Published: Feb. 7, 2007

The little-known science behind liquid crystals, which are used to display information in items like laptop computers and cell phones, will be featured in the CU Wizards show Feb. 17 at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The show "Light, Polarization and Liquid Crystals" will take place at 9:30 a.m. in Duane Physics room G1B30. At 2 p.m., a separate show on classroom innovations that are helping transform physics education will be presented as part of the Saturday Physics Series, also in G1B30.

Both shows are free and open to the public. CU Wizards shows are aimed at students in grades five through nine, while the Saturday Physics Series targets high school students, teachers and adults.

CU-Boulder professors Noel Clark and David Walba will explore light, polarization, optics and the history behind liquid crystals in the CU Wizards show. Student audience members also will receive optics kits to continue studying light at home.

Later, in "Physics Education Research in Action," physics Professor Steven Pollock will discuss how researchers at CU-Boulder are helping transform the way students learn about physics in college. During the show he will demonstrate several successful tools and tactics employed by CU physics professors, including "clickers" that are used in large classes to garner immediate feedback from students.

The Saturday Physics Series receives funding from the CU-Boulder Outreach Committee.

For more information about CU Wizards call (303) 492-5011 or visit . For more information about the Saturday Physics Series call (303) 492-4318 or visit .