- Gabe passes prelims!
- Charlie successfully defends his dissertation entitled “Fundamental Developments in Volumetric Additive Manufacturing”!
- Charlie publishes a paper, "Latent Image Volumetric Additive Manufacturing", in Optics Letters, along with his collaborators at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
- Megan and collaborators at Boulder, USDA, and Cambridge publish a paper, "Printed Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Detecting Nutrients in Whole Plant Sap", in the journal Advanced Electronic Materials.
- Callie the Emerging Leaders Medal!
- Charlie publishes a paper, "Object-Space Optimization of Tomographic Reconstructions for Additive Manufacturing", in the journal Additive Manufacturing, along with his collaborators at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
- Archish successfully defends his dissertation entitled “Controlling network structure and chemistry to tune the material properties of digital light projection based 3D printing resins”!
- Johnny successfully defends his dissertation, "Optical and Mechanical Property Modulation in Photopolymer Blends" and Camila successfullydefends her dissertation, "Characterization and Control of the Material Properties in DLP 3D Printed Parts for Use in Tissue Engineering and Regeneration"!
- Megan publishes a paper, "Reducing Passive Drug Diffusion from Electrophoretic Drug Delivery Devices through Co-Ion Engineering", in Advanced Science, along with her collaborators in Cambridge and Spain.
- Brenna and Megan implant their first sensors into living plants, over at the CU-Boulder greenhouse:
- Johnny's band releases two new singles.
- Camila and Johnny, representing Vitro3D, achieve second place in the New Venture Challenge Female Founders competition, winning an additional $3k in funding.
- Charlie submits a lengthy first-author paper, with his collaborators at LLNL and Berkeley.
- Vitro3D (Johnny and Camila's start-up) is a Venture Challenge winner, garnering a $50k award. They also win the Audience Choice award for an additional $1k.
- Camila and Johnny publish a paper "Microscale Photopatterning of Through-thickness Modulus in a Monolithic and Functionally Graded 3D-Printed Part" in "Small Science"
- Charlie passes comps!
- Camila and Jonny's startup wins $51k at the CU Boulder Lab Venture Challenge.
- Archish wins the Colorado Photonics Industry Association Student Presentation Contest.
- Charlie wins a GAANN Fellowship.
- David Miller is announced as one of the Bronze winners in the ECEE Department's Outstanding Graduate Student Research Awards.
- The "Sweaty Buffs" undergrad team, mentored by Megan, named paper session winners and runners up for the People's Choice video contest at the COSGC Undergraduate Space Research Symposium for their work on Non-invasive cortisol sensors. The team consisted of: Natalie Alvarado, Quinn Beato, Hannah Blanchsky, Zoe Bloomfield, Brenna Curvey, Anthony Nguyen, and Trey Venners.
- David's paper:"Contrast analysis in two-beam laser interference lithography" is accepted by Applied Optics.
- Archish wins theDick Aubin Distinguished Paper Award from The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
- Johnny andCamila both pass comps!
- Gabriel Seymour joins the group!
- Grant awarded:NSF 1935594, “SitS NSF-UKRI: Phytoelectronic Soil Sensing,” $800K, PI, Jan 2020 – Dec 2022.
- Charlie climbs the NW Face of Half Dome in a day.

- Grant awarded:CU Research and Innovation Office, “Touchless stereolithography of 3D heterogeneous tissues within sealed microfabricated platforms to enable in vitro biomedical research,” 50K$, PI, July 2019 – Dec 2020.
- Johnny takes a break from printing cartilage to print a fun tower.

- Johnny, Izzi, and Archish attend a polymers conference in Italy!

- Izziand Megan both pass prelims, and David passes comps.
- Marvin graduates and gets a job.
- Grant awarded:Quantum Explorations in Science & Technology, “Ultrastable spatial light modulators for quantum state assembly with neutral atoms and entanglement-assisted clocks,” $50,000, co-PI. Jan 2019 – Dec 2019.
- Grant awarded:Lawrence Livermore National Lab, “Advanced Photopolymer Materials Engineering for Multiscale Additive Fabrication,” $200,000, Dec 2018 – Nov 2021.
- Grant awarded:Facebook Research Labs, “High Performance Holographic Photopolymers,” $1,555,000, Nov 2018 – April 2020.
- Jake wins the NRC post doc fellowship, making 3 for 3 with Callie and Martha.
- Camila, Archish and Johnny all pass their preliminary exams.
- Grant awarded:NSF 1826454, “GOALI: Projection Stereolithography of Gradient Viscoelastic Polymer Nanocomposites,” $399,199, Oct 2018 – Sept 2021
- Grant awarded:DoEd P200A180070 “Graduate Program in Soft Materials,” $895,500, Oct 2018 – Sept 2021.
- Camila’s first paper is accepted for publication in Advanced Engineering Materials.
- Group alum Mark Ayres’ company, Akonia Holographics,.
- Bob and Amy’s Specialization onlaunches on the Coursera platform.
- The McLeod Lab organizesand runsmorning sessions of hands-on electromagnetism experiments, demos, and lab tours for 25 students from Skinner Middle School!

- The group enjoyssome great weather (and some slacklining)at our summer potluck!

- David Glugla starts a new position at Apple.
- Jake joins NIST Boulder as a postdoc
- David Glugla defends and graduates.

- The group attends and makes many presentations at Photonics West, yet has time to explore San Francisco.

