Published: April 10, 2007

Alternative fuels, including ethanol and solar power, will be demonstrated and discussed and the physics of mass will be featured during two separate science outreach programs April 21 at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The CU Wizards show "The Chemistry of Energy" is scheduled at 9:30 a.m. in the Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry building, room 140. At 2 p.m., the Saturday Physics Series show -- the "Mystery of Mass" -- will meet in Duane Physics, room G1B30.

Both programs are free and open to the public.

CU Wizards programs are geared to students in grades five through nine, while the Saturday Physics Series targets high school students, teachers and adults.

CU-Boulder Professor Steve George of the chemistry and biochemistry department will present the CU Wizards show, which will delve into energy conversions, including how plants harvest sunlight and the origins of coal and oil.

Associate Professor Stephen Wagner of physics will present the Saturday Physics Series show, where he will explore questions about mass, including what it is and what scientists have learned about it.

For more information about CU Wizards, call (303) 492-5011 or go to the Web site at . For information about the Saturday Physics Series call (303) 492-4318 or go to .