Aerobiology of Indoor & Outdoor Atmosphere Publications

  • Hernandez, M., Nieto-Caballero, M. & Keady, P. (Issued 2022) High Fidelity Bioaerosol Capture Directly into Genomic Preservatives, PCT/US18/67687.
  • Ildiri, N., Biesiada, E., Facchinetti, T., Alglani, N., Ahmed, N. & Hernandez, M. (2024) Impacts of HVAC Cleaning on Energy Consumption and Supply Airflow: A Multi-Climate Evaluation, Energy and Buildings, in press.
  • Eidem, T., Nordgren, T. & Hernandez, M. (2024) Bioaerosol Exposures and Respiratory Diseases in Cannabis Workers. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 24, 395–406 .
  • Lee JYY, Miao Y, Chau RLT, Hernandez M, & Lee PKH. (2023) Artificial intelligence-based prediction of indoor bioaerosol concentrations from indoor air quality sensor data. Environment International, 174, 107900.
  • Nieto-Caballero, M.,Ìý Davis, R., Fuques Villalba, E., Gomez, O., Huynh, E., Handorean, A., Ushijma, S, Tolbert, M., and Hernandez, M. (2022) Carbohydrate vitrification in aerosolized saliva is associated with the humidity-dependent infectious potential of airborne coronavirus,ÌýProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences nexus,Ìý¶Ù°¿±õ:Ìý
  • Crimaldi, J., True, A., Linden, K.,ÌýHernandez, M., Larson, L. and Pauls, A. (2022) Commercial toilets emit energetic and rapidly spreading aerosol plumes,ÌýNature Scientific Reports,Ìý12, 20493, ¶Ù°¿±õ:Ìý
  • Jaenisch T, Lamb M ,Gallichotte E,ÌýHernandez, M..,Ìýet al. Investigating transmission of SARS-CoV-2 using novel face mask sampling: a protocol for an observational prospective study of index cases and their contacts in a congregate setting. BMJ Open 2022;12:e061029. ¶Ù°¿±õ:Ìý
  • Gomez, O, McCabe, K.,Ìý Biesiada, E., Volbers, B., Kraus, E., Nieto-Caballero,Ìý M., and Hernandez, M.,  (2022) Airborne murine coronavirus response to low levels of hypochlorous acid, hydrogen peroxide and glycol vapors,ÌýAerosol Science and Technology,Ìý56:11,Ìý1047-1057,Ìý¶Ù°¿±õ:Ìý
  • Shaughnessy, R.,ÌýHernandez, M. and Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U. (2022).  Effects of classroom cleaning on student health: a longitudinal study. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 1-7. ¶Ù°¿±õ:Ìý
  • Danko, D., Bezdan, D., Afshin, E., the International MetaSUB consortium with Hernandez, M., Nieto-Caballero, M., (2021), A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance, Cell, doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.05.002
  • Leung, M., Tong, Q.; Bøifot, B.; Bezdan, D.; Daniel J. Butler, D. Danko, D., Gohli, J., Green, D., Hernandez, M., et al., (2021) Characterization of public transit air microbiome and resistome reveals geographical specificity. Microbiome, doi: 10.1186/s40168-021-010447
  • Zulli A,, Bakker A., Racharaks, R. , Nieto-Caballero, M., Hernandez, M., Shaughnessy, R., Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U., M. Ijaz, K., Rubino, J., Peccia, J., (2021) Occurrence of respiratory viruses on school desks, American Journal of Infection Control,
  • Meecham, P., Hernandez, M. et al. (2022) Biological Air Quality Considerations for non-healthcare, as-built environments, Infection Control, Global Biorisk Advisory Council, , in press.
  • Nieto Caballero, M., Gomez, O., Shaughnessy, R. and Hernandez M., (2021) Aerosol Fluorescence, Airborne Hexosaminidase, and Quantitative Genomics Distinguish Reductions in Airborne Fungal Loads Following Major School Renovations, Indoor Air, 2021:00:1-9, DOI: 10.1111/ina.12975.
