowman, “Formation of Lipid Vesicles in Situ Utilizing the Thiol-Michael Reaction”Soft Matter, 14,7645-7652 (2018).DOI:
  6. X. Han, DW. Domaille, B. Fairbanks, LC. He, H. Culver, XP. Zhang, J. Cha, C.N. Bowman, “New Generation of Clickable Nucleic Acids: Synthesis and Active Hybridization with DNA”Biomacromolecules, 19,4139-4146 (2018).DOI:10.1021/acs.biomac.8b01164
  7. B.T. Worrell, S. Mavila, C. Wang, T.M. Kontour, C.H. Lim, M.K. McBride, C.B. Musgrave, R. Shoemaker, C.N. Bowman, “A User’s Guide to the Thiol-Thioester Exchange in Organic Media: Scope, Limitations, and Applications in Material Science”Polymer Chemistry, 9,4523-4534 (2018).DOI:10.1039/c8py01031
  8. T.E. Brown, J.S. Silver, B.T. Worrell, I.A. Marozas, F.M. Yavitt, K.A. Gunay, C.N. Bowman, K.S. Anseth, “Secondary Photocrosslinking of Click Hydrogels to Probe Myoblast Mchanotransduction in Three Dimensions”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140,11585-11588 (2018).DOI:10.1021/jacs.8b0755
  9. X.P. Zhang, L. Cox, Z.B. Wen, W.X. Xi, Y.F. Ding, C.N. Bowman, “Implementation of two distinct wavelengths to induce multistage polymerization in shape memory materials and nanoimprint lithography”Polymer, 156,162-168,(2018).DOI:10.1016/j.polymer.2018.09.032
  10. D.W. Zhang, Q.K. Liu, R. Visvanathan, M.R. Tuchband, G.H. Sheetah, B.D. Fairbanks, N.A. Clark, I.I. Smalyukh, C.N. Bowman, “A Supramolecular Hydrogel Prapred From a Thymine-Containing Artificial Nucleolipid: Study of Assembly and Lyotropic Mesophases”Soft Matter, 14,7045-7051 (2018).DOI:10.1039/c8sm01383g
  11. Z. Wen, M. McBride, X. Zhang, X. Han, A. Martinez, R. Shao, C. Zhu, R. Visvanathan, N. Clark, Y. Wang, K. Yang, C.N. Bowman, “Reconfigurable LC Elastomers: Using a Termally Programmable Monodomain to Acess Two-Way Free-Standing Mulitple Shape Memory Polymers”Macromolecules, 51,5812-5819 (2018).DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01315
  12. S. Huang, J. Sinha, M. Podgorski, X. Zhang, M. Claudino, C.N. Bowman, “Mechanistic Modeling of the Thiol-Michael Addition Polymerization Kinetics: Structural Effects of the Thiol and Vinyl Monomers”Macromolecules, 51,5979-5988 (2018).DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01264
  13. M. McBride, A. Martinez, L. Cox, M. Alim, K. Childress, M. Beiswinger M. Podgorski, B. Worrell, J. Killgore, C.N. Bowman, “A Readily Programmable, Fully Reversible Shap-Switching Materail”Science Advances, 4,eaat4634 (2018).DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aat4634
  14. B. Worrell, M. McBride, G. Lyon, L. Cox, C. Wang, S. Mavila, CH. Lim, H. Coley, C. Musgrave, Y. Ding, C.N. Bowman, “Bistable and photoswitchable states of matter”Nature Communications,9,3204 (2018).DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-05300-7
  15. D.S. Bull, N. Nelson, D. Konetski, C.N. Bowman, D.K. Schwartz, A.P. Goodwin, “Contact Line Pinning Is Not Required for Nanobubble Stability on Copolymer Brushes,”The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9,4239-4244(2018).DOI:
  16. X. Zhang, S. Huang, M. Podgórski, X. Han, M. Claudino, C.N. Bowman, “Assessment of TEMPO as a Thermally Activatable Base Generator and Its Use in Initiation of Thermally-Triggered Thio-Michael Addition Polymerizations,”Polymer Chemistry, 9,4294-4302(2018).DOI:
  17. N. Sowan, L.M. Cox, P.K. Shah, H. Byul Song, J.W. Stansbury, C.N. Bowman, “Dynamic Covalent Chemistry at Interfaces: Development of Tougher, Healable Composites Through Stress Relaxation at the Resin-Silica Nanoparticles Interface,”Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5,1800511(2018).DOI:
  18. M.K. Mcbride, M. Podgórski, S. Chatani, B. Worrell, C.N. Bowman, “Thermoreversible Folding as a Route to Unique Shape Memory Character in Ductile Polymer Networks,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10,22739-22745 (2018).DOI:
  19. A.J. Anderson, E.B. Peters, A. Neumann, J. Wagner, B. Fairbanks, S.J. Bryant, C.N. Bowman, “Cytocompatibility and Cellular Internalization of PEGylated “Clickable” Nucleic Acid Oligomers,”Biomacromolecules,19,2535-2541 (2018).DOI:
  20. H. Byul Song, A. Baranek, B.T. Worrell, W.D. Cook, C.N. Bowman, “Photopolymerized Triazole‐Based Glassy Polymer Networks with Superior Tensile Toughness,”Advanced Functional Materials, 28,1801095 (2018).DOI:
  21. T.E. Brown, B.J. Carberry, B.T. Worrell, O.Y. Dudaryeva, M.K. McBride, C.N. Bowman, K.S. Anseth, “Photopolymerized dynamic hydrogels with tunable viscoelastic properties through thioester exchange,”Biomaterials,178,496-503 (2018).DOI:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.03.060
  22. X. Zhang, W. Xi, G. Gao, X. Wang, J.W. Stansbury, C.N. Bowman, “o-Nitrobenzyl-Based Photobase Generators: Efficient Photoinitiators for Visible-Light Induced Thiol-Michael Addition Photopolymerization,”ACS Macro Letters, 7,852-857 (2018).DOI:
  23. D. S. Konetski, S. Mavila, C. Wang, B.T. Worrell, C.N. Bowman, “Production of Dynamic Lipid Bilayers Using the Reversible Thiol-Thioester Exchange Reaction,”Chemical Communications, 54,8108-8111 (2018).DOI:
  24. T. Liu, P.K. Shah, Z. Liu, G. Gao, C.N. Bowman, J.W. Stansbury, “Effects of Photodegradable o‐Nitrobenzyl Nanogels on the Photopolymerization Process,”Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,303,1800206 (2018).DOI:10.1002/mame.201800206
  25. D.W. Domaille, D. Love, X. Rima, A. Harguindey-Sanchez, B. Fairbanks, D. Klug, J.N. Cha, C.N. Bowman, “Post-Synthetic Functionalization of a Polysulfone Scaffold with Hydrazone-Linked Functionality,”Polymer Chemistry, 9,3791-3797(2018).DOI:
  26. D. Zhang, Z. Liu, D. Konetski, C. Wang, B.T. Worrell, C.N. Bowman, “Liposomes formed from photo-cleavable phospholipids: in situ formation and photo-induced enhancement in permeability,”RSC Advances, 8,14669-14675 (2018).DOI:
  27. J. Sinha, M. Podgórski, S. Huang, C.N. Bowman, “Multifunctional monomers based on vinyl sulfonates and vinyl sulfonamides for crosslinking thiol-Michael polymerizations: monomer reactivity and mechanical behavior,”Chemical Communications, 54,3034-3037 (2018).DOI:
  28. D. Love, K. Kim, JT Goodrich, B.D. Fairbanks, B.T. Worrell, M.P. Stoykovich, C.B. Musgrave, C.N. Bowman, "Amine Induced Retardation of the Radical-Mediated Thiol-Ene Reaction via the Formation of Metastable Disulfide Radical Anions, "Journal of Organic Chemistry, 83,2912-2919 (2018).DOI:
  29. S. Zajdowicz, H.B. Song, A Baranek, and C.N. Bowman, "Evaluation of Biofilm Formation on Novel Cu-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition (CuAAC)-Based Resins for Dental Restoratives,"Dental Materials,34,657-666 (2018).DOI:10.1016/
  30. S. Huang, M. Podgórski1, X. Zhang, J. Sinha, M. Claudino, J.W. Stansbury and C.N. Bowman, "Dental restorative materials based on thiol-Michael photopolymerization,"Journal of Dental Research,97,530-536 (2018).DOI:10.1177//0022034518755718
  31. A.A. Alzahrani, M. Saed, C.M. Yakacki, H.B. Song, N. Sowan, J.J. Walston, P.K. Shah, M.K. Mcbride, J.W. Stansbury and C.N. Bowman, “Fully recoverable rigid shape memory foam based on copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) using a salt leaching technique,”Polymer Chemistry, 9, 121-130 (2018).DOI:
  32. D.W. Hanzon, N.A. Traugutt, M.K. McBride, C.N. Bowman, C.M. Yakacki, and K. Yu, “Adaptable Liquid Crystal Elastomers with Transesterification-based Bond Exchange Reactions,”Soft Matter, 14,951-960 (2018).DOI:


  1. M.D. Alim, D.J. Glugla, S. Mavila, C. Wang, P.D. Nystrom, A.C. Sullivan, R.R. McLeod, and C.N. Bowman, “High Dynamic Range Two-Stage Photopolymers via Enhanced Solubility of a High Refractive Index Acrylate Writing Monomer,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 1217-1224 (2017).DOI:
  2. H.B. Song, X. Wang, J.R. Patton, J.W. Stansbury, and C.N. Bowman, "Kinetics and mechanics of photo-polymerized triazole-containing thermosetting composites via the copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition," Dental Materials, 33, 621-629 (2017).DOI:
  3. B.D. Fairbanks, D.M. Love, and C.N. Bowman, "Efficient Polymer-Polymer Conjugation via Thiol-ene Click Reaction,”Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 218, ARTN 1700073 (2017).
  4. Z. Liu, B. Fairbanks, L. He, T. Liu, P. Shah, J.N. Cha, J.W. Stansbury, and C.N. Bowman, "Water-soluble clickable nucleic acid (CNA) polymer synthesis by functionalizing the pendant hydroxyl,"Chemical Communications, 53, 10156-10159 (2017).DOI:
  5. X. Zhang, W. Xi, S. Huang, K. Long, and C.N. Bowman, "Wavelength-Selective Sequential Polymer Network Formation Controlled with a Two-Color Responsive Initiation System,"Macromolecules, 50, 5652-5660 (2017).DOI:
  6. P.K. Shah, J.W. Stansbury, and C.N. Bowman, "Application of an addition-fragmentation-chain transfer monomer in di(meth) acrylate network formation to reduce polymerization shrinkage stress,"Polymer Chemsitry, 8,4339-4351 (2017).DOI:
  7. L.M. Cox, X. Sun, C. Wang, N. Sowan, J.P. Killgore, R. Long, H.A. Wu, C.N. Bowman, and Y. Ding, "Light-Stimulated Permanent Shape Reconfiguration in Cross-Linked Polymer Microparticles,"ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9,14422-14428 (2017).DOI:
  8. A. Harguindey, D.W. Domaille, B.D. Fairbanks, J. Wagner, C.N. Bowman, and J.N. Cha, "Synthesis and Assembly of Click-Nucleic-Acid-Containing PEG-PLGA Nanoparticles for DNA Delivery,"Advanced Materials, 29,ARTN: 1700743 (2017).DOI:
  9. C. Wang, M.M. Zieger, A. Schenzel, M. Wegener, J. Willenbacher, C. Barner-Kowollik, and C.N. Bowman, "Photoinduced Tetrazole-Based Functionalization of Off-Stoichiometric Clickable Microparticles,"Advanced Functional Materials, 27,ARTN 1605317 (2017).DOI:
  10. M.K. McBride, M. Hendrikx, D. Liu, B.T. Worrell, D.J. Broer, and C.N. Bowman, "Photoinduced Plasticity in Cross-Linked Liquid Crystalline Networks,"Advanced Materials, 29, ARTN: 1606509 (2017).DOI:


