Supervisor Resources

  • Supervisor Resources During COVID-19 Operations - Campus HR has some new guidance for supervisors available on the HR website.
  • (requires login to SharePoint to view)
  • (you have to be logged in via the CU VPN in order to access this web page)
  • (requires login from campus network or connect to VPN)
  • Who Does What in I&S HR? Find the right person to contact
  •   Our FM department parking liaison is Christina Sumaya-Orozco. Call 303-492-1096 or email Chistina if you have any questions regarding getting, or renewing a parking permit for use on campus.

Supervisor Hiring Resources

  • Hiring manager checklist for new or vacant position
  • Onboarding - the campus HR employee onboarding webpage has been completely redesigned. This is a great resource center for both supervisors and new employees. The website features checklists and proposed onboarding schedules for new employees, both those working remotely and those who are working on campus. There is also a section for ‘reboarding’ -- intended for those who were hired during remote operations and are returning to campus for the first time.
  • (pay scales and classifications from the State of Colorado website)

Supervisor Interviewing Resources

  • Do you have a final candidate in mind?  Here are 6 important things to discuss with the preferred candidate before they accept the position.
  • Lynda.Com:

Leave Requests: 

  • Leave Requests and Approvals are handled using the MyLeave tool.

Alternative Schedules/Flex Arrangements:
Upon supervisor approval, in some circumstances, CU employees have the option to work alternate schedules:

Employee Termination/Resignation

Performance Management

AiM pay codes for weekend shift differential

Classified staff who are eligible for shift differentials are eligible for a weekend shift differential. Weekend shift differential of 20% shall be paid for all hours worked when more than half of the scheduled shift hours fall between 4:00 pm Friday through 6:00 am Monday. Pay codes have been set up in AiM for the weekend shift differential.

  • Weekend Shift Pay – Salaried Staff will use the new pay code 3HW
  • Weekend Shift Pay – Temporary Hourly will use the new pay code 3SW
  • Comp Time Weekend Shift Pay Call Back - CTCBW
  • Comp Time Weekend Shift Pay Carry Over - CTCOW
  • Comp Time Weekend Shift Pay Planned OT - CTPOW
  • Overtime Weekend Shift Pay Call Back - OTCBW
  • Overtime Weekend Shift Pay Carry Over - OTCOW
  • Overtime Weekend Shift Pay Planned OT - OTPOW