This fellowship is intended to provide outstanding MFA students with financial support to assist in the process of completing their thesis or final project. The fellowship consists of full support for one academic semester (either fall or spring of the following academic year), and includes a monthly stipend equal to that of the current 50% GPTI salary, tuition coverage, mandatory fees, and coverage under the Student Gold health insurance plan. Please note: students may not engage in other forms of paid employment during the time they receive a fellowship and fellows may not accept another fellowship or grant during the same time period. The purpose of the fellowship is to allow recipients to devote their full attention to their academic progress.  


MFA students who are in their second year of study. Note that this award pays out in the academic year after the application is submitted, so will not be available for the spring semester that immediately follows the application submission.

Selection Criteria 

The Selection Committee will base their selection on the following:

  • The quality of the creative work/project;
  • The quality of the candidate's CV (exhibits, performances, productions, publications, awards, conference presentations, etc.);
  • The probability of completion within the period of the fellowship (the greater the probability, the better chance of receiving a fellowship);
  • Other teaching-free fellowships that the candidate has already been granted (the fewer the better).

Application Procedures

Applicants are required to submit the following information through the online application system as one PDF document:

  • Applicant's Curriculum Vitae.
  • Synopsis of thesis/project (750 word maximum).
    • Links to portfolios or videos may be included in the synopsis.
  • A timeline for completion of the thesis (one page maximum).
  • Information concerning any other grants or awards, internal or external, for which the applicant has applied or is expecting to receive.
  • Transcript (official or unofficial).
  • Letter of recommendation: A statement of evaluation (750 word maximum) of the thesis/project and the likelihood of completion within the fellowship period. This statement is to be written by either the thesis advisor or another member of the thesis committee.

All documents must be in the above order and be clearly designated.

Apply here: 

Deadline: Nov. 8, 2024 @ 11:59pm Mountain Time