Summer 2023

Building a better ‘bionic pancreas’
Living with Type 1 diabetes is demanding—patients must stay on top of their diet and exercise, even if they’re living with technology like insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitors. But information science faculty Casey Fiesler and Steven Voida are optimistic that with the help of holistic technology, this will change. They’ve received a grant from the National Institutes of Health, and, along with other university colleagues, hope to develop a “person-centered artificial pancreas.â€
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Extreme sports enthusiasts are no strangers to adrenaline rushes, but they know the importance of preparation and safety before jumping out of a plane or climbing a steep mountain. New investors, on the other hand, often jump into the trading game with far less experience and knowledge. Advertising students from CU Boulder recently worked on an education campaign designed to counteract risky behavior.
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