CU-Boulder Professor To Simulate Black Hole At Fiske Planetarium

Aug. 28, 2000

The mysteries of black holes and the bizarre phenomena associated with these extreme objects will be discussed at Fiske Planetarium on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder during Professor Andrew HamiltonÂ’s "Black Holes and Relativity" show. HamiltonÂ’s show kicks off Fiske PlanetariumÂ’s fall 2000 schedule of monthly astronomy talks. The live talks are given by CU-Boulder professors.

CALENDAR ITEM: Center Of The American West Lecture

Aug. 28, 2000

A lecture on "Cleaning Up the West: Technology and Culture in the Restoration of Acid Mine Drainage Sites" will be presented by JoAnn Silverstein, CU-Boulder professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering on Tuesday, Sept. 5, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Old Main Chapel. Silverstein will discuss the effects of acid mine drainage and innovative research on the use of microbial organisms to break down toxic heavy metals. The seminar also will explore the role of the mining community in implementing and monitoring these new technologies.

CU-Boulder Names Kathryn Simon New Entrepreneurship Director

Aug. 28, 2000

Kathryn A. Simon, vice president and managing principal of Leopard Communications in Boulder, today was named director of the Robert H. and Beverly A. Deming Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado at Boulder. CU-Boulder College of Business Dean Steven Manaster and College of Engineering Dean Ross Corotis named Simon to the post. Her appointment is effective Sept. 15, pending the approval of the chancellor.

New Judicial Practices At CU-Boulder Target Persistent Problem Drinkers

Aug. 27, 2000

Ron Stump, vice chancellor for student affairs at CU-Boulder, announced today that beginning this fall any student found responsible for three alcohol or drug related incidents, on- or off-campus, is subject to suspension from the university for at least one semester. "The time has come for us to take another step toward our goal of creating a safe, healthy academic community. Our history and mission require us to take such steps," according to Stump.

Statement: Saturday Night Disturbance

Aug. 27, 2000

STATEMENT Saturday Night Disturbance University of Colorado at Boulder A Saturday night block party featuring live music which was held six blocks from the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder grew out of control and turned after midnight into a serious disturbance involving bonfires. City of Boulder police responded. After nearby residents were warned, the police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Panel To Discuss The Extremes Of Life At Aug. 31 Symposium

Aug. 24, 2000

Extreme forms of life -- from organisms living in the scalding water of hot springs to the possibility of life away from Earth -- will be the focus of a symposium at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The symposium, "The Extremes of Life," will be held Thursday, Aug. 31, at 7 p.m. in the University Memorial Center's Glenn Miller Ballroom and will feature a panel discussion. The event is free and open to the public and is geared toward a broad audience.

NCA Team Recommends Full Reaccreditation For CU-Boulder

Aug. 24, 2000

The University of Colorado at Boulder received high marks from a team of higher education leaders who visited the campus in April as part of a comprehensive evaluation for the campusÂ’ continued accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA). In a report recently received by Chancellor Richard L. Byyny, the NCA team recommended full reaccreditation of the Boulder campus, citing "a superior record of meeting the Criteria for Accreditation."

CU-Boulder Continues Program Of Student Computer Lending

Aug. 24, 2000

Editors: A list of students available for comment is included. For the second year in a row, CU-Boulder is lending computers to incoming students who donÂ’t own their own equipment. Computers will be loaned at no cost to 104 students this year, bringing the total number of students in the computer lending program to almost 300.

"Words To Stir The Soul" at CU-Boulder Aug. 31, Tattered Cover On Sept. 19

Aug. 23, 2000

"Words to Stir the Soul: Readings from the American West," will be hosted by the CU-Boulder Center of the American West at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 31, in the Old Main Chapel on the Boulder campus. The popular program celebrates the rich literary heritage of the American West as more than a dozen CU-Boulder professors, students and community members read segments from their favorite western-inspired literature for up to five minutes.

National Teacher Of The Year To Speak At CU-Boulder Sept. 7

Aug. 23, 2000

Editors: A photograph of Whirry is available by calling (303) 492-4007. The 2000 National Teacher of the Year, Marilyn Whirry, will speak on "Exceptional Teaching in an Era of Standards" at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Thursday, Sept. 7. Whirry's appearance is sponsored by the CU-Boulder School of Education along with the Boulder Valley School District and the CU chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. Her address will begin at 4 p.m. in room 252 of the Hellems Arts and Sciences Building.