  1. Lyon, G.B.; Cox, L.M.; Goodrich, J.T.; Baranek, A.D.; Ding, Y.; Bowman, C.N. Remoldable Thiol–Ene Vitrimers for Photopatterning and Nanoimprint Lithography.Macromolecules49(23), (2016). doi:
  2. Glugla, D.J.; Alim, M.D.; Byars, K.D.; Nair, D.P.; Bowman, C.N.; Maute, K.K.; McLeod, R.R. Rigid Origami via Optical Programming and Deferred Self-Folding of a Two-Stage Photopolymer.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces8(43), (2016). doi:
  3. Claudino, M.; Zhang, X.; Alim, M.D.; Podgórski, M.; Bowman, C.N. Mechanistic Kinetic Modeling of Thiol–Michael Addition Photopolymerizations via Photocaged “Superbase” Generators: An Analytical Approach.Macromolecules49(21), (2016). doi:
  4. Lee, K.M.; Ware, T.H.; Tondiglia, V.P.; McBride, M.K.; Zhang, X.; Bowman, C.N.; White, T.J. Initiatorless Photopolymerization of Liquid Crystal Monomers.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces8(41), (2016). doi:
  5. Konetski, D.; Gong, T.; Bowman, C.N. Photoinduced Vesicle Formation via the Copper-Catalyzed Azide–Alkyne Cycloaddition Reaction.Langmuir(2016). doi:
  6. Podgórski, M.; Wang, C.; Yuan, Y.; Konetski, D.; Smalyukh, I.; Bowman, C.N. Pristine Polysulfone Networks as a Class of Polysulfide-Derived High-Performance Functional Materials.Chemistry of Materials28, 2102–2109 (2016). doi:
  7. Gelebart, A.H.; McBride, M.; Schenning, A.P.H.J.; Bowman, C.N.; Broer, D.J. Photoresponsive Fiber Array: Toward Mimicking the Collective Motion of Cilia for Transport Applications.Advanced Functional Materials26, 5322–5327 (2016). doi:
  8. Hardy, M.D.; Konetski, D.; Bowman, C.N.; Devaraj, N.K. Ruthenium photoredox-triggered phospholipid membrane formation.Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry(2016). doi:
  9. Baranek, A.; Song, H.B.; McBride, M.; Finnegan, P.; Bowman, C.N. Thermomechanical Formation-Structure-Property Relationships in Photopolymerized Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne (CuAAC) Networks.Macromolecules,49, 1191-1200 (2016). doi:
  10. Lyon, G.B.; Baranek, A.D.; Bowman, C.N. Scaffolded Thermally Remendable Hybrid Polymer Networks.Advanced Functional Materials,26, 1477-1485 (2016). doi:
  11. Zhang, X.; Xi, W.; Wang, C.; Podgórski, M.; Bowman, C.N. Visible-Light-Initiated Thiol-Michael Addition Polymerizations with Coumarin-Based Photobase Generators: Another Photoclick Reaction Strategy.ACS Macro Letters,5, 229-233 (2016). doi:
  12. Song, H.B.; Baranek, A.D.; Bowman, C.N. Kinetics of bulk photo-initiated copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) polymerizations.Polymer Chemistry,7, 603-612 (2016). doi:


  1. Wang, C.; Zhang, X.; Podgórski, M.; Xi, W.; Shah, P.; Stansbury, J.; Bowman, C.N. Monodispersity/Narrow Polydispersity Cross-Linked Microparticles Prepared by Step-Growth Thiol–Michael Addition Dispersion Polymerizations.Macromolecules,48, 8461-8470 (2015). doi:
  2. Xi, W.; Pattanayak, S.; Wang, C.; Fairbanks, B.; Gong, T.; Wagner, J.; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N. Clickable Nucleic Acids: Sequence-Controlled Periodic Copolymer/Oligomer Synthesis by Orthogonal Thiol-X Reactions.Angewandte Chemie International Edition,54, 14462-14467 (2015). doi:
  3. He, L.; Mao, C.; Cho, S.; Ma, K.; Xi, W.; Bowman, C.N.; Park, W.; Cha, J.N. Experimental and theoretical photoluminescence studies in nucleic acid assembled gold-upconverting nanoparticle clusters.Nanoscale,7, 17254-17260 (2015). doi:
  4. Aguirre-Soto, A.; Hwang, A.T.; Glugla, D.; Wydra, J.W.; McLeod, R.R.; Bowman, C.N.; Stansbury, J.W. Coupled UV–Vis/FT–NIR Spectroscopy for Kinetic Analysis of Multiple Reaction Steps in Polymerizations.Macromolecules,48, 6781-6790 (2015). doi:
  5. Podgórski, M.; Becka, E.; Claudino, M.; Flores, A.; Shah, P.K.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N. Ester-free thiol–ene dental restoratives — Part A: Resin development.Dental Materials,31, 1255-1262 (2015). doi:
  6. Podgórski, M.; Becka, E.; Claudino, M.; Flores, A.; Shah, P.K.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N. Ester-free thiol–ene dental restoratives — Part B: Composite development.Dental Materials,31, 1263-1270 (2015). doi:
  7. Podgórski, M.; Wang, C.; Bowman, C.N. Multiple Shape Memory Polymers Based on Laminates Formed from Thiol-Click Chemistry Based Polymerizations.Soft Matter,11, 6852-6858 (2015). doi:
  8. Zhao, Z.; Mu, X.; Sowan, N.; Pei, Y.; Bowman, C.N.; Qi, H.J.; Fang, D. Effects of Oxygen to the Light Activation in Covalent Adaptable Network Polymers.Soft Matter,11, 6134-6144 (2015). doi:
  9. Wang, C.; Chatani, S.; Podgórski, M.; Bowman, C.N. Thiol-Michael Addition Miniemulsion Polymerizations: Functional Nanoparticles and Reactive Latex Films.Polymer Chemistry,6, 3758-3763 (2015). doi:
  10. Mu, X.; Sowan, N.; Tumbic, J.A.; Bowman, C.N.; Mather, P.T.; Qi, J.H. Photo-induced bending in a light-activated polymer laminated composite.Soft Matter,11, 2673-2682 (2015). doi:
  11. Yakacki, C.M.; Saed, M.; Nair, D.P.; Gong, T.; Reed, S.M.; Bowman, C.N. Tailorable and programmable liquid-crystalline elastomers using a two-stage thiol–acrylate reaction.RSC Advances,5, 18997-19001 (2015). doi:
  12. Podgórski, M.; Becka, E.; Chatani, S.; Claudino, M.; Bowman, C.N. Ester-free Thiol-X Resins: New Materials with Enhanced Mechanical Behavior and Solvent Resistance.Polymer Chemistry,6, 2234-2240 (2015). doi:


  1. Peng, H.; Wang, C.; Xi, W.; Kowalski, B.A.; Gong, T.; Xie, X.; Wang, W.; Nair, D.P.; McLeod, R.R.; Bowman, C.N. "Facile Image Patterning via Sequential Thiol-Michael/Thiol-Yne Click Reactions",Chemistry of Materials26(23) 6819-6826 (2014) doi:
  2. Cox, L.M.; Li, Z.; Sowan, N.; Nair, D.P.; Xiao, J.; Bowman, C.N.; Ding, Y.; "Reconfigurable surface patterns on covalent adaptive network polymers using nanoimprint lithography",Polymer55(23) 5933-5937 (2014) doi:
  3. Xi, W.; Peng, H.; Aguirre-Soto, A.; Kloxin, C.J.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N.; "Spatial and Temporal Control of Thiol-Michael Addition via Photocaged Superbase in Photopatterning and Two-Stage Polymer Networks Formation",Macromolecules47(18) 6159-6165 (2014) doi:
  4. Alzahrani, A.A.; Nair, D.P.; Smits, D.J.; Saed, M.; Yakacki, C.M.; Bowman, C.N.; "Photo-CuAAC Induced Wrinkle Formation in a Thiol-Acrylate Elastomer via Sequential Click Reactions",Chemistry of Materials26(18) 5303-5309 (2014) doi:
  5. Meng, Y.; Fenoli, C.R.; Aguirre-Soto, A.; Bowman, C.N.; Anthamatten, M.; "Photoinduced diffusion through polymer networks",Advanced Materials26(37) 6497-6502 (2014) doi:
  6. McBride, M.K.; Gong, T.; Nair, D.P.; Bowman, C.N.; "Photo-mediated copper (I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) 'click' reactions for forming polymer networks as shape memory materials",Polymer26(18) 5303-5309 (2014) doi:
  7. Berg, G.; McBride, M.K.; Wang, C.; Bowman, C.N.; "New directions in the chemistry of shape memory polymers",Polymer55(23) 5849-5872 (2014) doi:
  8. Chatani, S.; Wang, C.; Podgórski, M.; Bowman, C.N.; "Triple Shape Memory Materials Incorporating Two Distinct Polymer Networks Formed by Selective Thiol-Michael Addition Reactions",Macromolecules47(15) 4949-4954 (2014) doi:
  9. Chatani, S.; Podgórski, M.; Wang, C.; Bowman, C.N.; "Facile and Efficient Synthesis of Dendrimers and One-Pot Preparation of Dendritic-Linear Polymer Conjugates via a Single Chemistry: Utilization of Kinetically Selective Thiol-Michael Addition Reactions",Macromolecules47(15) 4894-4900 (2014) doi:
  10. Podgórski, M.; Chatani, S.; Bowman, C.N.; "Development of Glassy Step-Growth Thiol-Vinyl Sulfone Polymer Networks",Macromolecular Rapid Communications35(17) 1497-1502 (2014) doi:
  11. Wang, C.; Podgórski, M.; Bowman, C.N.; "Monodisperse Functional Microspheres from Step-growth “Click” Polymerizations: Preparation, Functionalization and Implementation",Materials Horizons1535-539 (2014) doi:
  12. Wydra, J.W.; Cramer, N.B.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N.; "The reciprocity law concerning light dose relationships applied to BisGMA/TEGDMA photopolymers: Theoretical analysis and experimental characterization",Dental Materials30(6) 605-612 (2014) doi:
  13. Peng, H.; Bi, S.; Ni, M.; Xie, X.; Liao, Y.; Zhou, X.; Xue, Z.; Zhu, J.; Wei, Y.; Bowman, C.N.; Mai, Y.W.; "Monochromatic Visible Light “Photoinitibitor”: Janus-Faced Initiation and Inhibition for Storage of Colored 3D Images",Journal of the American Chemical Society136(25) 8855-8858 (2014) doi:
  14. Ma, J.; Mu, X.; Bowman, C.N.; Sun, Y.; Dunn, M.L.; Qi, J.H.; Fang, D.; "A photoviscoplastic model for photo activated covalent adaptive networks",Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids7084-103 (2014) doi:
  15. Berg, G.; Gong, T.; Fenoli, C.R.; Bowman, C.N.; "A Dual-Cure, Solid-State Photoresist Combining a Thermoreversible Diels-Alder Network and a Chain Growth Acrylate Network",Macromolecules47(10) 3473-3482 (2014) doi:
  16. Peng, H.; Nair, D.P.; Kowalski, B.A.; Xi, W.; Gong, T.; Wang, C.; Cole, M.; Cramer, N.B.; Xie, X.; McLeod, R.R.; Bowman, C.N.; "High Performance Graded Rainbow Holograms via Two-Stage Sequential Orthogonal Thiol-Click Chemistry",Macromolecules47(7) 2306-2315 (2014) doi:
  17. Chatani, S.; Gong, T.; Earle, B.A.; Podgórski, M.; Bowman, C.N.; "Visible-Light Initiated Thiol-Michael Addition Photopolymerization Reactions",ACS Macro Letters3(4) 315-318 (2014) doi:
  18. Cole, M.A.; Jankousky, K.C.; Bowman, C.N.; "Thiol-ene functionalized siloxanes for use as elastomeric dental impression materials",Dental Materials30(4) 449-455 (2014) doi:
  19. Wydra, J.W.; Fenoli, C.R.; Cramer, N.B.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N.; "Influence of small amounts of addition-fragmentation capable monomers on polymerization-induced shrinkage stress",Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry52(9) 1315-1321 (2014) doi:
  20. Fenoli, C.R.; Wydra, J.W.; Bowman, C.N.; "Controllable Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Termination Monomers for Advances in Photochemically Controlled Covalent Adaptable Networks",Macromolecules47(3) 907-915 (2014) doi:
  21. Xi, W.; Scott, T.F; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "Click Chemistry in Materials Science",Advanced Functional Materials24(18) 2572-2590 (2014) doi:
  22. Podgórski, M.; Nair, D.P.; Chatani, S.; Berg, G.; Bowman, C.N.; "Programmable Mechanically Assisted Geometric Deformations of Glassy Two-Stage Reactive Polymeric Materials",ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces6(9) 6111-6119 (2014) doi:
  23. Chatani, S.; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "The power of light in polymer science: photochemical processes to manipulate polymer formation, structure, and properties",Polymer Chemistry52187-2201 (2014) doi:
  24. Alzahrani, A.A.; Erbse, A.; Bowman, C.N.; "Evaluation and Development of Novel Photoinitiator Complexes for Photoinitiating the Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reaction",Polymer Chemistry51874-1882 (2014) doi:
  25. Fenoli, C.R.; Bowman, C.N.; "Synthesis of novel trithiocarbonate and allyl sulfide containing monomers",Polymer Chemistry562-68 (2014) doi:
  26. Nair, D.P.; Podgórski, M.; Chatani, S.; Gong, T.; Xi, W.; Fenoli, C.R.; Bowman, C.N.; "The Thiol-Michael Addition Click Reaction: A Powerful and Widely Used Tool in Materials Chemistry",Chemistry of Materials26(1) 724-744 (2014) doi:


