
Journal Articles
2023Ěý- “”, T. Skibik, D. Liao-McPherson, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, available on Early Access.
2023Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, J. Shao, J. Combes, A.C. Theurkauf, P. Axelrad, L.-Y. Chih, M. Holland, A.A. Zozulya, C.K. LeDesma, K. Mehling, D.Z. Anderson, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 43(1), pp. 28-43.
2022Ěý- “”, T. Skibik, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 235-240.
2022Ěý- “”, D.S. Zalkind, M.M. Nicotra, L.Y. Pao, Wind Energy, vol. 25(5), pp. 914-934.
2022Ěý- “”, T.L. Dearing, J. Hauser, X. Chen, M.M. Nicotra, C. Petersen, IAAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 45(4), pp. 638-650.
2022Ěý- “”, J. Shao, J. Combes, J. Hauser, M.M. Nicotra, Physical Review A, vol. 105(3), p. 032605.
2022Ěý- “”, B. Convens, K. Merckaert, M.M. Nicotra, B. Vanderborght, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7(2), pp. 4173-4180.
2022Ěý- “”, K. Merckaert, B. Convens, C.-J. Wu, A. Roncone, M.M. Nicotra, B. Vanderborght, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 73, p. 102223.
2021Ěý- “”, T. Skibik, D. Liao-McPherson, T. Cunis, I. Kolmanovsky, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67(10), pp. 5501-5508.
2021Ěý- “”, B. Convens, K. Merckaert, B. Vanderborght, M.M. Nicotra, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, p. 129.
2021Ěý- “”, D. Liao-McPherson, T. Skibik, J. Leung, I. Kolmanovsky, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67(5), pp. 2618-2625.
2021Ěý- “”, A. Goldar, R. Romagnoli, L.D. Couto, M.M. Nicotra, M. Kinnaert, E. Garone, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 29(4), pp. 1597-1608.
2020Ěý- “”, T.L. Dearing, X. Chen, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 5(2), pp. 403-408.
2020Ěý- “”, D. Liao-McPherson, M.M. Nicotra, A.L. Dontchev, I.V. Kolmanovsky, V. Veliov, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65(10), pp. 4288-4294.
2020Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, D. Liao-McPherson, L. Burlion, I.V. Kolmanovsky, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65(8), pp. 3677-3684.
2020Ěý- “”, D. Liao-McPherson, M.M. Nicotra, I.V. Kolmanovsky, Automatica, vol. 117, p.108973.
2020Ěý- “”, T.W. Nguyen, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, IAAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 43(4), pp. 854-862.
2019Ěý- “”, A.L. Dontchev, M. Huang, I.V. Kolmanovsky, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64(9), pp. 3602-3615.
2019Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, T.W. Nguyen, E. Garone, I.V. Kolmanovsky, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64(7), pp. 2883-2889.
2019Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, D. Liao-McPherson, I.V. Kolmanovsky, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64(5), pp. 1932-1946.
2019Ěý- “”, A.L. Dontchev, I.V. Kolmanovsky, M.I. Krastanov, M.M. Nicotra, V.M. Veliov, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,  vol. 57(1), pp. 468-489.
2018 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 38(4), pp. 89-107.
2018 - “”, E. Garone, M.M. Nicotra, L. Ntogramatzidis, International Journal of Control, vol. 91(6), pp. 1415-1430.
2017 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, R. Naldi, E. Garone, Automatica, vol. 78, pp 174-184.
2016 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, I. V. Kolmanovsky, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol 40(2), pp. 461-465.
2016 - “”, E. Garone, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61(5), pp. 1379-1384.
2015 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, R. Naldi, E. Garone, Systems and Control Letters, vol. 84, pp. 1-6.
Conference Proceedings
2023Ěý- “Influence of Discretization in Dynamically Embedded Model Predictive Control”, Y. Gautam, M.M. Nicotra, IFAC World Congress, to appear.
