Published: April 19, 2007

A second candlelight vigil in remembrance of the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings will be held at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Sunday, April 22, from 8-9 p.m.

The event will be held on the Norlin Quad. Candles will be provided.

The candlelight vigil aims to unite the Boulder community to express compassion and sympathy for those people who were killed or wounded and for "those whose lives will be forever changed" by the April 16 tragedy, according to CU-Boulder students from Virginia who are organizing the event.

The office of the vice chancellor for student affairs issued an e-memo to students Friday titled, "To Remember Those Lost: Tonight, We Are All Hokies," announcing the vigil.

The event follows a candlelight vigil for the Virginia Tech victims held April 18 at the Dalton Trumbo Fountain Court at the University Memorial Center.