Celebrate the Class of 2025!

We’re excited to celebrate our newest class of achievers at a special graduation recognition ceremony. This will be an extra-special event, as it’s our college’s tenth graduation ceremony and our last one as CMCI. 8 a.m., Friday, May 9, CU Events Center. This event takes place the day after the university’s commencement exercises, which begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 8, at Folsom Field.

Bestseller back in Boulder

CMCI will welcome Bettina Love, author of theNew York Times bestsellerPunished for Dreaming, to campus as part of its Inclusive Pedagogy Series.

Love’s talk, “We Gon’ Be Alright, but That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom,” takes place at noon Friday, April 4, in Kittredge N114, 2480 Kittridge Loop Dr.

Landscape as Fabric display

Designer label

Meet the College of Communication, Media, Design and Information.

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Dean Bergen at the Dushanbe Tea House
High School students attend Journalism Day at CU Boulder.
Mock advertisement
Joel reading his comic
Elena on a crosswalk

A better way

Can design help those with neurodivergence be more comfortable in their environments? A new lab is searching for answers.

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Joe teaching
clock illustration over a Ralphie statue