  1. Chatani, S.; Sheridan, R.J.; Podgórski, M.; Nair, D.P.; Bowman, C.N.; "Temporal control of thiol-click chemistry",Chemistry of Materials25(19) 3897-3901 (2013) doi:
  2. Nair, D.P.; Cramer, N.B.; McBride, M.K.; Gaipa, J.C.; Lee, N.C.; Shandas, R.; Bowman, C.N.; "Fabrication and Characterization of Novel High Modulus, Two-Stage Reactive Thiol-Acrylate Composite Polymer Systems",Macromolecular Symposia329(1) 101-107 (2013) doi:
  3. Gong, T.; Adzima, B.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "A novel copper containing photoinitiator, copper(II) acylphosphinate, and its application in both the photomediated CuAAC reaction and in atom transfer radical polymerization",Chemical Communications497950-7952 (2013) doi:
  4. Koehler, K.C.; Alge, D.L.; Anseth, K.S.; Bowman, C.N.; "Development of a maleimide amino acid for use as a tool for peptide conjugation and modification",International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics19(3) 265-274 (2013) doi:
  5. Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "Covalent adaptable networks: smart, reconfigurable and responsive network systems",Chemical Society Reviews427161-7173 (2013) doi:
  6. Ashley, J.F.; Bowman, C.N.; Davis, R.H.; "Hydrodynamic separation of particles using pinched-flow fractionation",AIChE Journal59(9) 3444-3457 (2013) doi:
  7. Sheridan, R.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "Understanding the process of healing of thermoreversible covalent adaptable networks",Polymer Chemistry44974-4979 (2013) doi:
  8. Xi, W.; Krieger, M.; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "A new photoclick reaction strategy: photo-induced catalysis of the thiol-Michael addition via a caged primary amine",Chemical Communications494504-4506 (2013) doi:
  9. Cole, M.A.; Bowman, C.N.; "Evaluation of thiol-ene click chemistry in functionalized polysiloxanes",Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry51(8) 1749-1757 (2013) doi:
  10. Koehler, K.C.; Alge, D.L; Anseth, K.S.; Bowman, C.N.; "A Diels-Alder modulated approach to control and sustain the release of dexamethasone and induce osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells",Biomaterials34(16) 4150-4158 (2013) doi:
  11. Gong, T.; Adzima, B.J.; Baker, N.H.; Bowman, C.N.; "Photopolymerization Reactions Using the Photoinitiated Copper (I)-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition (CuAAC) Reaction",Advanced Materials25(14) 2024-2028 (2013) doi:
  12. Shenoy, R.; Tibbitt, M.W.; Anseth, K.S.; Bowman, C.N.; "Formation of core-shell particles by interfacial radical polymerization initiated by a glucose oxidase-mediated redox system",Chemistry of Materials25(5) 761-767 (2013) doi:
  13. Chatani, S.; Nair, C.P.; Bowman, C.N.; "Relative reactivity and selectivity of vinyl sulfones and acrylates towards the thiol-Michael addition reaction and polymerization",Polymer Chemistry41048-1055 (2013). doi:
  14. Cole, M.A.; Jankousky, K.C.; Bowman, C.N.; "Redox initiation of bulk thiol-ene polymerizations",Polymer Chemistry41167-1175 (2013) doi:
  15. Koehler, K.C.; Anseth, K.S.; Bowman, C.N.; "Diels-Alder Mediated Controlled Release from a Poly(ethylene glycol) Based Hydrogel",Biomacromolecules14(2) 538-547 (2013) doi:
  16. Shenoy, R.; Bowman, C.N.; "A Comprehensive Kinetic Model of Free-Radical-Mediated Interfacial Polymerization",Macromolecular Theory and Simulations22(2) 115-126 (2013) doi:


  1. Koehler, K.C.; Durackova, A.; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "Kinetic and thermodynamic measurements for the facile property prediction of Diels-Alder-conjugated material behavior",AIChE Journal58(11) 3545-3552 (2012) doi:
  2. Berron, B.J.; May, A.M.; Zheng, Z.; Balasubramaniam, V.; Bowman, C.N.; "Antigen-responsive, microfluidic valves for single use diagnostics",Lab on a Chip12708-710 (2012) doi:
  3. Adzima, B.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "The emerging role of click reactions in chemical and biological engineering"AIChE Journal58(10) 2952-2965 doi:
  4. Nair, D.P.; Cramer, N.B.; McBride, M.K.; Gaipa, J.C.; Shandas, J.C.; Bowman, C.N.; "Enhanced two-stage reactive polymer network forming systems",Polymer53(12) 2429-2434 (2012) doi:
  5. Baylor, M.E.; Cerjan, B.W.; Pfiefer, C.R.; Boyne, R.W.; Couch, C.L.; Cramer, N.B.; Bowman, C.N.; McLeod, R.R.; "Monolithic integration of optical waveguide and fluidic channel structures in a thiol-ene/methacrylate photopolymer",Optical Materials Express2(11) 1548-1555 (2012) doi:
  6. Leung, D.; Bowman, C.N.; "Reducing shrinkage stress of dimethacrylate networks by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer",Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics213(2) 198-204 (2012) doi:
  7. Bowman, C.N.; Kloxin, C.J.; "Covalent adaptable networks: reversible bond structures incorporated in polymer networks",Angewandte Chemie International Edition51(18) 4272-4274 (2012) doi:
  8. Cook, W.D.; Schiller, T.L.; Chen, F.; Moorhoff, C.; Thang, S.H.; Bowman, C.N.; Scott, T.F.; "Effect of cross-link density on photoplasticity of epoxide networks containing allylic dithioether moieties",Macromolecules45(24) 9734-9741 (2012) doi:
  9. Hume, S.L; Hoyt, S.M.; Walker, J.S.; Sridhar, B.V.; Ashley, J.F.; Bowman, C.N.; Bryant, S.J.; "Alignment of multi-layered muscle cells within three-dimensional hydrogel macrochannels",Acta Biomaterialia8(6) 2193-2202 (2012) doi:
  10. Park, H.Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; Fordney, M.F.; Bowman, C.N.; "Stress relaxation of trithiocarbonate-dimethacrylate-based dental composites",Dental Materials28(8) 888-893 (2012) doi:
  11. Xi, W.; Wang, C.; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "Nitrogen-Centered Nucleophile Catalyzed Thiol-Vinylsulfone Addition, Another Thiol-ene "Click" Reaction",ACS Macro Letters1(7) 811-814 (2012) doi:
  12. Ye, S.; Azarnoush, S.; Smith, I.R.; Cramer, N.B.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N.; "Using hyperbranched oligomer functionalized glass fillers to reduce shrinkage stress",Dental Materials28(9) 1004-1011 (2012) doi:
  13. Nair, D.P.; Cramer, N.B.; Gaipa, J.C.; McBride, M.K.; Matherly, E.M.; McLeod, R.R.; Shandas, R.; Bowman, C.N.; "Two-stage reactive polymer network forming systems",Advanced Functional Materials22(7) 1502-1510 (2012) doi:
  14. Park, H.Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; Fordney, M.F.; Bowman, C.N.; "Stress Reduction and Tg Enhancement in Ternary Thiol-Yne-Methacrylate Systems via Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer",Macromolecules45(14) 5647-5652 (2012) doi:
  15. Park, H.Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; Abuelyaman, A.S.; Oxman, J.D.; Bowman, C.N.; "Stress Relaxation via Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer in High Tg, High Conversion Methacrylate-Based Systems",Macromolecules45(14) 5640-5646 (2012) doi:
  16. Shenoy, R.; Bowman, C.N.; "Kinetics of interfacial radical polymerization initiated by a glucose-oxidase mediated redox system",Biomaterials33(29) 6909-6914 (2012) doi:
  17. Cole, M.A.; Bowman, C.N.; "Synthesis and characterization of thiol-ene functionalized siloxanes and evaluation of their crosslinked network properties",Polymer Chemistry50(20) 4325-4333 (2012) doi:
  18. Sheridan, R.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "A Simple Relationship Relating Linear Viscoelastic Properties and Chemical Structure in a Model Diels-Alder Polymer Network",Macromolecules45(18) 7634-7641 (2012) doi:
  19. Park, H.Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; Abuelyaman, A.S.; Oxman, J.D.; Bowman, C.N.; "Novel dental restorative materials having low polymerization shrinkage stress via stress relaxation by addition-fragmentation chain transfer",Dental Materials28(11) 1113-1119 (2012) doi:
  20. Adzima, B.J.; Kloxin, C.J.; DeForest, C.A.; Anseth, K.S.; Bowman, C.N.; "3D Photofixation Lithography in Diels-Alder Networks",Macromolecular Rapid Communications33(24) 2092-2096 (2012) doi:


