Appearances by skeletons, anime characters and video game personalities made for a delightful scene on campus, flanked by an eerie whisper of morning cloud cover over the Flatirons.
Events on campus include a dance recital around "women's issues are human issues"; a talk on keeping politics from derailing climate action; a look at the consequences of the Little Ice Age; an understanding of Earth's energy balance from space; and more.
Engineering PhD student Natalie Hull is researching different wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation that will best kill dangerous pathogens in the water we drink.
A CU Boulder team will build a tiny orbiting satellite to study the evaporating atmospheres of gigantic "hot Jupiters," gaseous planets orbiting scorchingly close to parent stars. Watch the video.
A report on critical connections between climate change and human health concludes the delayed response to climate change in the past 25 years has jeopardized human life around the globe.
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