2023Ěý- “Attitude Trajectory Optimization and Momentum Conservation with Control Moment Gyroscopes”, T. Dearing, J. Hauser, C. Petersen, M.M. Nicotra, X. Chen, IFAC World Congress, to appear.
2023Ěý- “Application of Quantum Optimal Control to Shaken Lattice Interferometry”, J. Shao, L.-Y. Chih, M. Naris, M. Holland, M.M. Nicotra, Proc. of the American Control Conference, to appear.
2022Ěý- “”, T. Skibik, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (L-CSS option).
2022Ěý- “”, J. Shao, M.M. Nicotra, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 850-855.Â
2022Ěý- “”, S. Van Leeuwen, T. Skibik, M.M. Nicotra, I. Kolmanovsky, D. Liao-McPherson, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 443-449.Â
2021Ěý- “”, T. Skibik, D. Liao-McPherson, T. Cunis, I.V. Kolmanovsky, M.M. Nicotra, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 2329-2335.Â
2020Ěý- “”, T.L. Dearing, X. Chen, M.M. Nicotra, IEEE 59thConference on Decision and Control (L-CSS option).
2020Ěý- “”, T.L. Dearing, C.D. Petersen, M.M. Nicotra, X. Chen, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 4319-4324.Â
2020Ěý- “”, D.J. Pasley, M.M. Nicotra, L. Pao, J. King, C. Bay, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 4071-4076.Â
2020Ěý- “”, G. Ding, J.J. Koh, K. Merckaert, B. Vanderborght, M.M. Nicotra, C. Heckman, A. Roncone, L. Chen, Proc. of 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, pp. 1831-1833.Â
2019Ěý- “”, D. Liao-McPherson, M.M. Nicotra, I.V. Kolmanovsky, Proc. of IEEE 18th European Control Conference, pp. 2749-2755.Â
       Finalist for the Best Student Paper Award
2018 - “”, L. Burlion, M.M. Nicotra, I.V. Kolmanovsky, Proc. of IEEE 57th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6289-6294.Â
2018 - “”, D. Liao-McPherson, M.M. Nicotra, I.V. Kolmanovsky, Proc. of IEEE 57th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3600-3607.
2018 - “”, A. Cotorruelo Jiménez, D. Limón, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, Proc. of IEEE 4th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry, pp. 1-6.
2018 - “”, K. Merckaert, M.M. Nicotra, B. Vanderborght, E. Garone, Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 5155-5162.
2018 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, D. Liao-McPherson, I.V. Kolmanovsky, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 4957-4962.
2017 - “”, R. Romagnoli, L.D. Couto,  M.M. Nicotra, M. Kinnaert, E. Garone, Proc. of the IEEE 56th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1433-1439.
2017 - “”, B. Convens, K. Merckaert, M.M. Nicotra, R. Naldi, E. Garone, IFAC-PapersOnLine (20th IFAC World Congress), vol. 50, pp. 12715-12720.
2016 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, Proc. of the IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1502-1507.
2016 - “”, M.M. Nicotra, R. Naldi, E. Garone, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 6284-6289.
2016 - “”, L.D. Couto, J. Schorsh, M.M. Nicotra, M. Kinnaert, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 4022-4028.
2015Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, Proc. of the IEEE 54th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1154-1159.
2015Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 4561-4566.
2015Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, M. Bartulovic, E. Garone, B. Sinopoli, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (5th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems), vol. 48 (22), pp. 156-161.
2014Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, R. Naldi, E. Garone, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (19th IFAC World Congress), vol. 47(3), pp. 3190-3195.Â
        Honourable Mention for the Young Author Prize
2014Ěý- “”, S. Eeckout, M.M. Nicotra, R. Naldi, E. Garone, Proc. of the 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1412-1417.
2014Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, E. Garone, R. Naldi, Proc. of American Control Conference, pp. 3585-3590.
2012Ěý- “”, M.M. Nicotra, A. Buttafuoco, M. Kinnaert, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification), vol. 16 (1), pp. 1431-1436.