  1. Boulden, J.E.; Cramer, N.B.; Schreck, K.M.; Couch, C.L.; Bracho-Troconis, C.; Stansbury, J.W.; Bowman, C.N., "Thiol-ene-methacrylate composites as dental restorative materials",Dental Materials27(3) 267-272 (2011) doi:
  2. Schreck, K.M.; Leung, D.; Bowman, C.N.; "Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Thiol-Ene-Based Photopolymerized Networks",Macromolecules44(19) 7520-7529 (2011) doi:
  3. Sheridan, R.J.; Adzima, B.J.; Bowman, C.N.; "Temperature Dependent Stress Relaxation in a Model Diels-Alder Network",Australian Journal of Chemistry64(8) 1094-1099 (2011) doi:
  4. Ye, S.; Cramer, N.B.; Smith, I.R.; Voigt, K.R.; Bowman, C.N.; "Reaction Kinetics and Reduced Shrinkage Stress of Thiol-Yne-Methacrylate and Thiol-Yne-Acrylate Ternary Systems",Macromolecules44(23) 9084-9090 (2011) doi:
  5. Scott, T.F.; Kloxin, C.J.; Forman, D.L.; McLeod, R.R.; Bowman, C.N.; "Principles of voxel refinement in optical direct write lithography",Journal of Materials Chemistry2114150-14155 (2011) doi:
  6. Ye, S.; Cramer, N.B.; Stevens, B.E.; Sani, R.L.; Bowman, C.N.; "Induction Curing of Thiol-Acrylate and Thiol-Ene Composite Systems",Macromolecules44(12) 4988-4996 (2011) doi:
  7. Ashley, J.F.; Cramer, N.B.; Davis, R.H.; Bowman, C.N.; "Soft-lithography fabrication of microfluidic features using thiol-ene formulations",Lab on a Chip112772-2778 (2011) doi:
  8. Kloxin, C.J; Scott, T.F.; Park, H.; & Bowman, C.N., “Mechanophotopatterning on a Photoresponsive Elastomer”,Advanced Materials23(17) 1977-1981 (2011) doi:.
  9. Berron, B.J., Johnson, L.M.; Ba, X.; McCall, J.D.; Alvey, N.J.; Anseth K.S. & Bowman, C.N., "Glucose Oxidase Mediated Radical Chain Polymerization for Detection of Biorecognition Events in Microtiter Assays."Biotechnology and Bioengineering108(7) 1521-1528 (2011). doi:
  10. Adzima, B.J.; Tao, Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; DeForest, C.A.; Anseth, K.S.; & Bowman, C.N., “Spatial and temporal control of the alkyne—azide cycloaddition by photoinitiated Cu(II) reduction”,Nature Chemistry3(3) 256-259 (2011) doi:.
  11. Ye, S.; Cramer, N.B.; & Bowman, C.N., “ Relationship between Glass Transition Temperature and Polymerization Temperature for Cross-Linked Photopolymers“,Macromolecules44(3) 490-494 (2011). doi:.
  12. Morrill J.A.; Biggs J.H.; & Bowman, C.N., “Development of quantitative structure-activity relationships for explanatory modeling of fast reacting (meth)acrylate monomers bearing novel functionality“,Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling29(5) 763-772 (2011). doi:.
  13. Boulden, J.E.; Cramer, N.B.; Schreck, K.M.; Couch, C.L.; Brancho-Troconois, C.; Stansbury, J.W. & Bowman, C.N., “ Thiol-ene-methacrylate composites as dental restorative materials“,Dental Materials27(3) 267-272 (2011). doi:.
  14. Avens, H.J.; Chang, E.; May, A.M.; Berron, B.J.; Seedorf, G.J.; Balasubramaniam, V. & Bowman, C.N., "Fluorescent Polymeric Nanocomposite Films Generated by Surface-Mediated Photoinitiation of Polymerization"Journal of Nanoparticle Research13(1) 331-346 (2011). DOI:
  15. Avens, H.J.; Berron, B.J.; May, A.M.; Voigt, K.R.; Seedorf, G.J.; Balasubramaniam, V. & Bowman, C.N.; "Sensitive Immunofluorescent Staining of Cells via Generation of Fluorescent Nanoscale Polymer Films in Response to Biorecognition,"Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry59(1) 76-87 (2011). DOI:
  16. Park, H.Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; Scott, T.F. & Bowman, C.N., “ Stress Relaxation by Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer in Highly Cross-Linked Thiol-Yne Networks“,Macromolecules43(24) 10188-10190 (2011). doi:


  1. Shenoy, R. & Bowman, C.N. "Mechanism and implementation of oxygen inhibition suppression in photopolymerizations by competitive photoactivation of a singlet oxygen sensitizer",Macromolecules43(19) 7964-7970 (2010). doi:
  2. Kloxin, A.M.; Kloxin, C.J.; Bowman, C.N. & Anseth, K.S. "Mechanical properties of cellularly responsive hydrogels and their experimental determination",Advanced Materials22(31) 3484-3494 (2010). doi:
  3. Nair, D.P.; Cramer, N.B. & Bowman, C.N. "Photopolymerized thiol-ene systems as shape memory polymers",Polymer51(19) 4383-4389 (2010). doi:
  4. Park, H.Y.; Kloxin, C.J.; Scott, T.F. & Bowman, C.N. "Covalent adaptable networks as dental restorative resins: Stress relaxation by addition-fragmentation chain transfer in allyl sulfide containing resins",Dental Materials26(10) 1010-1016 (2010). doi:
  5. Lawson, M.C.; Hoth, K.C., DeForest, C.A.; Bowman, C.N.; & Anseth, K.S. "Inhibition of staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms using polymerizable vancomycin derivatives",Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research468(8) 2081-2091 (2010). doi:
  6. Matsushima, H.; Shin, J.; Bowman, C.N. & Hoyle, C.E. "Thiol-isocyanate-acrylate ternary networks by selective thiol-click chemistry",Journal of Polymer Science Part A - Polymer Chemistry48(15) 3255-3264 (2010). doi:
  7. Johnson, L.M.; DeForest, C.A.; Pendurti, A.; Anseth, K.S. & Bowman C.N. "Formation of three-dimensional hydrogel multilayers using enzyme-mediated redox chain initiation",ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces2(7) 1963-1972 (2010). doi:
  8. Adzima, B.J.; Kloxin, C.J.; & Bowman, C.N. "Externally triggered healing of a thermoreversible covalent network via self-limited hysteresis heating",Advanced Materials22(25) 2784-2787 (2010). doi:
  9. Cramer, N.B.; Couch, C.L.; Schreck, K.M.; Boulden, J.E.; Wydra, R.; Stansbury, J.W. & Bowman, C.N. "Properties of methacrylate-thiol-ene formulations as dental restorative materials",Dental Materials26(8) 799-806 (2010). doi:
  10. Lowe, A.B.; Hoyle, C.E. & Bowman, C.N. "Thiol-yne click chemistry: A powerful and versatile methodology for materials synthesis",Journal of Materials Chemistry20(23) 4745-4750 (2010). doi:
  11. Fairbanks, B.D.; Sims, E.A.; Anseth, K.S.& Bowman, C.N. "Reaction rates and mechanisms for radical, photoinitated addition of thiols to alkynes, and implications for thiol-yne photopolymerizations and click reactions",Macromolecules43(9) 4113-4119 (2010). doi:
  12. Johnson, L.M.; Bowman, C.N.; & Stansbury, J.W. "Optimization of multicomponent photopolymer formulations using high-throughput analysis and kinetic modeling",AIChE Journal56(5) 1262-1269 (2010). doi:
  13. Shin, J.; Matsushima, H.; Comer, C.M.; Bowman, C.N.; & Hoyle, C.E. "Thiol-isocyanate-ene ternary networks by sequential and simultaneous thiol click reactions",Chemistry of Materials22(8) 2616-2625 (2010). doi:
  14. Johnson, L.M.; Hansen, R.R.; Urban, M.; Kuchta, R.D.; & Bowman, C.N. "Photoinitiator nucleotide for quantifying nucleic acid hybridization",Biomacromolecules11(4) 1133-1138 (2010). doi:
  15. Hoyle, C.E.; Lowe, A.B.; & Bowman, C.N. "Thiol-click chemistry: a multifaceted toolbox for small molecule and polymer synthesis",Chemical Society Reviews39(4) 1355-1387 (2010). doi:
  16. Kloxin, C.J.; Scott, T.F.; Adzima, B.J.; & Bowman, C.N. "Covalent adaptable networks (CANs): a unique paradigm in cross-linked polymers",Macromolecules43(6) 2643-2653 (2010). doi:
  17. Hoyle, C.E. & Bowman, C.N. "Thiol-ene click chemistry",Angewante Chemie-International Edition49(9) 1540-1573 (2010). doi:
  18. Cramer, N.B.; Couch, C.L.; Schreck, K.M.; Carioscia, J.A.; Boulden, J.E.; Stansbury, J.W.; & Bowman, C.N. "Investigation of thiol-ene and thiol-ene-methacrylate based resins as dental restorative materials",Dental Materials26(1) 21-28 (2010). doi:
  19. Avens H.J.; & Bowman, C.N. "Development of fluorescent polymerization-based signal amplification for sensitive and non-enzymatic biodetection in antibody microarrays",Acta Biomaterialia6(1) 83-89 (2010). doi:


  1. Fairbanks, B.D.; Schwartz, M.P.; Halevi, A.E.; Nuttelman, C.R.; Bowman, C.N.; & Anseth, K.S., "A Versatile Synthetic Extracell-ular Matrix Mimic via Thiol-Norbornene Photopolymerization",Advanced Materials21(48) 5005-5010 (2009). doi:
  2. Johnson, P.M.; Stansbury, J.W.; & Bowman, C.N., "FTIR Microscopy for Kinetic Measurements in High-Throughput Photopolymerization: Experimental Design and Application",Macromolecular Reaction Engineering3(9) 522-528 (2009). doi:
  3. Avens H.J. & Bowman C.N., "Mechanism of Cyclic Dye Regeneration During Eosin-Sensitized Photoinitiation in the Presence of Polymerization Inhibitors",Journal of Polymer Science Part A - Polymer Chemistry47(22) 6083-6094 (2009). doi:
  4. Fairbanks B.D.; Schwartz M.P.; Bowman C.N.; & Anseth K.S., "Photoinitiated polymerization of PEG-diacrylate with lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate: polymerization rate and cytocompatibility",Biomaterials30(35) 6702-6707 (2009). doi:
  5. Johnson L.M.; Fairbanks B.D.; Anseth K.S.; & Bowman C.N., "Enzyme-Mediated Redox Initiation for Hydrogel Generation and Cellular Encapsulation",Biomacromolecules10(11) 3114-3121 (2009). doi:
  6. Kilambi, H.; Reddy, S.K.; Schneidewind, L.;Stansbury, J.W.; & Bowman, C.N., "Influence of the Secondary Functionality on the Radical-Vinyl Chemistry of Highly Reactive Monoacrylates",Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry47(19) 4859-4870 (2009). doi:
  7. Johnson L.M.; Avens H.J.; Hansen R.R.; Sewell H.L.; Bowman C.N., "Characterization of the Assaying Methods in Polymerization-Based Amplification of Surface Biomarkers",Australian Journal of Chemistry62(8), 877-884 (2009) doi:
  8. Lawson M.C.; Shoemaker R.; Hoth K.B.; Bowman C.N.; and Anseth K.S., "Polymerizable Vancomycin Derivatives for Bactericidal Biomaterial Surface Modification: Structure-Function Evaluation",Biomacromolecules10(8), 2221-2234 (2009) doi:
  9. Long, K.N.; Scott, T.F.; Qi, H.J.; Bowman, C.N.; and Dunn, M.L., "Photomechanics of light-activated polymers",Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids57(7) 1103-1121 (2009) doi:
  10. Scott, T. F.; Kowalski, B. A.; Sullivan, A. C.; Bowman, C. N.; McLeod, R. R., "Two-Color Single-Photon Photoinitiation and Photoinhibition for Subdiffraction Photolithography",Science324(5929), 913-917 (2009) doi:
  11. Lee T. Y.; Cramer, N. B.; Hoyle, C. E.; Stansbury, J. W.; Bowman, C. N., "(Meth)Acrylate Vinyl Ester Hybrid Polymerizations",Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry47(10), 2509-2516 (2009). doi:
  12. Berchtold K. A.; Hacioglu, B.; Nie, J.; Cramer, N. B.; Stansbury, J. W.; Bowman, C. N., "Rapid Solid-State Photopolymerization of Cyclic Acetal-Containing Acrylates",Macromolecules42(7), 2433-2437 (2009). doi:
  13. Kloxin, C. J.; Scott, T. F.; Bowman, C. N., "Stress Relaxation via Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer in a Thiol-ene Photopolymerization",Macromolecules42(7), 2551-2556 (2009). doi:
  14. Sikes, H.D.; Jenison, R.; Bowman C. N., "Antigen detection using polymerization-based amplification"Lab on a chip9(5), 653-656 (2009). doi:
  15. Kilambi, H.; Cramer, N. B.; Schneidewind, L. H.; Shah, P.; Stansbury, J. W.; Bowman, C. N., "Evaluation of highly reactive mono-methacrylates as reactive diluents for BisGMA-based dental composites,"Dental Materials25(1), 33-38 (2009). doi:
  16. Fairbanks, B. D.; Scott, T. F.; Kloxin, C. J.; Anseth, K. S.; Bowman, C. N., "Thiol-Yne Photopolymerizations: Novel Mechanism, Kinetics, and Step-Growth Formation of Highly Cross-Linked Networks,"Macromolecules42(1), 211-217 (2009). doi:


