Dean Robert McDonald has announced the composition of the Online Strategy Working Group, commissioned to develop a roadmap integrating recommendations from Academic Futures and Financial Futures.
Our phones, tablets and laptops often contain personal information and important data, having great value to criminals. Get pointers from CUPD to help prevent your devices from being stolen.
In a recent op-ed, CU's Frances Draper and Derek Silva give an update on the university's early application for annexation of CU Boulder South and applaud the city council for its work.
The former college, professional and Olympic basketball star delivered an inspirational and thought-provoking keynote address Wednesday at the second annual Inclusive Sports Summit.
Upcoming Town Halls
Academic Futures
Feb. 21: 1 to 2:30 p.m., UMC 425
Feb. 25: 8 to 9:30 a.m., DLC 1B70
March 4: 1 to 2:30 p.m., SEEC C120