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Provost approves minimum promotion raise for instructors, clinical faculty

Provost approves minimum promotion raise for instructors, clinical faculty

Provost Russell Moore has approved a measure that ensures instructors and clinical faculty receive a minimum $4,000 base-building raise upon promotion to senior instructor and a minimum $6,500 base-building raise upon promotion to principal instructor. Some schools, collegesand departments have previously provided promotion raises for instructors and clinical faculty, but this recommendation ensures campuswide minimum promotion raises.

The move adopts a (ARMAC) to the provost and affirms a 2023 BFA resolutionthat originated the recommendation.

The raises will take effect July 1, 2024, for instructors and clinical faculty promoted during the 2023–24 academic year, to coincide with the date on which other faculty promotion raises go into effect.

“This is a needed investment in the retention of our instructors and clinical faculty, who are vital to serving our students and carrying out our academic mission,” said Moore.

Moore paid special tribute to the Boulder Faculty Assembly and the ARMAC faculty members for their combined work.

“BFA originated the proposal for promotional raises, and the faculty members on ARMAC took that idea and created the benchmarking and analysis needed to help it come to fruition,” Moore said.

BFA Chair Shelly Miller said the measure demonstrated several positive outcomes.

“The BFA Teaching Faculty Affairs committee has been hard at work for some time to improve working conditions for faculty,” Miller said. “BFA representatives have fully endorsed these measures, and I’m delighted the campus is moving forward with our recommendations. This is a great example of how the BFA partners effectively with administration.”

The move is the latest in a series of actions—initiated by CU Boulder and CU system leadership—to invest in people and their success through increased pay and benefits.