  1. Berchtold, K. A., Nie, J., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N., Reactivity of Monovinyl (Meth)acrylates Containing Cyclic CarbonatesMacromolecules41(23), 9035-9043 (2008). DOI:
  2. Adzima, B. J., Aguirre, H. A., Kloxin, C. J., Scott, T. F. & Bowman, C. N., Rheological and Chemical Analysis of Reverse Gelation in a Covalently Cross-Linked Diels-Alder Polymer NetworkMacromolecules41(23), 9112-9117 (2008). doi:
  3. Bowman, C. N. & Kloxin, C. J., Toward an enhanced understanding and implementation of photopolymerization reactionsAIChE Journal54(11), 2774-3037 (2008). doi:
  4. Avens, H. J., Randle, T. J., and Bowman, C. N., Polymerization behavior and polymer properties of eosin-mediated surface modification reactions.Polymer49(22), 4762 (2008). doi:
  5. Cramer, N. B., O'Brien, C. P., and Bowman, C. N., Mechanisms, polymerization rate scaling, and oxygen inhibition with an ultra-rapid monovinyl urethane acrylate.Polymer49(22), 4756 (2008). doi:
  6. Khire, V. S., Kloxin A. M., Couch, C. L., Anseth K. S. and Bowman, C. N., Synthesis, Characterization and Cleavage of Linear Polymers Attached to Silica Nanoparticles Formed Using Thiol-Acrylate Conjugate Addition Reactions.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry46(20), 6896 (2008). doi:
  7. Khire, V. S., Lee, T. Y., and Bowman, C. N., Synthesis, Characterization and Cleavage of Surface-Bound Linear Polymers Formed Using Thiol-Ene Photopolymerizations.Macromolecules41(20), 7440 (2008). doi:
  8. Khire, V. S., Yi, Y., Clark, N. A., and Bowman, C. N., Formation and surface modification of nanopatterned thiol-ene substrates using Step and Flash Imprint Lithography.Advanced Materials20(17), 3308 (2008). doi:
  9. Hansen, R. R., Avens, H. J., Shenoy, R. & Bowman, C. N. Quantitative evaluation of oligonucleotide surface concentrations using polymerization-based amplification.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry392, 167-175 (2008). doi:
  10. Rydholm, A. E., Held, N. L., Benoit, D. S. W., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Modifying network chemistry in thiol-acrylate photopolymers through postpolymerization functionalization to control cell-material interactions.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A86A, 23-30 (2008). doi:
  11. Kilambi, H., J. W. Stansbury & Bowman, C. N."Enhanced reactivity of monovinyl acrylates characterized by secondary functionalities toward photopolymerization and Michael addition: Contribution of intramolecular effects."Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry46, 3452-3458 (2008). doi:
  12. Scott, T. F., Kloxin, C. J., Draughon, R. B. & Bowman, C. N. Nonclassical dependence of polymerization rate on initiation rate observed in thiol-ene photopolymerizations.Macromolecules41, 2987-2989 (2008). doi:
  13. Yi, Y. W., V. Khire, Bowman, C. N., Maclennan, J. E. & Clark, N. A.(2008). "Organization of liquid crystals on submicron scale topographic patterns with fourfold symmetry prepared by thiol-ene photopolymerization-based nanoimprint lithography."Journal of Applied Physics103, 093508-093518 (2008). doi:
  14. Stansbury, J. W., Bowman, C. N. & Newman, S. M. Shining a light on dental composite restoratives.Physics Today61, 82-83 (2008).
  15. Johnson, P. M., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. High-throughput kinetic analysis of acrylate and thiol-ene photopolymerization using temperature and exposure time gradients.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry46, 1502-1509 (2008). doi:
  16. Cook, W. D., Chausson, S., Chen, F., Le Pluart, L., Bowman, C. N. & Scott, T. F. Photopolymerization kinetics, photorheology and photoplasticity of thiol-ene-allylic sulfide networks.Polymer International57, 469-478 (2008). doi:
  17. Hansen, R. R., Sikes, H. B. & Bowman, C. N. Visual detection of labeled oligonucleotides using visible-light-polymerization-based amplification.Biomacromolecules9, 355-362 (2008). doi:
  18. Sikes, H. D., Hansen, R. R., Johnson, L. M., Jenison, R., Birks, J. W., Rowlen, K. L.& Bowman, C. N. Using polymeric materials to generate an amplified response to molecular recognition events.Nature Materials7, 52-56 (2008). doi:
  19. Johnson, P. M., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic modeling of a comonomer photopolymerization system using high-throughput conversion data.Macromolecules41, 230-237 (2008). doi:


  1. Carioscia, J. A., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. "Evaluation and control of thiol-ene/thiol-epoxy hybrid networks."Polymer48, 1526-1532 (2007).
  2. Good, B. T., Bowman, C. N. & Davis, R. H. A water-activated pump for portable microfluidic applications.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science305, 239-249 (2007).
  3. Good, B. T., Reddy, S., Davis, R. H. & Bowman, C. N. Tallorable low modulus, reversibly deformable elastomeric thiol-ene materials for microfluidic applications.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical120, 473-480 (2007).
  4. Johnson, P. M., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Alkyl chain length effects on copolymerization kinetics of a monoacrylate with hexanediol diacrylate.Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry9, 1149-1156 (2007).
  5. Johnson, P. M., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Photopolyrner kinetics using light intensity gradients in high-throughput conversion analysis.Polymer48, 6319-6324 (2007).
  6. Khire, V. S., Lee, T. Y. & Bowman, C. N. Surface modification using thiol-acrylate conjugate addition reactions.Macromolecules40, 5669-5677 (2007).
  7. Kilambi, H., Konopka, D., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Factors affecting the sensitivity to acid inhibition in novel acrylates characterized by secondary functionalities.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry45, 1287-1295 (2007).
  8. Kilambi, H., Reddy, S. K., Beckel, E. R., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Influence of secondary functionalities on the reaction behavior of monovinyl (meth)acrylates.Chemistry of Materials19, 641-643 (2007).
  9. Kilambi, H., Reddy, S. K. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic and mechanistic studies of photopolymerizations of acrylates in the presence of iniferters.Macromolecules40, 6131-6135 (2007).
  10. Kilambi, H. et al. Design, development, and evaluation of monovinyl acrylates characterized by secondary functionalities as reactive diluents to diacrylates.Macromolecules40, 6112-6118 (2007).
  11. Kilambi, H., Reddy, S. K., Schneidewind, L., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Copolymerization and dark polymerization studies for photopolymerization of novel acrylic monomers.Polymer48, 2014-2021 (2007).
  12. Kilambi, H., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Deconvoluting the impact of intermolecular and intramolecular interactions on the polymerization kinetics of ultrarapid mono(meth)acrylates.Macromolecules40, 47-54 (2007).
  13. Lawson, M. C., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Vancomycin derivative photopolymerized to titanium kills S. epidermidis.Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,461, 96-105 (2007).
  14. Lee, T. Y., Carioscia, J., Smith, Z. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-allyl ether-methacrylate ternary systems. Evolution mechanism of polymerization-induced shrinkage stress and mechanical properties.Macromolecules40, 1473-1479 (2007).
  15. Lee, T. Y., Smith, Z., Reddy, S. K., Cramer, N. B. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-allyl ether-methacrylate ternary systems. Polymerization mechanism.Macromolecules40, 1466-1472 (2007).
  16. Rydholm, A. E., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Effects of neighboring sulfides and pH on ester hydrolysis in thiol-acrylate photopolymers.Acta Biomaterialia3, 449-455 (2007).
  17. Rydholm, A. E., Reddy, S. K., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Development and characterization of degradable thiol-allyl ether photopolymers.Polymer48, 4589-4600 (2007).
  18. Sebra, R. P., Reddy, S. K., Masters, K. S., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Controlled polymerization chemistry to graft architectures that influence cell-material interactions.Acta Biomaterialia3, 151-161 (2007).


  1. Haraldsson, K. T. et al. 3D polymeric microfluidic device fabrication via contact liquid photolithographic polymerization (CLiPP).Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical113, 454-460 (2006).
  2. Harant, A. W., Khire, V. S., Thibodaux, M. S. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-ene photopolymer grafts on functionalized glass and silicon surfaces.Macromolecules39, 1461-1466 (2006).
  3. Khire, V. S., Benoit, D. S. W., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Ultrathin gradient films using thiol-ene polymerizations.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry44, 7027-7039 (2006).
  4. Khire, V. S., Harant, A. W., Watkins, A. W., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Ultrathin patterned polymer films on surfaces using thiol-ene polymerizations.Macromolecules39, 5081-5086 (2006).
  5. Kilambi, H., Stansbury, J. & Bowman, C. N. Mechanistic studies of enhanced polymerization characteristics of novel (meth)acrylic monomers.Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society231(2006).
  6. Lee, T. Y. & Bowman, C. N. The effect of functionalized nanoparticles on thiol-ene polymerization kinetics.Polymer47, 6057-6065 (2006).
  7. O'Brien, A. K. & Bowman, C. N. Impact of oxygen on photopolymerization kinetics and polymer structure.Macromolecules39, 2501-2506 (2006).
  8. O'Brien, A. K. & Bowman, C. N. Modeling the effect of oxygen on photopolymerization kinetics.Macromolecular Theory and Simulations15, 176-182 (2006).
  9. O'Brien, A. K., Cramer, N. B. & Bowman, C. N. Oxygen inhibition in thiol-acrylate photopolymerizations.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry44, 2007-2014 (2006).
  10. Reddy, S. K., Cramer, N. B. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-vinyl mechanisms. 1. Termination and propagation kinetics in thiol-ene photopolymerizations.Macromolecules39, 3673-3680 (2006).
  11. Reddy, S. K., Cramer, N. B. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-vinyl mechanisms. 2. Kinetic modeling of ternary thiol-vinyl photopolymerizations.Macromolecules39, 3681-3687 (2006).
  12. Reddy, S. K., Cramer, N. B., Kalvaitas, M., Lee, T. Y. & Bowman, C. N. Mechanistic modelling and network properties of ternary thiol-vinyl photopolymerizations.Australian Journal of Chemistry59, 586-593 (2006).
  13. Reddy, S. K., Okay, O. & Bowman, C. N. Network development in mixed step-chain growth thiol-vinyl photopolymerizations.Macromolecules39, 8832-8843 (2006).
  14. Rydholm, A. E., Held, N. L., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Gel permeation chromatography characterization of the chain length distributions in thiol-acrylate photopolymer networks.Macromolecules39, 7882-7888 (2006).
  15. Rydholm, A. E., Reddy, S. K., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Controlling network structure in degradable thiol-acrylate biomaterials to tune mass loss behavior.Biomacromolecules7, 2827-2836 (2006).
  16. Scott, T. F., Draughon, R. B. & Bowman, C. N. Actuation in crosslinked polymers via photoinduced stress relaxation.Advanced Materials18, 2128-+ (2006).
  17. Sebra, R. P., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Integrated surface modification of fully polymeric microfluidic devices using living radical photopolymerization chemistry.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry44, 1404-1413 (2006).
  18. Sebra, R. P., Kasko, A. M., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Synthesis and photografting of highly pH-responsive polymer chains.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical119, 127-134 (2006).
  19. Sebra, R. P., Masters, K. S., Cheung, C. Y., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Detection of antigens in biologically complex fluids with photografted whole antibodies.Analytical Chemistry78, 3144-3151 (2006).


