Overloaded Podcast Series

Overloaded Podcast Series Introduction
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"I never suspected over half my time at college in Boulder would be spent at a computer screen, and I am confident I was not alone in this supposition. Nevertheless, college students all around the world were snatched from classrooms and isolated from ‘normal’ thanks to the pandemic sweeping the globe. In this podcast, I’ll share conversations I’ve had with other college students. In these discussions it was my goal to learn not only about the effects of increased screen time, but also how student’s have managed them. Online schooling forces me to be on my laptop approximately ten hours a day, and when I’ve finished my online requirements, the last thing I want to do is look at my screen longer. However, instead of picking up any new hobbies like becoming a runner, pulling out my bike, walking for a coffee, I move from my chair to my bed and open netflix on my phone. I often read, and I enjoy puzzles, but the enjoyment of these activities does not detract from the joy of watching a movie with a friend after a long day with friends, online schooling does." - Cameron Fragoso, Overloaded Host