- David Miller wins theEmil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Awardat the OSA Frontiers in Optics Conference, Washington DC
- Dr. McLeod finishes his term as Chair of ECEE and takes up Directorship of theMaterials Science and Engineering Program
- Camila wins the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Bob and Amy present five (5!) papers at the European Holography conference in Prague. They vow to never do this again.
- Grant awarded:NIH, “Minimally Invasive Peripheral Nerve Interface with Single Axon Read-In & Read-Out Specificity,” $120,699 (McLeod portion), co-PI, Oct 2017 – Sept 2019.

- Grant awarded:NSF “MRI: Acquisition of a 4D High-Resolution X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography System for the Rocky Mountain Region,” $801,508, co-PI, Sept 2017 – Aug. 2018.
- Megan and Johnny join the group!
- In an amazing duet, Martha and Callie, who were both supported by the NSF graduate research fellowship, both defend and graduate, both win NRC Postdoctoral Fellowships and both start at NIST in Boulder. Rumours spread that they are actually one-another's superhero secret identity.
- Jake defends, graduates and is awarded the traditionalPhD crown

- Grant awarded:Sandia National Labs, “Super-resolution Near UV Projection Lithography,” $117,000, PI, Oct. 2017 – Sept 2019.
- Jake winsBest Poster Awardat the Asilomar Bioelectronics Symposium. Bob and Jake get very lost on a bike ride, eventually discovering the Pacific ocean

- MSE students Camila and Archish join the group!
- Grant awarded:NIH, “Mechanically Stiff Hydrogels for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering,” $462,486, co-PI, July 2016 – June 2019.
- Charlie, Jake, and Martha do a rock climb up a 14er!

- EE student Charlie joins the group!
- Callieagainwins best poster award at the CPIA Photonics Research in Colorado annual meeting

- Jake wins theNature Materials Prizeat theBioEl2015 International Winter School on Bioelectronics in Kirchberg, Austria

- Dr. McLeod is promoted to Full Professor
- Dr. McLeod is elected department Chair
- MSE student Marvin joins the group!
- EE studentJosh joins the group and is awarded a GAANN Fellowship!
- Dr. McLeod is awarded the Richard and Joy Dorf Endowed Professorship
- Adam wins Best Paper Award at the SPIE Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics
- Dr. McLeod wins the Provost Faculty Achievement Award
- Darren, Ben and Anna all defend and graduate! Anna's defense is in 3D

- Adam defends and graduates, then joins Mark at
- Dr. McLeod receives the 2013 Intel Outstanding Researcher Award in Optoelectronics
- Jake and David are named GAANN Fellows in Functional Materials.
- Chunfang defends and graduates
- Anna wins the Teets Family Fellowship.
- Chunfang and Callie both win best poster awards at the CPIA Photonics Research in Colorado annual meeting
- PhD students David, Jake and Callie join the group. Welcome!
- Undergraduates Stephanie, Thomas and Nathan join the group for summer research.
- Callie and Pat pass their PhD prelims.
- Dr. McLeod becomes Graduate Director for the department
- Eric finishes his post-doc and leaves to lead his
- Undergraduate Seth joins the group
- David wins an ECEE Merit Fellowship and a Deans Fellowship
- Jake wins a Nanostructures and Optics Fellowship and a Deans Assistanceship
- Both (wow!) Callie and Martha win prestigious.
- Adam does a research rotation in the laboratory ofat the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology, Munich, Germany, supported by his NSF IGERT Fellowship
- Eric wins the NSF/ASEE Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- Heidelberg Instruments, a manufacturer of direct-write lithograph tools,the two-color nanolithography technique from CU
- The entire group rents a condo at the Breckenridge Fundamentals of Photopolymerization meeting. Many omelets and blueberry pancakes ensue. Thus fueled, the group conquers Quandary, a 14,265 foot peak. Keith is not eaten by a black bear.
- Tim accepts a faculty position in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan.
- Eric defends and graduates!
- Darren wins the prestigious.
- Dr. McLeod goes on sabbatical, partly in Würzburg Germany at the.
- Dr. McLeod bikes across Bavaria, training on a strict diet of kaesespaetzle and schwarzbier.
- Dr. McLeod wins the
- Marty accepts a faculty position in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Carlton College.
- Dr. McLeod is General Chair of the
- Congratulations to Eric, Ben, Keith and Pat who all win GAANN fellowships.
- Dr. McLeod is granted tenure at CU!
- Mark’sbookis published!
- Dr. Michael Cole joins the group as a professional researcher
- Congratulations to Adam and Eric who each won Best Student Poster Awards at the SPIE/CPIA Photonics Research in Colorado
- Dr. McLeod wins the Dean’s Performance Award from the College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Dr. McLeod is awarded the CU Provost Faculty Achievement Award for Research
- Amy and Ben's paper is published in!
- Dr. McLeod is Program Chair of the
- Congratulations to Marty on winning a Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the
- Amy accepts a faculty position in the Physics Department at Agnes Scott College, Decatur Georgia!
- Congratulations to Adam on winning an NSF IGERT fellowship from theComputational Optical Sensing and Imaging program.
- Amy defends and graduates!
- Congratulations to Eric on winning an NSF IGERT fellowship from theComputational Optical Sensing and Imaging program
- Congratulations to Ben for winning the Best Student Paper Award, at the IEEE/OSA/SPIE International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage
- Congratulations to Amy for winning the Best Student Paper Award at the OSA topical meeting on Controlling Light with Light: Photorefractive Effects, Photosensitivity, Fiber Gratings, Photonic Materials and More
- Mark defends and graduates!
- Congratulations to Eric for winning the Best Student Poster Award at the SPIE/CPIA Photonics Research in Colorado annual meeting
- Cotton defends and graduates!
- Sarah defends and graduates!
- Amy wins an NSF IGERT fellowship from the Optical Sciences and Engineering program