  1. Beckel, E. R., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Evaluation of a potential ionic contribution to the polymerization of highly reactive (meth)acrylate monomers.Macromolecules38, 9474-9481 (2005).
  2. Beckel, E. R., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Effect of aliphatic spacer substitution on the reactivity of phenyl carbamate acrylate monomers.Macromolecules38, 3093-3098 (2005).
  3. Berchtold, K. A., Randolph, T. W. & Bowman, C. N. Propagation and termination kinetics of cross-linking photopolymerizations studied using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with near IR spectroscopy.Macromolecules38, 6954-6964 (2005).
  4. Carioscia, J. A., Lu, H., Stanbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-ene oligomers as dental restorative materials.Dental Materials21, 1137-1143 (2005).
  5. Harant, A. W. & Bowman, C. N. Solvent vapor annealed block copolymer films on organosilane self-assembled monolayers.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B23, 1615-1621 (2005).
  6. Harant, A. W., Whipple, S. G., Douglas, K. & Bowman, C. N. Micropatterning organosilane self-assembled monolayers with plasma etching and backfilling techniques.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B23, 354-358 (2005).
  7. Johnson, P. M., Reynolds, T. B., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. High throughput kinetic analysis of photopolymer conversion using composition and exposure time gradients.Polymer46, 3300-3306 (2005).
  8. Kilambi, H., Beckel, E., Stansburfy, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Impact of hydrogen abstraction on monomer reactivity for novel acrylic systems.Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society229, U1104-U1104 (2005).
  9. Kilambi, H., Beckel, E. R., Berchtold, K. A., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Influence of molecular dipole on monoacrylate monomer reactivity.Polymer46, 4735-4742 (2005).
  10. Lovestead, T. M., Berchtold, K. A. & Bowman, C. N. An investigation of chain length dependent termination and reaction diffusion controlled termination during the free radical photopolymerization of multivinyl monomers.Macromolecules38, 6374-6381 (2005).
  11. Lovestead, T. M. & Bowman, C. N. A modeling investigation of chain length dependent termination during multivinyl free radical chain photopolymerizations: Accounting for the gel.Macromolecules38, 4913-4918 (2005).
  12. Lovestead, T. M., Burdick, J. A., Ansetha, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Understanding multivinyl monomer photopolymerization kinetics through modeling and GPC investigation of degradable networks.Polymer46, 6226-6234 (2005).
  13. Lu, H., Carioscia, J. A., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Investigations of step-growth thiol-ene polymerizations for novel dental restoratives.Dental Materials21, 1129-1136 (2005).
  14. Lu, H., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Impact of curing protocol on conversion and shrinkage stress.Journal of Dental Research84, 822-826 (2005).
  15. Lu, H., Stansbury, J. W., Nie, J., Berchtold, K. A. & Bowman, C. N. Development of highly reactive mono-(meth)acrylates as reactive diluents for dimethacrylate-based dental resin systems.Biomaterials26, 1329-1336 (2005).
  16. Okay, O. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic modeling of thiol-ene reactions with both step and chain growth aspects.Macromolecular Theory and Simulations14, 267-277 (2005).
  17. Okay, O., Reddy, S. K. & Bowman, C. N. Molecular weight development during thiol-ene photopolymerizations.Macromolecules38, 4501-4511 (2005).
  18. Reddy, S. K., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Modeling of network degradation in mixed step-chain growth polymerizations.Polymer46, 4212-4222 (2005).
  19. Reddy, S. K., Sebra, R. P., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Living radical photopolymerization induced grafting on thiol-ene based substrates.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry43, 2134-2144 (2005).
  20. Rydholm, A. E., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Degradable thiol-acrylate photopolymers: polymerization and degradation behavior of an in situ forming biomaterial.Biomaterials26, 4495-4506 (2005).
  21. Scott, T. F., Schneider, A. D., Cook, W. D. & Bowman, C. N. Photoinduced plasticity in cross-linked polymers.Science308, 1615-1617 (2005).
  22. Sebra, R. P., Masters, K. S., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Surface grafted antibodies: Controlled architecture permits enhanced antigen detection.Langmuir21, 10907-10911 (2005).
  23. Simms, H. M. et al. In situ fabrication of macroporous polymer networks within microfluidic devices by living radical photopolymerization and leaching.Lab on a Chip5, 151-157 (2005).


  1. Beckel, E. R., Nie, J., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Effect of aryl substituents on the reactivity of phenyl carbamate acrylate monomers.Macromolecules37, 4062-4069 (2004).
  2. Berchtold, K. A. et al. Novel monovinyl methacrylic monomers containing secondary functionality for ultrarapid polymerization: Steady-state evaluation.Macromolecules37, 3165-3179 (2004).
  3. Cramer, N. B., Reddy, S. K., Cole, M., Hoyle, C. & Bowman, C. N. Initiation and kinetics of thiol-ene photopolymerizations without photoinitiators.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry42, 5817-5826 (2004).
  4. Cramer, N. B. et al. Thiol-ene photopolymerization of polymer-derived ceramic precursors.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry42, 1752-1757 (2004).
  5. Elliott, J. E., Macdonald, M., Nie, J. & Bowman, C. N. Structure and swelling of poly(acrylic acid) hydrogels: effect of pH, ionic strength, and dilution on the crosslinked polymer structure.Polymer45, 1503-1510 (2004).
  6. Good, B. T., Bowman, C. N. & Davis, R. H. Modeling and verification of fluid-responsive polymer pumps for microfluidic systems.Chemical Engineering Science59, 5967-5974 (2004).
  7. Hutchison, J. B. et al. Robust polymer microfluidic device fabrication via contact liquid photolithographic polymerization (CLiPP).Lab on a Chip4, 658-662 (2004).
  8. Lu, H., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Towards the elucidation of shrinkage stress development and relaxation in dental composites.Dental Materials20, 979-986 (2004).
  9. Lu, H., Stansbury, J. W., Dickens, S. H., Eichmiller, F. C. & Bowman, C. N. Probing the origins and control of shrinkage stress in dental resin-composites: I. Shrinkage stress characterization technique.Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine15, 1097-1103 (2004).
  10. Lu, H., Stansbury, J. W., Dickens, S. H., Eichmiller, F. C. & Bowman, C. N. Probing the origins and control of shrinkage stress in dental resin composites. II. Novel method of simultaneous measurement of polymerization shrinkage stress and conversion.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials71B, 206-213 (2004).
  11. Martens, P. J., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Degradable networks formed from multi-functional poly(vinyl alcohol) macromers: comparison of results from a generalized bulk-degradation model for polymer networks and experimental data.Polymer45, 3377-3387 (2004).
  12. Reddy, S. K. et al. Rate mechanisms of a novel thiol-ene photopolymerization reaction.Macromolecular Symposia206, 361-374 (2004).


  1. Beckel, E. R., Cramer, N. B., Harant, A. W. & Bowman, C. N. Electro-optic properties of thiol-ene polymer stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals.Liquid Crystals30, 1343-1350 (2003).
  2. Cramer, N. B., Davies, T., O'Brien, A. K. & Bowman, C. N. Mechanism and modeling of a thiol-ene photopolymerization.Macromolecules36, 4631-4636 (2003).
  3. Cramer, N. B., Reddy, S. K., O'Brien, A. K. & Bowman, C. N. Thiol-ene photopolymerization mechanism and rate limiting step changes for various vinyl functional group chemistries.Macromolecules36, 7964-7969 (2003).
  4. Elliott, J. E., Nie, J. & Bowman, C. N. The effect of primary cyclization on free radical polymerization kinetics: experimental characterization.Polymer44, 327-332 (2003).
  5. Lovell, L. G. & Bowman, C. N. The effect of kinetic chain length on the mechanical relaxation of crosslinked photopolymers.Polymer44, 39-47 (2003).
  6. Lovell, L. G., Newman, S. M., Donaldson, M. M. & Bowman, C. N. The effect of light intensity on double bond conversion and flexural strength of a model, unfilled dental resin.Dental Materials19, 458-465 (2003).
  7. Lovestead, T. M., O'Brien, A. K. & Bowman, C. N. Models of multivinyl free radical photopolymerization kinetics.Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry159, 135-143 (2003).
  8. Luo, N., Metters, A. T., Hutchison, J. B., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. A methacrylated photoiniferter as a chemical basis for microlithography: Micropatterning based on photografting polymerization.Macromolecules36, 6739-6745 (2003).
  9. O'Brien, A. K. & Bowman, C. N. Modeling thermal and optical effects on photopolymerization systems.Macromolecules36, 7777-7782 (2003).
  10. Reddy, S. K., Cramer, N. B., Cross, T., Raj, R. & Bowman, C. N. Polymer-derived ceramic materials from thiol-ene photopolymerizations.Chemistry of Materials15, 4257-4261 (2003).
  11. Scott, T. F., Cook, W. D., Forsythe, J. S., Bowman, C. N. & Berchtold, K. A. FTIR and ESR spectroscopic studies of the photopolymerization of vinyl ester resins.Macromolecules36, 6066-6074 (2003).


