(consult the )
Plan 2 (interdisciplinary physics; requires approval of advisor; from 2010-2011 physics advising guide)
PHYS requirements:
- PHYS 1110-4 General Physics 1 (coreq MATH1300 or APPM 1350)
- PHYS 1120-4 General Physics 2 (coreq MATH 2300/APPM1360, prereq PHYS 1110)
- PHYS 1140-1 Experimental Physics 1 (prereq PHYS 1110, coreq PHYS 1120)
- PHYS 2150-1 Experimental Physics (prereq PHYS 1120 & 1140)
- PHYS 2170-3 or PHYS 2130(by petition) Found. of Modern Physics/General Physics 3 (prereq PHYS 1120, coreq MATH 2400/APPM 2350; prereq for 2130 also PHYS 1140 or ECEN 2250 & ECEN 3400)
- PHYS 2210-3 Class Mech & Math Methods I (prereq PHYS 2130/2170, MATH 2400/APPM2350)
- PHYS 3210-3 Class Mech & Math Methods 2(PHYS 3210, Analytical Mechanics, was taught the last time in Fall '05) * (prereq PHYS2210 & APPM 2360)
- PHYS 3220-3 Quantum Mechanics 1 (prereq PHYS 2210/3210 and PHYS 2130/2170)
- PHYS 3310-3 Electricity & Magnetism 1 (prereq PHYS 2210 and PHYS 2130/2170)
- PHYS 3320-3 Electricity & Magnetism 2 (prereq PHYS 3310)
- PHYS 3330-2 Junior Laboratory Electronics for Phys. Sciences (prereq PHYS 2130 & 2150)
- PHYS 4230-3 Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics (prereq PHYS 3220 & APPM 2360)
Plus 3 hours of one of the following: PHYS3340, 4150, 4340, 4410, 4430, 4450, 4510, 4610/20/30, 4801, 4810/20/30, 4840/50, 5030, 5040, 5700, 5770
MATH requirements:
- MATH 1300-5 or APPM 1350-4 Calculus 1
- MATH 2300-5 or APPM 1360-4 Calculus 2
- MATH 2400-4 or APPM 2350-4 Calculus 3
- APPM 2360-4 OR MATH 3130-3 and 4430-3 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
CHEM requirements:
- CHEM 1113-4 & 1114-1 General Chemistry 1 & lab (or CHEM 1351)
- CHEM 1133-4 & 1134-1 General Chemistry 2 & lab (or CHEM 1371)
GEOL suggestions: (12 hours from list below)
- GEOL 3010-3 - Introduction to MineralogyÂ
- GEOL 3030-3 - Introduction to HydrogeologyÂ
- GEOL 3120-4 - Structural Geology 1Â
- GEOL 4060-3 - OceanographyÂ
- GEOL 4093-4 - Remote Sensing of the EnvironmentÂ
- GEOL 4130-3 - Principles of GeophysicsÂ
- GEOL 4640-3 - Glaciology (not given regularly)Â
- GEOL 4714-2 - Field Geophysics