Agendas AY 2020/2021
- September 8, 2020
- October 13, 2020
- November 10, 2020
- December 8, 2020
- January 12, 2021
- February 9. 2021
- March 16, 2021
- April 13, 2021
Joint Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
April 13, 2021, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MDT), by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. ASC Chair’s remarks
3. Reports from ASC Committees
4. Election of ASC Chair for AY 2021–2022
5. Motion out the ad hoc Committee on Faculty Affairs concerning a vote by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on proposed faculty-governance bylaws
6. Motion out of the Executive Committee concerning policies and procedures for the hiring of faculty by non-departmental entities in the College
7. New business
Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council
3:30–5:00, 9/8/2020, by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. Chair’s remarks
3. Budget-cutting recommendations (Andy Cowell, Chair of Budget)
4. Faculty Affairs Committee
5. Possible changes in faculty governance structure for A&S
6. New business
Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council
Oct. 12, 2020, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MDT), by Zoom
1. Teaching Quality Initiative, led by Noah Finklestein and David Brown
2. Dean’s remarks
3. Chair’s remarks
4. Motion from Curriculum Committee to suspend temporarily the College’s 30-credit limit on online course work (see below for text of the motion)
5. The 30-credit limit on online coursework after the pandemic
6. Deans searches and College reorganization
7. New business
Text of the Curriculum Committee’s motion referred to in item 4 above:
That the College of Arts and Sciences temporarily suspend the following rule
“Credit taken in CU Online Courses
A maximum of 30 credit hours of online coursework offered by CU Boulder may count toward the degree.”
(Taken from the College’s current catalogue: )
which suspension shall end when the College resumes normal operation, that is, at the time at which mode-of-instruction in the College is no longer significantly affected, in a way that increases online offerings, as a result of concerns about the spread of COVID19. This suspension is meant to waive the above-cited rule for all and only students enrolled during the semesters in which course modality was affected by concerns about the spread of COVID19, that is, from Spring 2020 to the time at which normal instructional practices resume in the College, unaffected by COVID19. In the event that there is any significant disagreement regarding what counts as the time at which the College has resumed normal operations, that matter will be resolved by a vote of the Arts and Sciences Council (or any College-level faculty governance body – such as an Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate – that has been put in place of the Arts and Sciences Council).
Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council
Nov. 10, 2020, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MDT), by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. Chair’s remarks
3. Senior Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor Eggert on accreditation and Arts and Sciences curriculum
4. Budget for Graduate Programs, update from Andy Cowell, Budget Committee Chair
5. Rebecca Allison, Chair of the Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council, discussion of SAC's projects and priorities
6. Reorganization and Hiring of Deans, report from David Stock, Planning Committee Chair
7. New business
Joint Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dec. 8, 2020, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MST), by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. Chair’s remarks
3. Reports from committee chairs
4. Draft of proposed bylaws for new College faculty governance structure
5. Motion from the Planning Committee concerning College reorganization and the hiring of deans
6. New business
Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council
Jan. 12, 2021, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MST), by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. Chair’s remarks
3. Dean’s hiring plan for the college
4. College reorganization and the hiring of deans (motion from Planning Committee)
5. New business
Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council Feb. 9, 2021, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MST), by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. Chair’s remarks
3. Policies and procedures for the hiring of visiting scholars or professors by non- departmental entities
4. Update on the proposal for new faculty-governance bylaws
5. New business
Meeting of the Arts and Sciences Council
March 16, 2021, 3:30–5:00 p.m. (MDT), by Zoom
1. Dean’s remarks
2. Chair’s remarks
3. Motion out of the Executive Committee concerning policies and procedures for the hiring of faculty by non-departmental entities in the College
4. Motion out the ad hoc Committee on Faculty Affairs concerning a vote by the faculty of Arts and Sciences on proposed faculty governance bylaws
5. New business
For the content of the motions referred to above, see the ASC’s online list of pending motions, at /asfacultystaff/shared-governance/arts-sciences-council/asc-motions