  1. Anseth, K. S. et al. In situ forming degradable networks and their application in tissue engineering and drug delivery.Journal of Controlled Release78, 199-209 (2002).
  2. Berchtold, K. A., Lovestead, T. M. & Bowman, C. N. Coupling chain length dependent and reaction diffusion controlled termination in the free radical polymerization of multivinyl (meth)acrylates.Macromolecules35, 7968-7975 (2002).
  3. Cramer, N. B. et al. Formation of a host nanostructure for ferroelectric liquid crystals using thiol-ene polymers.Liquid Crystals29, 1291-1296 (2002).
  4. Cramer, N. B., Scott, J. P. & Bowman, C. N. Photopolymerizations of thiol-ene polymers without photoinitiators.Macromolecules35, 5361-5365 (2002).
  5. Elliott, J. E. & Bowman, C. N. Effect of primary cyclization on free radical polymerization kinetics: Modeling approach.Macromolecules35, 7125-7131 (2002).
  6. Elliott, J. E. & Bowman, C. N. Predicting network formation of free radical polymerization of multifunctional monomers.Polymer Reaction Engineering10, 1-19 (2002).
  7. Elliott, J. E. & Bowman, C. N. Effects of solvent quality during polymerization on network structure of cross-linked methacrylate copolymers.Journal of Physical Chemistry B106, 2843-2847 (2002).
  8. Goodner, M. D. & Bowman, C. N. Development of a comprehensive free radical photopolymerization model incorporating heat and mass transfer effects in thick films.Chemical Engineering Science57, 887-900 (2002).
  9. Hacioglu, B., Berchtold, K. A., Lovell, L. G., Nie, J. & Bowman, C. N. Polymerization kinetics of HEMA/DEGDMA: using changes in initiation and chain transfer rates to explore the effects of chain-length-dependent termination.Biomaterials23, 4057-4064 (2002).
  10. Lovestead, T. M., Berchtold, K. A. & Bowman, C. N. Modeling the effects of chain length on the termination kinetics in multivinyl photopolymerizations.Macromolecular Theory and Simulations11, 729-738 (2002).
  11. Luo, N., Hutchison, J. B., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Synthesis of a novel methacrylic monomer iniferter and its application in surface photografting on crosslinked polymer substrates.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry40, 1885-1891 (2002).
  12. Luo, N., Hutchison, J. B., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Surface-initiated photopolymerization of poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate on a diethyldithiocarbamate-mediated polymer substrate.Macromolecules35, 2487-2493 (2002).
  13. Nie, J. & Bowman, C. N. Synthesis and photopolymerization of N,N '-dimethyl,-N,N '-di(methacryloxy ethyl)-1,6-hexanediamine as a polymerizable amine coinitiator for dental restorations.Biomaterials23, 1221-1226 (2002).
  14. Pasmore, M., Todd, P., Pfiefer, B., Rhodes, M. & Bowman, C. N. Effect of polymer surface properties on the reversibility of attachment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the early stages of biofilm development.Biofouling18, 65-71 (2002).
  15. Poshusta, A. K., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Application of a kinetic gelation simulation to the characterization of in situ cross-linking biomaterials.Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition13, 797-815 (2002).


  1. Berchtold, K. A., Hacioglu, B., Lovell, L., Nie, J. & Bowman, C. N. Using changes in initiation and chain transfer rates to probe the kinetics of cross-linking photopolymerizations: Effects of chain length dependent termination.Macromolecules34, 5103-5111 (2001).
  2. Berchtold, K. A., Lovell, L. G., Nie, J., Hacioglu, B. & Bowman, C. N. The significance of chain length dependent termination in cross-linking polymerizations.Polymer42, 4925-4929 (2001).
  3. Cramer, N. B. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetics of thiol-ene and thiol-acrylate photopolymerizations with real-time Fourier transform infrared.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry39, 3311-3319 (2001).
  4. Elliott, J. E., Anseth, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic modeling of the effect of solvent concentration on primary cyclization during polymerization of multifunctional monomers.Chemical Engineering Science56, 3173-3184 (2001).
  5. Elliott, J. E. & Bowman, C. N. Monomer functionality and polymer network formation.Macromolecules34, 4642-4649 (2001).
  6. Elliott, J. E., Lovell, L. G. & Bowman, C. N. Primary cyclization in the polymerization of bis-GMA and TEGDMA: a modeling approach to understanding the cure of dental resins.Dental Materials17, 221-229 (2001).
  7. Lovell, L. G., Berchtold, K. A., Elliott, J. E., Lu, H. & Bowman, C. N. Understanding the kinetics and network formation of dimethacrylate dental resins.Polymers for Advanced Technologies12, 335-345 (2001).
  8. Lovell, L. G., Elliott, B. J., Brown, J. R. & Bowman, C. N. The effect of wavelength on the polymerization of multi(meth)acrylates with disulfide/benzilketal combinations.Polymer42, 421-429 (2001).doi:
  9. Lovell, L. G., Lu, H., Elliott, J. E., Stansbury, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. The effect of cure rate on the mechanical properties of dental resins.Dental Materials17, 504-511 (2001).
  10. Lu, H., Lovell, L. G. & Bowman, C. N. Exploiting the heterogeneity of cross-linked photopolymers to create High-T-g polymers from polymerizations performed at ambient conditions.Macromolecules34, 8021-8025 (2001).
  11. Ma, H. M., Davis, R. H. & Bowman, C. N. Principal factors affecting sequential photoinduced graft polymerization.Polymer42, 8333-8338 (2001).
  12. Ma, H. M., Hakim, L. F., Bowman, C. N. & Davis, R. H. Factors affecting membrane fouling reduction by surface modification and backpulsing.Journal of Membrane Science189, 255-270 (2001).
  13. Ma, H. M., Nielsen, D. R., Bowman, C. N. & Davis, R. H. Membrane surface modification and backpulsing for wastewater treatment.Separation Science and Technology36, 1557-1573 (2001).
  14. Martens, P., Metters, A. T., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. A generalized bulk-degradation model for hydrogel networks formed from multivinyl cross-linking molecules.Journal of Physical Chemistry B105, 5131-5138 (2001).
  15. Mason, M. N., Metters, A. T., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Predicting controlled-release behavior of degradable PLA-b-PEG-b-PLA hydrogels.Macromolecules34, 4630-4635 (2001).
  16. Metters, A. T., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. A statistical kinetic model for the bulk degradation of PLA-b-PEG-b-PLA hydrogel networks: Incorporating network non-idealities.Journal of Physical Chemistry B105, 8069-8076 (2001).
  17. Metters, A. T., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. Verification of scaling laws for degrading PLA-b-PEG-b-PLA hydrogels.Aiche Journal47, 1432-1437 (2001).
  18. Nie, J., Lovell, L. G. & Bowman, C. N. Synthesis and characterization of N-isopropyl, N-methacryloxyethyl methacrylamide as a possible dental resin.Biomaterials22, 535-540 (2001).doi:
  19. Pasmore, M. et al. Effects of ultrafiltration membrane surface properties on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm initiation for the purpose of reducing biofouling.Journal of Membrane Science194, 15-32 (2001).


  1. Elliott, B. J., Scranton, A. B., Cameron, J. H. & Bowman, C. N. Characterization and polymerization of metal complexes of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylates and the synthesis of polymeric pseudocrown ethers.Chemistry of Materials12, 633-642 (2000).
  2. Elliott, B. J., Willis, W. B. & Bowman, C. N. Pseudo-crown ethers as fixed site carriers in facilitated transport membranes.Journal of Membrane Science168, 109-119 (2000).
  3. Goering, R. M., Bowman, C. N., Koval, C. A., Noble, R. D. & Ashley, M. E. Complexation structure and transport mechanism of 1,5-hexadiene and 1-hexene through silver facilitated transport membranes.Journal of Membrane Science172, 49-57 (2000).
  4. Ma, H. M., Bowman, C. N. & Davis, R. H. Membrane fouling reduction by backpulsing and surface modification.Journal of Membrane Science173, 191-200 (2000).
  5. Ma, H. M., Davis, R. H. & Bowman, C. N. A novel sequential photoinduced living graft polymerization.Macromolecules33, 331-335 (2000).
  6. Metters, A. T., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Fundamental studies of a novel, biodegradable PEG-b-PLA hydrogel.Polymer41, 3993-4004 (2000).
  7. Metters, A. T., Bowman, C. N. & Anseth, K. S. A statistical kinetic model for the bulk degradation of PLA-b-PEG-b-PLA hydrogel networks.Journal of Physical Chemistry B104, 7043-7049 (2000).
  8. Mores, W. D., Bowman, C. N. & Davis, R. H. Theoretical and experimental flux maximization by optimization of backpulsing.Journal of Membrane Science165, 225-236 (2000).
  9. Newman, S. M., Lovell, L. G. & Bowman, C. N. Degree of cure with a quick curing light.Journal of Dental Research79, 369-369 (2000).


  1. J.E. Gibson and C.N. Bowman*, “Primary Cyclization Reactions in Crosslinked Polymers,” Wiley Polymer Networks Group Review, 2, 27 (1999).
  2. Elliott, B. J., Willis, W. B. & Bowman, C. N. Polymerization kinetics of pseudocrown ether network formation for facilitated transport membranes.Macromolecules32, 3201-3208 (1999).
  3. Elliott, J. E. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetics of primary cyclization reactions in cross-linked polymers: An analytical and numerical approach to heterogeneity in network formation.Macromolecules32, 8621-8628 (1999).
  4. Goodner, M. D. & Bowman, C. N. Modeling primary radical termination and its effects on autoacceleration in photopolymerization kinetics.Macromolecules32, 6552-6559 (1999).
  5. Lovell, L. G., Newman, S. M. & Bowman, C. N. The effects of light intensity, temperature, and comonomer composition on the polymerization behavior of dimethacrylate dental resins.Journal of Dental Research78, 1469-1476 (1999).
  6. Lovell, L. G., Stansbury, J. W., Syrpes, D. C. & Bowman, C. N. Effects of composition and reactivity on the reaction kinetics of dimethacrylate dimethacrylate copolymerizations.Macromolecules32, 3913-3921 (1999).
  7. Smith, B. M., Todd, P. & Bowman, C. N. Hyperbranched chelating polymers for the polymer-assisted ultrafiltration of boric acid.Separation Science and Technology34, 1925-1945 (1999).
  8. Thunhorst, K. L., Noble, R. D. & Bowman, C. N. Properties of the transport of alkali metal salts through polymeric membranes containing benzo-18-crown-6 crown ether functional groups.Journal of Membrane Science156, 293-302 (1999).
  9. Young, J. S. & Bowman, C. N. Effect of polymerization temperature and cross-linker concentration on reaction diffusion controlled termination.Macromolecules32, 6073-6081 (1999).
  10. M.D. Goodner and C.N. Bowman*, “Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Light Intensity and Initiator Effects on Solvent Free Photopolymerizations,” in American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Solvent Free Polymerizations and Processes, T.E. Long and M.O. Hunt, Editors, Volume 713, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1999, pp. 220.


  1. Goering, R. M., Bowman, C. N., Koval, C. A., Noble, R. D. & Williamson, D. L. Role of ion-exchange membrane morphology and sorption properties in facilitated transport di-olefin/mono-olefin separations.Journal of Membrane Science144, 133-143 (1998).
  2. Guymon, C. A. et al. Polymerization conditions and electrooptic properties of polymer-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals.Chemistry of Materials10, 2378-2388 (1998).
  3. Guymon, C. A. et al. Polymerization of polymer/ferroelectric liquid crystal composites formed with branched liquid crystalline bismethacrylates.Liquid Crystals24, 263-270 (1998).
  4. Kannurpatti, A. R., Anseth, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. A study of the evolution of mechanical properties and structural heterogeneity of polymer networks formed by photopolymerizations of multifunctional (meth)acrylates.Polymer39, 2507-2513 (1998).
  5. Kannurpatti, A. R. & Bowman, C. N. Structural evolution of dimethacrylate networks studied by dielectric spectroscopy.Macromolecules31, 3311-3316 (1998).
  6. Smith, B. M., Owens, J. L., Bowman, C. N. & Todd, P. Thermodynamics of borate ester formation by three readily grafted carbohydrates.Carbohydrate Research308, 173-179 (1998).
  7. Young, J. S., Kannurpatti, A. R. & Bowman, C. N. Effect of comonomer concentration and functionality on photopolymerization rates, mechanical properties and heterogeneity of the polymer.Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics199, 1043-1049 (1998).


