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Provost announces 3 finalists for education dean

CU Boulder Provost Russell Moore today announced three finalists for the position of dean of the School of Education.

The three finalists are as follows; click here for links to their bios and CVs.

  • Jennifer Esposito Norris, PhD, chair of the Department of Educational Policy Studies, distinguished university professor, Georgia State University
  • Cary Roseth, PhD, professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education, Michigan State University
  • Amanda Haertling Thein, PhD, associate provost for graduate and professional education, dean of the Graduate College, professor of education, University of Iowa

“Hosting these outstanding finalists represents another step forward in realizing an expanded vision for the School of Education,” Moore said. “Any one of these finalists has the experience and the drive to advance the school’s research excellence and elevate its role in preparing educators for the challenges facing Colorado’s and our nation’s K-12 education system.”

Moore thanked Fernando Rosario-Ortiz for his continued commitment serving as interim dean of the school. He also thanked Katherine Eggert, vice chancellor for academic planning and assessment, and the search advisory committee for their work in selecting these outstanding finalists.

The finalists will be visiting campus for interviews between Nov. 13 and Nov. 21. Moore plans to name a permanent dean in spring 2025.