Published: April 11, 2007

Conference on World Affairs participant Joseph Wilson spoke Thursday at the University of Colorado at Boulder on the topic "The Politics of Truth."

Wilson's talk from 9:30-11:30 a.m. today in Macky Auditorium on the CU-Boulder campus focused on the controversy surrounding his wife, retired CIA Operative Valerie Plame-Wilson, who is at the center of a Justice Department investigation to determine who was involved in disclosing her identity to reporters in the spring of 2003.

The investigation resulted in the criminal indictment of Vice President Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff Lewis Libby. He was charged with impeding the investigation including obstruction of justice, making false statements to investigators and perjury in testimony before a federal grand jury. Libby was convicted on March 6 on four of five counts.

To hear Wilson's talk, visit the broadcast section of the CU-Boulder News Center Web site at to access an MP3 audio recording of the talk (recording follows opening introductions; runs 1:42:48). Check this site later in the week for more conference postings.

CU-Boulder's Conference of World Affairs opened Monday, April 9, and features talks, panel discussions and live music through 6 p.m. Friday, April 13. For more information on the conference, schedule and speakers go to