  1. Bowman, C. N. & Guymon, C. A. Polymerization and properties of polymer-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals.Mrs Bulletin22, 15-20 (1997).
  2. Goodner, M. D., Lee, H. R. & Bowman, C. N. Method for determining the kinetic parameters in diffusion-controlled free-radical homopolymerizations.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research36, 1247-1252 (1997).
  3. Guymon, C. A. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic analysis of polymerization rate acceleration during the formation of polymer/smectic liquid crystal composites.Macromolecules30, 5271-5278 (1997).
  4. Guymon, C. A. & Bowman, C. N. Polymerization behavior and kinetics during the formation of polymer-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals.Macromolecules30, 1594-1600 (1997).
  5. Guymon, C. A. et al. Effects of monomer structure on their organization and polymerization in a smectic liquid crystal.Science275, 57-59 (1997).
  6. Kannurpatti, A. R., Anderson, K. J., Anseth, J. W. & Bowman, C. N. Use of ''living'' radical polymerizations to study the structural evolution and properties of highly crosslinked polymer networks.Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics35, 2297-2307 (1997).
  7. Thunhorst, K. L., Noble, R. D. & Bowman, C. N. Transport of ionic species through functionalized poly(vinylbenzyl chloride) membranes.Journal of Membrane Science128, 183-193 (1997).
  8. M.D. Goodner, H.R. Lee, and C.N. Bowman*, "A Method for Determining Kinetic Parameters in Diffusion Controlled Free Radical Polymerizations"I.E.C. Research,36, 1247 (1997).
  9. A.B. Scranton., C.N. Bowman, and R.W. Peiffer, Editors, “Photopolymerization: Fundamentals and Applications,”American Chemical Society Symposium Series,.673, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1997.
  10. A.R. Kannurpatti, M.D. Goodner, H.R. Lee, and C.N. Bowman*, “Reaction Behavior and Kinetic Modeling Studies of Living Radical Photopolymerizations,” inAmerican Chemical Society Symposium Series, Photopolymerization: Fundamentals and Applications, A.B. Scranton., C.N. Bowman, and R.W. Peiffer, Editors,673, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1997, pp. 51
  11. C.A. Guymon, L.A. Dougan, and C.N. Bowman*, “Photopolymerization and Electro-optic Properties of Polymer Network/Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Composites,”American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Photopolymerization: Fundamentals and Applications, A.B. Scranton., C.N. Bowman, and R.W. Peiffer, Editors,673, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1997, pp. 16.
  12. K.L. Thunhorst, R.D. Noble, and C.N. Bowman*, “Preparation of Functionalized Polymers by Reactions of Poly (Vinylbenzyl Chloride),” inPolymer Modification, C.E. Carraher, G. Swift, and C.N. Bowman, Editors, Plenum Publishing, New York, NY, 1997, p. 97.
  13. B.M. Smith, P. Todd, and C.N. Bowman*, “An Empirical and Modeling Study of Boron Speciation on Solution with a Reactive Dendrimeric Polymer,” inPolymer Modification, C.E. Carraher, G. Swift, and C.N. Bowman, Editors, Plenum Publishing, New York, NY, 1997, p. 197.


  1. Anseth, K. S., Anderson, K. J. & Bowman, C. N. Radical concentrations, environments, and reactivities during crosslinking polymerizations.Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics197, 833-848 (1996).
  2. Anseth, K. S., Bowman, C. N. & BrannonPeppas, L. Mechanical properties of hydrogels and their experimental determination.Biomaterials17, 1647-1657 (1996).
  3. Anseth, K. S. et al. The influence of comonomer composition on dimethacrylate resin properties for dental composites.Journal of Dental Research75, 1607-1612 (1996).
  4. Kannurpatti, A. R., Lu, S. X., Bunker, G. M. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic and mechanistic studies of iniferter photopolymerizations.Macromolecules29, 7310-7315 (1996).
  5. Yamaguchi, T., Baertsch, C., Koval, C. A., Noble, R. D. & Bowman, C. N. Olefin separation using silver impregnated ion-exchange membranes and silver salt/polymer blend membranes.Journal of Membrane Science117, 151-161 (1996).
  6. Yamaguchi, T., Koval, C. A., Noble, R. D. & Bowman, C. N. Transport mechanism of carbon dioxide through perfluorosulfonate ionomer membranes containing an amine carrier.Chemical Engineering Science51, 4781-4789 (1996).
  7. C. A. Guymon, L.A. Dougan, E.N. Hoggan, and C.N. Bowman*, “Polymerization Effects on the Electro-Optic Properties of a Polymer Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal,”MRS Symposia Proceedings,425, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, p. 197 (1996).
  8. A.R. Kannurpatti, R.W. Peiffer, C.A. Guymon, and C.N. Bowman*, “Photochemistry of Polymers: Photopolymerization Fundamentals and Applications,” in Polymers in Optics: Physics, Chemistry and Applications, R.A. Lessard and W.A. Frank, Editors, Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology,CR63, p 136, 1996.


  1. Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic Gelation Predictions of Species Aggregation in Tetrafunctional Monomer Polymerizations.Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics33, 1769-1780 (1995).
  2. Anseth, K. S., Decker, C. & Bowman, C. N. Real-Time Infrared Characterization of Reaction-Diffusion during Multifunctional Monomer Polymerizations.Macromolecules28, 4040-4043 (1995).
  3. Anseth, K. S., Kline, L. M., Walker, T. A., Anderson, K. J. & Bowman, C. N. Reaction-Kinetics and Volume Relaxation during Polymerizations of Multiethylene Glycol Dimethacrylates.Macromolecules28, 2491-2499 (1995).
  4. Anseth, K. S., Newman, S. M. & Bowman, C. N. inBiopolymers Ii177-217 (Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin 33, 1995).
  5. Deascentiis, A., Degrazia, J. L., Bowman, C. N., Colombo, P. & Peppas, N. A. Mucoadhesion of Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Is Improved When Linear Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Chains Are Added to the Polymer Network.Journal of Controlled Release33, 197-201 (1995).
  6. Degrazia, J. L. & Bowman, C. N. Settling Characteristics of Microparticles Modified by Hydrophilic Semiinterpenetrating Polymer Networks.Journal of Applied Polymer Science55, 793-805 (1995).
  7. Guymon, C. A., Hoggan, E. N., Walba, D. M., Clark, N. A. & Bowman, C. N. Phase-Behavior and Electrooptic Characteristics of a Polymer Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystal.Liquid Crystals19, 719-727 (1995).
  8. Nelson, E. W., Jacobs, J. L., Scranton, A. B., Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Photo-Differential Scanning Calorimetry Studies of Cationic Polymerizations of Divinyl Ethers.Polymer36, 4651-4656 (1995).
  9. Smith, B. M., Todd, P. & Bowman, C. N. Boron removal by polymer-assisted ultrafiltration.Separation Science and Technology30, 3849-3859 (1995).
  10. Yamaguchi, T., Boetje, L. M., Koval, C. A., Noble, R. D. & Bowman, C. N. Transport-Properties of Carbon-Dioxide through Amine Functionalized Carrier Membranes.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research34, 4071-4077 (1995).
  11. K.S. Anseth, T.A. Walker, and C.N. Bowman*, "UV-Vis Spectroscopy To Determine Free Volume Distributions During Multifunctional Monomer Polymerizations," in Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers, M.W. Urban and T. Provder, Eds., American Chemical Society Symposium Series,598, ACS Press, Washington, D.C. 166 (1995).
  12. T. Yamaguchi, L.M. Boetje, C.A. Koval, R.D. Noble*, and C.N. Bowman, "Transport Properties of Carbon Dioxide Through Amine Functionalized Carrier Membranes," I.E.C. Research,34, 4071 (1995).
  13. K.S. Anseth and C.N. Bowman*, "Structural Evolution of Highly Crosslinked Polymer Networks," in “Evolution of Thin Film and Surface Structure and Morphology," MRS Symposium Proceedings,355, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 65 (1995).


  1. Anseth, K. S. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic Gelation Model Predictions of Cross-Linked Polymer Network Microstructure.Chemical Engineering Science49, 2207-2217 (1994).
  2. Anseth, K. S., Bowman, C. N. & Peppas, N. A. Polymerization Kinetics and Volume Relaxation Behavior of Photopolymerized Multifunctional Monomers Producing Highly Cross-Linked Networks.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry32, 139-147 (1994).
  3. Anseth, K. S., Rothenberg, M. D. & Bowman, C. N. A Photochromic Technique to Study Polymer Network Volume Distributions and Microstructure during Photopolymerizations.Macromolecules27, 2890-2892 (1994).
  4. Anseth, K. S., Wang, C. M. & Bowman, C. N. Reaction Behavior and Kinetic Constants for Photopolymerizations of Multi(Meth)Acrylate Monomers.Polymer35, 3243-3250 (1994).
  5. Anseth, K. S., Wang, C. M. & Bowman, C. N. Kinetic Evidence of Reaction-Diffusion during the Polymerization of Multi(Meth)Acrylate Monomers.Macromolecules27, 650-655 (1994).
  6. Kasic, J. F., Kannurpatti, A. R. & Bowman, C. N. In-Situ Poling and Polymerization of Multifunctional Monomers for 2nd-Harmonic Generation.Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics195, 3759-3772 (1994).
  7. C.N. Bowman*, "A New Faculty Member's Perspective on Teaching in the First Few Years,"Chemical Engineering Education,28, 280 (1994).


  1. Anseth, K. S., and Bowman, C. N., Reaction Diffusion Enhanced Termination in Polymerizations of Multifunctional Monomers,Polymer Reaction Engineering,1, 499 (1993).
  2. Anseth, K. S., Bowman, C. N. & Peppas, N. A. Dynamic-Mechanical Studies of the Glass-Transition Temperature of Photopolymerized Multifunctional Acrylates.Polymer Bulletin31, 229-233 (1993).


  1. Bowman, C. N. & Peppas, N. A. A Kinetic Gelation Method for the Simulation of Free-Radical Polymerizations.Chemical Engineering Science47, 1411-1419 (1992).
  2. Scranton, A. B., Bowman, C. N., Klier, J. & Peppas, N. A. Polymerization Reaction Dynamics of Ethylene-Glycol Methacrylates and Dimethacrylates by Calorimetry.Polymer33, 1683-1689 (1992).


  1. Bowman, C. N. & Peppas, N. A. Initiation and Termination Mechanisms in Kinetic Gelation Simulations.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry29, 1575-1583 (1991).
  2. Bowman, C. N. & Peppas, N. A. Coupling of Kinetics and Volume Relaxation during Polymerizations of Multiacrylates and Multimethacrylates.Macromolecules24, 1914-1920 (1991).
  3. Bowman, C. N. & Peppas, N. A. Polymers for Information-Storage Systems .2. Polymerization Kinetics for Preparation of Highly Cross-Linked Polydimethacrylates.Journal of Applied Polymer Science42, 2013-2018 (1991).
  4. C.N. Bowman and N.A. Peppas*, "Effects of Physical Aging on Polymerization Kinetics," in "Structure, Relaxation and Physical Aging of Glassy Polymers," R. Joon Roe and James M. O'Reilly, Editors, MRS Symposia Proceedings 213, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1991, p. 43.


  1. Bowman, C. N., Carver, A. L., Kennett, S. N., Williams, M. M. & Peppas, N. A. Polymers for Information-Storage Systems .3. Crosslinked Structure of Polydimethacrylates.Polymer,31, 135-139 (1990).


  1. Bowman, C. N., Carver, A. L., Kennett, S. L., Williams, M. M. & Peppas, N. A. Polymers for Information-Storage Systems .1. Preparation and Properties of Highly Crosslinked Polydimethacrylates.Polymer Bulletin,20, 329-333 (1988).
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