Published: Jan. 17, 2007

I know I join the other chancellors of the CU campuses, as well as the faculty, staff and students of our combined university communities, in expressing our gratitude at the long and immeasurable service of Hank Brown to the state of Colorado, and more recently to the University of Colorado. He has been a leader of character and vision at a vital moment in the university's history - perhaps its most vital moment. He has brought public confidence, esteem and a spirit of optimism to the entire university system and to all of our campuses. His contributions to CU as a student leader, a state lawmaker and in the United States Congress, have helped to make CU what it is today. We wish him well in all his future endeavors, and know that his influence will be long-felt and deeply valued as the university enters a bold new era - an era that he, as much as anyone, helped to create.

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