Published: Feb. 1, 2016

The first multi-stall, all-gender restroom in the University Memorial Center will open in February.

Located in the UMC’s second floor northwest wing, the all-gender restroom was first proposed by the UMC Board, a branch of CU Student Government and the governing board of the UMC, in 2011. Student leaders shared that not all students feel comfortable using gender-specific restrooms and they wanted an option that is inclusive of all students.

“We want all students to feel welcome at the UMC, which includes providing restrooms that anyone can use regardless of their gender identity,” said Emily Breidt, UMC Board chair.

Existing men’s and women’s restrooms and a custodial storage closet were converted into the six-stall facility. Each stall has floor to ceiling privacy walls and a door, and there is a common area for hand-washing.

The project was started during this past winter break and allowed the noisy portion of the renovation to occur at a time that had minimal impact on students, visitors and staff in the UMC.

“The project has been in the works for a while and I am excited to see it come to completion, said Carlos García, UMC executive director. "We also know that this will be an option for those with opposite gender care givers to accompany their child, parent or client into a restroom and provide needed assistance."

As part of the project, the men’s restroom on the fourth floor will be converted to a women’s restroom to provide the number of women’s restrooms required by code. Signage was placed in this restroom in mid-January to let users know about the change.CUSG’s Finance Board funded the $176,400 project.

The Center for Community and Rec Center also provide all-gender facilities.