Draft Report Of Jan. 21 Meeting By CU Blue Ribbon Commission Forwarded For Member Review

Feb. 6, 2006

A draft report of the Boulder portion of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Diversity appointed by CU President Hank Brown was sent to the 60-member commission late yesterday by the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Equity.

Conference To Focus On Prevention Of Youth Violence, Delinquency And Drug Use

Feb. 6, 2006

Hundreds of people are expected to gather in downtown Denver March 13-15 for a first-of-its-kind conference focused on programs scientifically proven to prevent or reduce youth violence, delinquency and drug use. Nationally renowned experts on youth development will speak at the Blueprints Conference hosted by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The event will be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel, 1550 Court Place.

CU's Deming Center To Host Inaugural International Sustainable Venturing Business Plan Competition

Feb. 6, 2006

The Robert H. and Beverly A. Deming Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado's Leeds School of Business will host the inaugural Sustainable Venturing Business Plan Competition Feb. 23-24 at the Millennium Hotel in Boulder.

CU Professor To Present 'A Journey To The Earth's Interior' On Feb. 18

Feb. 6, 2006

Volcanoes and moving continents are two of the topics to be discussed during the Saturday Physics Series talk, "A Journey to the Earth's Interior," on Feb. 18 at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Shijie Zhong, an associate professor of physics at CU-Boulder, will present the free public talk at 2 p.m. in Duane Physics room G1B30 on the CU-Boulder campus. The Saturday Physics Series is intended for high school students, teachers and adults.

CU-Boulder Releases Settlement Agreement With Gary Barnett

Feb. 5, 2006

MEDIA ADVISORY The final "Settlement and Release of Claims" between the University of Colorado and former football coach Gary Barnett has been signed and details of the agreement are being released today. Following is an executive summary of the agreement. The "Settlement and Release of Claims" document is attached as a PDF file. Questions on the agreement are being taken by Barrie Hartman, interim spokesman, at (303) 492-8927 or (303) 818-7496 and by Mike Bohn, athletic director, at (303) 492-7930.

U.N. Veteran Of War-Torn Sudan To Speak To CU-Boulder Class Feb. 7

Feb. 1, 2006

PHOTO OPPORTUNITY Carl Tinstman, a 30-year veteran of the United Nations who served in three different U.N. agencies with assignments in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, will speak to University of Colorado at Boulder students on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 11 a.m. Tinstman will speak during a Smith Hall International Program class addressing regional cultures of Africa, held in the Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry building room 131.

Black Awareness Month Events Scheduled At CU-Boulder In February

Feb. 1, 2006

Lectures, gospel concerts and a soul food dinner are among many events scheduled in February for Black Awareness Month at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The CU-Boulder Center for Multicultural Affairs is presenting a series of lectures, including an address by the Rev. Al Sharpton, as well as the 16th annual gospel extravaganza and the 14th annual soul food dinner at various locations and times on campus in February. February is also National Black History Month.

Black History Series Featuring CU-Boulder Faculty To Air On KBDI In February And March

Feb. 1, 2006

"A History of Black Achievement in America," a documentary co-produced by Alphonse Keasley, director of the University of Colorado at Boulder Minority Arts and Sciences program, will be televised in February and March on KBDI Channel 12. The series, which also features African American faculty and students from CU-Boulder, will air Saturdays at 1 p.m. starting Feb 4. February is National Black History Month.

National Science Board To Meet At CU-Boulder Feb. 10

Feb. 1, 2006

The National Science Board, the governing body of the National Science Foundation and a major science-policy advising group to the president and Congress, will meet on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus on Feb. 10. The CU-Boulder visit includes a commission meeting by the NSB on 21st century education challenges in science, math and technology. The board also will attend a campus poster session that morning highlighting NSF-funded research underway at CU-Boulder.

Best Way To Manage Weight Is To Listen To Stomach's Stop Sign, Says CU Professor

Jan. 31, 2006

The most effective way for people to regulate their eating and weight without a strict diet is to use their internal signals to balance the overwhelming power of good-tasting food, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder psychology professor. Linda Craighead, who has done research on eating disorders and weight management for more than 20 years, has developed a technique called "appetite awareness training" to help people stop overeating and control their weight, while still eating foods they enjoy.