  • Ereth, M., Hess, D., Driscoll, A, Hernandez, M., and Stamatotos, F., (2020) Particle control reduces fine and ultrafine particles great than HEPA filtration in live operating rooms and kills biologic warfare surrogate American Journal of Infection Control, doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2019.11.017
  • Duflot, V. , Tulet, P., Flores, O. , Barthe, C., Colomb, A., Deguillaume. L., Vaïtilingom, M., Perring, A., Huffman, A., Hernandez, M.,  et al. (2019)  Preliminary results from the FARCE 2015 campaign: multidisciplinary study of the forest–gas–aerosol–cloud system on the tropical island of La Réunion, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10591
  • Caballero-Nieto, M., Savage, N., Keady, P. and Hernandez, M., (2019), High Fidelity Recovery of Airborne Genetic Materials by Direct Condensation into Genomic Preservatives, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 157(2):1
  • Turner, J, McCabe, K., Snowder, J, and Hernandez, M. (2018) β-glucan Induces Multimodal Toxicity Responses in Parallel Exposures of Model Human Lung Epithelial Cells and Immature Macrophage, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 10.1007/s11869-018-0649-2
  • Mehsah-Attipoe, J., Taubel, M., Hernandez, M., Pitkaranta, M., and Reponen, T., (2016) Toward a better understanding of the potential benefits and adversity of microbe exposures in the indoor environment, Indoor Air, 27:1, 3-5. doi: 10.1111/ina.12344.
  • Hernandez, M., Perring, A.E., McCabe, K., Kok, G., Granger, G. and Baumgardner, D., (2016) Chamber catalogues of optical and fluorescent signatures distinguish bioaerosol classes, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 3283-3292, doi:10.5194/amt-9-3283-2016
  • Handorean A. M., Robertson, C., Harris, J.K, Frank, D.N, Kotter, C., Stevens M.J., Pace, N.R., and Hernandez, M. (2105) Microbial aerosol liberation from soiled textiles isolated during routine residuals handling in modern health care setting. Microbiome, 3:72, DOI 10.1186/s40168-015-0132-3
  • Levin, H., Taubel, M., and Hernandez, M. (2015) Microbiology of the Built Environment, Healthy Buildings EuropeMicrobiome, 3:68, 10.1186/s40168-015-0115-4
  • Perring, A. E., Schwarz, J. P., Baumgardner, D.  Hernandez, M., Spracklen, D. V., Heald, C. L., Gao, R. S., Kok, G., McMeeking, G. R., McQuaid, J. B., and Fahey, D. W., (2015) Airborne observations of regional variation in fluorescent aerosol across the United States, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  DOI 10.1002/2014JD022495
  • Turner, J, Hernandez, M, Snowder, J, Handorean, A, and McCabe, K., (2015) An optimized analytical suite for comparing toxicity effects of diesel exhaust particles and their extracts on human lung cells, Aerosol Science and Technology 49(8):599. doi:  10.1080/02786826.2015.1053559
  • Ling, A.L., Pace, N.R., Hernandez, M., and LaPara, T. (2013) Tetracycline Resistance and Class 1 Integron Genes Associated with Indoor and Outdoor Aerosols, Environmental Science & Technology  47 (9): 4046. doi: 10.1021/es400238g.
  • Rodriguez, M., Koll, P., Frank, D., Robertson, C., Hernandez, M. and  Pace, N. (2013)  Molecular Analysis of Bacterial and Circovirus Bioaerosols in Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Aerosol Science and Technology, 47:755.
  • McCabe, K.M., Turner, J. and  Hernandez, M.  (2012)  A method for assessing the disinfection response of microbial bioaerosols retained in antimicrobial filter materials and textiles. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 92(1):11.
  • Stenerson, J., Blanchard, L., Fassiotto, M., Hernandez, M., and  Muth, A., (2010)  The Role of Adjuncts in the Professoriate, Peer Review, 12 (3):23
  • Coz, E., Artinano, B., Clark, L., Hernandez, M., Robinson, A., Casuccio, G, Lersch, T, and  Pandis, S., (2010) Characterization of fine primary biogenic organic aerosol in an urban area in the northeastern United States, Atmospheric Environment, 44:3952. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.07.007.
  • K. Ryan, K.M. McCabe, N. Clements, L. Erickson, Hernandez, M. and S. Miller, (2010) Inactivation of Airborne Microorganisms Using Novel Ultraviolet Radiation Sources in Reflective Flow-Through Control Devices, Aerosol Science and Technology, 44:541.
  • Rodriguez, M., Walker, J., Pace, N. and Hernandez, M.  (2010)  Molecular Source Tracking of Bioaerosols in the Quarantined Katrina Flood Zone.  Aerosol Science and Technology.  44:1.
