Log in to your profile, select "post a job" and enter the details of the position. Once finished, select "create." You will receive an e-mail to let you know when your job has been approved and is visible to students.
Give yourself about five minutes to fill in all fields, including internship description, pay (if any), job categories (you can choose multiple categories), required documents (if applicable) and majors you’ll accept.
Note: Be sure to click on the appropriate major for your internship. You can choose all CMCI majors by selecting the College of Media, Communication and Information in the dropdown menu, or you can specify which majors within CMCI are the best fit for your internship. CMCI majors include Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design; Journalism; Media Studies; Communication; Media Production and Information Science.
Please outline the orientation, training, supervision and evaluation you’ll provide for interns.