Downloading files

The files used in the practicals and presentations are available for browsing and download at . Files are sorted both by session day and lecture slot during the day.

All of the files can be downloaded in . The zip file is about 344MB in size and expands to 401MB when unzipped.

Participants in the 2024 course were sent an email with a unique link to download their personal files.

Software used at the Workshop

  • R and RStudio
    • Instructions for downloading and installing R are available on the .
    • RStudio is available from . The Workshop used the free version of RStudio.
    • Listed below are the R libraries which were used. They can each be installed by running install.package("library-name") in R.
      • OpenMx
      • AER
      • car
      • data.table
      • dplyr
      • gaston
      • genio
      • ggplot2
      • MASS
      • polycor
      • psych
      • stringr