  • Fierer, N., Liu, Z., Rodriguez, M., Knight, R., Henn, M., and Hernandez, M. (2008)  Short-Term Temporal Variability in Airborne Bacteria and Fungal Populations,  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(1):200.doi: 10.1128/AEM.01467-07  
  • Sievers, R.E., Quinn, B.P., Cape, S.P., Searles, J.A., Braun, C.S., Bhagwat, P., Rebits, L.G., McAdams, D.H., Berger, J.L., Lindsay, L., Hernandez, M., Kisich, K.O., Iacovangelo, T., Kristensen, D., Chen, D.  (2007) Near-Critical fluid micronization of stabilized vaccines, antibiotics, and anti-virals, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 42:385. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2007.03.001
  • Goebes M. D. , Hildemann L.M., Kujundzic, E., and Hernandez, M.  (2007)  Real-time PCR for detection of the Aspergillus genus, Journal of Environmental Monitoring,Ìý 9:599. DOI: 10.1039/b618937g.
  • Kujundzic, E., Miller S., and Hernandez, M.  (2007). Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Inactivation of Airborne Fungal Spores and Bacteria in Upper-Room Air and HVAC In-Duct Configurations. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 6:1.
  • Kujundzic, E., Hernandez, M., and  Miller, S.L. (2006). UV Air Cleaners and Upper-Room Air UV Germicidal Irradiation for Controlling Airborne Bacteria and Fungal Spores. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,Ìý 3(10):536. DOI: 10.1080/15459620600909799.
  • Peccia, J. and Hernandez, M.  (2006)  Incorporating polymerase chain reaction-based identification, population characterization, and quantification of microorganisms into aerosol science: A review. Atmospheric Environment, 40:3941.
  • Kujundzic, E., Hernandez, M., and Miller, S.L. (2006) Particle size distributions and concentrations of airborne endotoxin using novel collection methods in homes during the winter and summer seasons.  Indoor Air, 16:216. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2005.00419.x
  • Angenent, L., Kelly, S., St. Amand, A., Pace, N., and  Hernandez, M. (2005)  Molecular identification of potential Pathogens in the air and water of  a hospital therapy pool. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 102: 4860. doi:  10.1073/pnas.0501235102.
  • Xu, P., Kujundzic, E., J.  Peccia, Schafer, M. P., .Moss, G., Hernandez, M., and Miller S. L.  (2005) Impact of Environmental Factors on Efficacy of Upper-Room Air Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Inactivating Airborne Mycobacteria, Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 9656. DOI: 10.1021/es0504892.
  • Fabian, M.P., Miller, S.L., Reponen, T., and  Hernandez, M. (2005)   Ambient bioaerosol indices for indoor air quality assessments of flood reclamation. Journal of Aerosol Science.  36: 763.
  • Kujundzic, E., Angenent, L., Zander, D., Henderson, D., Miller, S.L., and Hernandez, M. (2005)   Effects of Ceiling-Mounted HEPA-UV Air Filters on Airborne Bacteria Concentrations in an Indoor Therapy Pool Building  J.  Air and Waste Management Association.  55:210. DOI 10.1080/10473289.2005.10464612.
  • Peccia J. and Hernandez M. (2004)  UV-induced inactivation rates for airborne Mycobacterium bovis BCG.. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 1:430. DOI: 10.1080/15459620490458495.
  • Xu, P., J.  Peccia, M P. Fabian, A. Barker, J. Martyny,  K. Fennelly, Hernandez, M., and S. L. Miller. (2003) Efficacy of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation of upper-room air in inactivating airborne bacterial spores and mycobacteria in full-scale studies. Atmospheric nvironment. 37(3):405.
  • Peccia, J. and Hernandez, M. (2002)  Rapid Immunoassays for Detection of UV-Induced Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers in Whole Bacterial Cells.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology: 68:2542. doi: 10.1128/AEM.68.5.2542-2549.2002
  • Hernandez, M. and Swartz M. (2001)  Review of Airborne Microbiological Contamination on Commercial Aircraft.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes for Occupational Health and Safety, US Govt. Report (CDC/NIOSH DO # 0009936697).
  • Peccia, J., Werth, H., Miller, S. L., and Hernandez, M. (2001) Effects of Relative Humidity on the Ultraviolet Induced Inactivation of Airborne Bacteria.  Aerosol Science and Technology 35(3):728.
  • Peccia, J., and  Hernandez, M. (2001) Photoreactivation in Airborne Mycobacterium parafortuitum.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67(9):4225. doi:  10.1128/AEM.67.9.4225-4232.2001.
  • Hernandez, M., Miller, S.L., Landfear, D., and Macher, J.M.  (1999) A Combined Fluorochrome Method for Quantitation of Metabolically Active and Inactive Airborne Bacteria. Aerosol Science and Technology, 30:145.