person engaging in a virtual fair

How to prepare for the Health Professions Virtual Fair Series

Feb. 16, 2021

The virtual fair will take place March 2–4 and allow you to connect with a variety of health professions programs. Here are some tips for making the most of the virtual fair.

person working on laptop

Interested in the health care industry? Here’s what you need to know

Jan. 26, 2021

Between working as a physician or nurse, or working in public health, there are many career paths in health professions. Here are some steps to take if you’re interested in a career in health care.

Photo taken during an onsite Global Seminar in Brazil

Education Abroad offering virtual programs this summer

Jan. 20, 2021

Wait. What? Study abroad at home? We know “virtual” and “study abroad” aren’t an obvious combination, but virtual programs allow for more accessibility, are less expensive and still offer an amazing cultural opportunity and global foundation for your degree.

Person working on laptop

4 tips to help you land an internship

Jan. 11, 2021

Whether you’ve been looking for a while or you’re just starting your search, here are four tips to help you land an internship.

Person working on laptop

Gain professional experience with a virtual internship

Dec. 22, 2020

If you’re looking to add depth to your résumé and LinkedIn profile and have great stories to share during interviews to demonstrate your strengths and skills, consider joining the Virtual Internship Program beginning Jan. 18.

Student working on laptop in home

Stay professionally prepared: Things to do over winter break

Dec. 8, 2020

Whether you’re looking to make progress in your job or internship search or looking for activities to fill downtime, here are some things you can do over winter break.

person writing on laptop

How to write about your experience designing online, hybrid or remote courses

Dec. 1, 2020

Over the past months, graduate students who teach or assist in teaching courses have gained experience with designing hybrid and remote courses. Review these tips for including your experience in résumés and cover letters.

person covering face with red book

Now accepting applications for the Provost’s Fellowship in Information Science

Nov. 23, 2020

The University Libraries invite graduate students to apply for this opportunity designed to expand one’s understanding of libraries’ and librarians’ roles in the evolving information ecosystem.

flower blossom outside a residence hall

Graduate School, Career Services host talks on nonacademic job searches

Nov. 12, 2020

To further aid graduate students who are beginning to think about career pathways, the Graduate School, in partnership with Career Services, has created a series of special panels to connect students with alumni who have made transitions to successful careers beyond academia.

person works on laptop while sitting on couch

How to find a job in uncertain times

Nov. 10, 2020

While there have been changes in the workforce due to the impacts of COVID-19, many companies and industries are continuing to hire. Read tips and resources for finding a job during uncertain times.
