About AMReC
In the past decade, AMReC has gained a worldwide reputation as a leader in the development of analysis and design methods for coupled multi-field problems, particularly in the context of aeroelasticity. The methods pioneered by AMReC faculty have become standard tools in academia and industry for analyzing complete aircraft configurations. This work is complemented by the development of high-performance parallel computing strategies. In past years, additional focus areas have included the development of models and design methods for multi-functional material systems and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). The latter two research areas are considered to be key components of next-generation technologies in aerospace, mechanical, and bio-medical engineering.
Another AMReC research focus is the multidisciplinary analysis and design optimization group. AMReC faculty develop synergistic approaches to the optimization of complex vehicle systems. Disciplines of interest include aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics, propulsion, structures, aeroelasticity, aeroservoelasticity, trajectory, and mission design. Applications range from missiles and atmospheric cruisers to launch vehicles and reentry configurations.
A key research thrust in AMReC is concerned with multiscale dynamics/physics of engineered materials and structures. The emerging field of phononics has roots here. This research, which involves analytical, computational, and experimental studies, aims at developing new material and structural concepts for aerospace and a broad range of applications. For example, novel phononic crystals and metamaterials are being developed for improved vibrations, thermal, and strength characteristics. This thrust is also engaged in theoretical studies on nonlinear wave propagation in solids and other media, as well as fundamental nanoscale investigations of thermal and electronic transport.