Painting with green and white swirls


Pigmentation is the first of the key characteristic used for classifying algae. They come in a variety of colors, ranging from red to blue-green to nearly everything in between.

cake with green and orange icing


In addition to pigmentation, morphology is a trait used to further partition each division into different genera and species.

colored pencil and pen drawing of algae shapes


The way an alga moves—or doesn’t move—is the second key characteristic used to classify groups of algae.

Embroidery with green algae shapes

Energy Storage

The third key characteristic used to distinguish algae is the product they store for energy.

line drawing of algal shapes in blue, red, and yellow

Cell Wall Composition

The composition of an organism’s cell wall is the fourth characteristic used to classify an alga. Diatoms are unique as their cell wall is made of silica. The intricate designs within their silica cell walls and varying symmetry are the primary characteristic used to identify down to the genera and...

Virtual museum environment with images hanging on walls


In addition to the four characteristics used to categorize algae, the environment where an algae is found is extremely important in determining what organisms will be living there.